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That was dropped once Bill decided to keep Leanna.


Some stories like Nina's son & Lily's paternity COULD have been good stories had Bill (or any competent writer that cared about Y&R & its characters) written them but instead characters were written horribly OOC for inane, ratings driven sweeps stunts.

Leanna actually had quite a bit of an edge (hers was more sexual than Alex's though).

It wasn't until she divorced Victor that she became mainly a comedic character..


Intially Lisa was written as sympathetic & naive.

Brad constantly rejected her though making her more & more obsessed with winning him back which is what led to her eventually keeping him in the cage.


Killed her in the tub.

Michael didn't kill Hilary. She left him.

However he DID kill Rebecca (though Bill didn't press the issue since he & the audience fell in love with CLB).

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Who was Rebecca again?

I have seen the episode where David confronts Vivian in her apartment (great cliffhanger) but did they show him killing her or did Nina ever find out?

I wish that the early Leanne was available to see. It's so tough for me to imagine her as crazy.

I totally forgot about them ruining the Nina's son story. Ugh. I wish they could say Ronan was lying (they already did once) and just drop it.

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Carl, Rebecca was that blonde hair woman who was on from 1992-1993, who helped Michael with his schemes against Danny and Cricket. She's the one, (as you will see in this video) that drugged Danny's drink and brought in another woman and photographer and made it look like Danny was having an affair with this woman and Cricket would see the photos. I don't know how she and Michael met, but i do know that she was a big Danny fan, which was an advantage for Michael. I guess later like all other woman with guilty conscience, she turned against him, but he did kill her, not sure how though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK-sMRT_OSk&list=PL40B53AF463FB7081&index=125&feature=plpp_video

Regarding Vivian, that confrontation that they showed in the November 13 1990 episode, was the only time you saw David and Vivian in the same room, If you watched the next episode i posted November 14, 1990. You see David board the plane to Cricket and Danny's wedding along with everybody else like nothing happen. So her death was obviously offscreen, but I guess later they said what happen and Nina did find out too. Then remember they brought in vivian's brother and thats how Nina found out that Vivian was her real name, since she was using the name Kathy.

I perosnally wished they showed David electrocute Vivian, but i guess they wanted it to be more mysterious if they didn't show it. I don't think Bill plotted that part well IMO. I would have loved to see how she was supposedly electrocuted, considering she was fully clothed and not even in the bathtube when he entered her room. Hopefully they show flashbacks on another episode i don't have yet.

Edited by yr9190
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Also, Vivian's wasn't Rebecca's Harpers (the woman David killed in Jamica) sister but best friend.

I have another question regarding the "some secrets best not to be revealed" thing. Paul never found out about Sheila actually being alive and living in LA, after the fire and everything right? I don't think Lauren ever choose to tell him that, but i do think it's weird that During a couple episodes from November 1993 i posted a while ago, when Lauren,Cricket and Paul are mourning Scott. Lauren was actually going to tell Paul, what happen in Catalina on B&B, but had to stop and say she would tell him another time. What gets me there is that why would Lauren all of a sudden want to tell Paul about Sheila being alive, even if Scott were already dead? They made it sound like she had forgotten that she hadn't told Paul about Sheila being alive.

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Yes it's all very confusing. I think Kelly Garrison, who played hilary, even played Rebecca harper in flashback's. Bill liked using some of the same cast members over again so it makes sense.

As confusing as these stories got, It's really a shame how we will never get the same type of super couple struggling to stay together field. as we did back then with Danny and Cricket.

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David was just a smooth talker for his first 2-3 years on the show wasn't he? Do you think they should have had it where he suddenly had a past of murdering women, or should it have just been more gradual, where he was slowly driven to kill?

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I should note regarding Lisa's introduction there use to be a clip from early 1988 on YT with Jack telling Ashley his discovery of Brad and Lisa and how it eerily paralleled Brad and Traci ie Brad was the gardener for the Mansfield family. It was enough of a coincidence that Ashley seriously believed Jack's argument that Brad was after money.

Michael didn't kill Rebecca just like Sheila didn't kill Jay on B&B happy.png

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Victor and Nikki's 1984 wedding was the best wedding ever on Y&R.

LMAO at Ashley "I want everything...just like Nikki's having". Yeah, in about a year you'll also want the husband that Nikki has.

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