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Trying to catch up but thanks for sharing!

It's so fascinating to see Clint's return in 1991 it seems forgotten about and long glossed over. It also had to be the last story Gina got until at least 2003 between the restaurant fire and her relationship with John.

I felt so bad for Cassandra especially with her demise around the corner. It's not like Traci and Brad worked out anyways.

Edited by soapfan770
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Thanks! :) take as much time needed with the catching up! haha.

it's funny how years later when they did the Marge redux in 2008-09 and had Clint return, they made Gina make some snarky comment about Clint just being a lowlife she used to be married to, yet it's so obvious by watching these, she never got over him to the point that they even had her make references to him in episodes that aired after this......her saying how much she wishes he weren't in jail etc.......anyways that story was under MAB so enough said.......

I still miss Patty Weaver.....too bad she's basically retired or something....I know she had develop back problems along with something else......

the Cassandra stuff is why I always hate Brad so much among other things. He really gave the word "hypocrisy" a whole new meaning throughout his run didn't he?.....but I guess that's because Don Diamont always plays a total douchebag so well.

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I didn't start watching Y&R until1983. I have some questions about the early characters of the show whose actor's names I have not been able to find. I have found these character's names in books and magazines over the years, and I was hoping that maybe some other fans might have come across the information I'm looking for. If any of the characters didn't actually appear on the show, I'd like to know that, too.

If anyone out there has questions about cast members in smaller roles, feel free to ask, as I've been keeping cast lists for many years.

1973: Susie Wilcox-Martin child of Sally McGuire and Frank Martin[Jay Ingram]

Nurse Jane Wilcox adopted Susie

Steve Jane's boyfriend

Mrs. Frank Martin Frank's wife

1974 Hazel Jill's boss

1975-76 Vivian Anders AA Sponsor for Katherine, found by Brock

1976 Dave Larsen Lauralee's publisher

1977 Dr. Atwater Jennifer's doctor

Detective Dillon Jennifer's death

Mr. Johnson or Jeff Lawrence or both lawyer, Ron Becker

Ramon Mute boy

Nurse Warner Bill Foster's nurse

1978 Mrs. Nell Remley poor old woman

1979 Sharon and Julie Hookers, Rose DeVille

1980 Monique girlfriend, Lance Prentiss

George Packard CEO Chancellor Industries ousted by Judy Wilson and Derek Thurston

1983 Sparky [real name unknown] Traci's drug dealer

1984 Kimo scuba task force, Rick Daros story

1985 Frances former cellmate, Gina Roma, ruined her wedding to Neil Fenmore for Lauren

Tom the diner owner Ashley worked for

Between 1973-1980 these actors appeared on Y&R. Does anyone know what characters they played?

Lane Davies

Alan Dysert

Kim Hamilton

David Lewis

Frank Parker

Mark Pinter[later Marcus Wheeler]

Robert S. Woods

Thanks again for any input! Happy Easter to all!

Edited by slick jones
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I know there was a character named Brent, that Jill dated around October 1973. Also in 1973 a male photographer that wanted to take nude photos of Jill and Chris, that was sometime around Sep 1973. Maybe the actors listed played one of those characters. Not sure. Also I wasn't sure Frank's wife was ever on screen to be honest, though I have never found in depth synopsis from 1973.

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Lane Davies said he was on Y&R as Julia Newman's doctor. I think it was his first soap role.

Bill Foster's nurse may have been played by actress Alice Backes. I think it was her playing the nurse that finds Bill's respirator plug on the floor in the 1976 episode that was uploaded briefly.

I seem to remember a girl character listed with the last name Foster in an old soap magazine/book. I can't recall the first name. I wonder if she was a cousin or something. She may have never made it onscreen.

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I just remembered. In the recasts section I posted about Sean Garrison being listed as John Abbott in 1980 in a newspaper Q&A from January 1981. As far as I am aware Brett Halsey was the only John Abbott between 1980 - 1981. This could have been an error and Sean was never on the show, but I get the feeling if he was he may have played George Packard. He was born in 1937 which would have made him 43. Brett Halsey and Jerry Douglas were born in 1933 and 1932 respectively. So Sean, if he was on the show, would have been slightly too young to play John Abbott. Also SOD only ever mention Brett from the beginning of the character's start on the show to the end.

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