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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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This was sort of a dull episode.   Introducing one new character is fine, introducing an entire town worth of characters reduces them all to random annoyances I don't really care about.   The head of the town is just annoying.   Rick and Michonne:  They became nauseating awful fast!   Get a room!   The holding hands while driving was just too much.  How sweet.  Then there is Abraham.   Aside from the Bisquick comment he still is dull and this C-List love triangle is a waste of time.   I suspect Sasha is going to die because she has no story really and if they have whatshername, Abraham's other friend who hasn't had a single story since arriving on the show, if they have her kill Sasha in a jealous rage they can get rid of a lot of dead wood at once.   I really think if Glenn or Maggie is slated to die it has to be Glenn.   They already have one single dad raising a baby, to make Glenn one too would be redundant.  But a single mom is something new, and if they kill Michonne because she is romantically entangled with Rick and that can't last, then Maggie and Rick can get all Brady Bunch.   Also, not to make light of Glenn's skill set, but Jesus has the exact same function in his town that Glenn did at the start of the show, and maybe we are looking at Glenn II.



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There was a bit more than that - she grabbed his ass, and we got the equivalent of the "don't mess with him" bodydrop, but considering it was not even 24 hours after their first time, I thought it was all understandable. It just showed me they can be partners in every way and it won't change the dynamic of the show. It's also canny of the show to give him more scenes with Daryl in case any fans become convinced she's taking Daryl's place, or whatever.


I think this episode just ended up showing again how much Abraham is an ill fit into the canvas. Michael Cudlitz is a good actor, and he did a particularly good job in this episode, but seeing him basically ask people he barely speaks to about babies and whether they want babies - talk about forced. I'm not thrilled that the only role Sasha has is being his impetus to dump Rosita. In spite of the iffy writing I think Rosita and Abraham, thanks to the actors, work well together, and while I get the idea of Abraham seeing her as his wilderness years and now wanting to go back to what he had before with his wife, I just don't think the buildup was there. And I'd like to see more of Rosita in her own right. 


Hilltop was a bit underwhelming for me - trailers and a big mansion and wangy-twang music that sounded like instrumentals for a CBS show circa the early '80s. Gregory was also more of the same - another leader who is an idiot, with added sexism and perviness. I did like some of the supporting people, like the doctor (I can't help wondering if he will end up replacing Denise...), and Jesus is still a good addition. Best of all was seeing Maggie get to take a more dominant role in the group, in an area that was more her forte. The show is both blessed and cursed with so many interesting female characters, because even to give Maggie more to do, Carol was MIA, but at any rate, it was good to see her growing into her own role. 

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I think Daryl's going to be the one to die. Jesus is pretty much his replacement. Of course I could happily wave goodbye to Abraham.


I had to laugh at Rick trying to explain to Carl that this thing with Michonne just happened. Like literally a couple of hours ago. I liked Jesus telling Carl that he was waiting for "your mom and dad to get dressed."


BTW, where is Carol? Is MM working on another project or something?

Edited by marceline
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Carol has gotten short changed all year.   I can't see them killing Daryl.  It's true he doesn't have much to do anymore but he is the most popular character for the audience and killing him might cost them viewers.  I am praying it is Morgan who dies.   The show has this uncanny ability to make good characters so stupid you wind up rooting for them off the show:  Lori, Andrea, Tyrese, and now you have Morgan.  That priest tried to work his way back into acceptability but I honestly think for him it is too little too late.   The priest and Morgan were so annoyingly written they need to die.

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They always tend to rotate the (now very large) cast from episode to episode to give different people focus. Abraham, Rosita, etc. had their share of time off up to now, so it was Carol's turn. My bet is she gets a lot more in the upcoming weeks, that's generally how it goes.


I don't think they will kill Maggie and I don't think either the showrunner or AMC have any interest in brutally murdering another pregnant woman, especially in the circumstances which may arise. I think it's either Daryl or Abraham, but it's also very possible they'll kill both - or they'll just opt to finally take out Glenn. I'd hate to see him go, but who knows what'll happen. The sense of foreboding was really effective. Even people who don't know what happens with Negan can tell it's about to go down.


The Hilltop so resembled Django Unchained it was kind of hilarious. But I liked them building the new paradigm with the various settlements and I thought all that worked - this is what I find interesting about a post-apocalyptic story, the nuts and bolts of rebuilding communities and what that requires. God knows my diet would improve. Sorghum! As always, it reminds me of the old Survivors in the UK.


I liked Abraham's romantic testimonial to Sasha in the first half of the season way more than I'd expected to, and I think they've done a good job fleshing the character out after his unbearable introduction and making him tolerable and then enjoyable. I thought his existential struggle this week (which was shown to be about more than the woman both here and earlier in the season - more about his PTSD/adrenaline fix) was interesting. That being said I still could lose him and be okay with it, and I can see why Sasha backed off.


(I did not see Michonne grabbing Rick's ass.)


I had pretty much stopped reading so this may be wrong but IIRC, in the books

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If its Glenn, Maggie suffers.  Win win win win win win win.  I just think its going to be Maggie because of how much focus they put on the baby, and as someone else pointed out, another kid?  Or perhaps, the birth of her kid will be a sign of hope.  


Glenn has narrowly escaped death 57 times.  The joke is old and tired.  His time has come!  

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In the books

I expect that trajectory to continue with some changes, but who knows. I'm not sure they'll go that far. They sometimes follow the rough line of the story but take a lot of liberties with Kirkman's narrative to make it actually good. Other times they do totally different stuff.

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