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Wait... So Eric and Brenda DID share scenes together?? Man i bet that looked very Trippy. LOL

Was it just jealousy that made Brenda and MTS dislike each other?

Again i feel like Melody really only cared for Jess as Jill, Bond wasn't there that long, and even as nice as i heard Deborah was, i would think that Melody didn't take the time to get to know her.

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But mainly when Brenda returned she was very unhappy about no longer Bill's primary heroine (though she hadn't been even prior to her first stint) but it got progressively worse the more Bill fell in love with MTS (amongst other stuff) & MTS (who can be bitchy herself at times) responded with a similar aloofness toward Brenda.

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This stuff always fascinates me, mostly because it seems like the cast had a much more together attitude in the early years. I'm never sure if that's just a myth (since most of what I know is the cast feeling they were treated unfairly), or if as some of the originals left and MTS, Braeden, etc. arrived, and the show began to build itself, egos took over.

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I have really mixed feelings where Melody is concerned. I feel like at some aspects she can be generous towards people and the show itself, but i feel like overall she is the shows "snob"

Another thing i was wondering is about her and Victoria Rowell. I know Viki has spoke free willingly on how she thought both Melody and Ed were A**holes and Melody did that wig incident that was very rude. But how did the two actually get along over the years. I assume they were cordial together for the most part until Melody did that cruel prank.

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She's hot/cold a lot of the time.

So how she treats people often depends on the day. laugh.png

They didn't.

Vicki (for the most part) was too busy & had no interest in participating in popularity contests whereas MTS mainly (outside of Heather Tom & occasionally Braeden & Morrow) kept to herself.

Edited by DeeeDee
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Do you think that Twitter fans were partially responsible for the show bringing Melody back or was that down to falling ratings? Or maybe she has some friends at Sony, I don't know. She's survived so many weird coups over the last decade - I guess a lot of the tension started when she got together with Ed Scott but I wonder if she was really that different in the '80s than she is now.

I always wonder exactly what MAB is doing. Everyone always makes sure she isn't blamed for anything. I don't know if she is Machaevallian or if she really just goes to art shows, or pashmina sales, or whatever, and then says, "Hey don't blame me, I'm your friend."

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I wonder how Vicki agreed to have Melody guess star on diagnosis murder for that Y&R episode, since i thought that Vicki was responsible for that episode being possible, unless that wasn't in her power. It must have been painful to have those scenes with the two of them done together

Have Vicki and Heather Tom gotten along over the years Deedee? I remember reading on Vicki's twitter that someone ask her how "Victoria" (not naming Heather or Amelia) was on the set, and Vicki replied: "Didn't speak much to her" or something like that. I kind of assume she meant Heather since i know she can be snobby too.

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I can see Brenda not getting along with MTS... i'm sure her marrying Ed Scott garnered favoritism within the show. I'llbe honest, I don't ever remember Brenda and Braeden having scenes together... but i'm sure there were a few, just nothing sticks out in my mind. I was stunned that Melody married Ed Scott at the time, she was so beautiful, and he was a fat old troll... they looked so mis matched, they still do.

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Falling ratings.

Y&R/Sony was ready to lose Jess, Kristoff & Eric (amongst others) so MTS was nothing special in terms of contract negotiations.

She was wild (in her own way) in the 80's & she got worse over time.

She's a Bell in-law.

Nobody's gonna risk blaming her (especially in this economy),

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You have to wonder who they thought they'd replace them with. Imagine if Braeden had left and Bloom's choice Stephen Nichols had become the new male lead. If his work on Y&R so far is any indication, yikes. I guess wanting new talent to replace old is also why people like Maura West were hired, yet if rumor is true, MAB railroaded her out and gave Diane a disgusting time, all with Sony letting it happen.

I just have no idea who cares about this show. It's sad to think this show was such a profit-maker and a force for CBS and so many different people are happy to let it die.

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It was Vicki's idea but the characters involved was Bill's decision.

There was no drama there. They were both very professional.

Surprisingly Heather's not snobby.

She's assertive, professional & knows she's talented but she's not really into popularity contests either.

Another one of the reasons Brenda had issues with MTS.

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