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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Filler fake out trash eppy only to leave it as a cliffhanger?  I'm not even or was never at the edge of my seat and I'm not anxiously awaiting October because the eppy was not interesting at all.  Was it Daryl, will Carol die, will it be Morgan?  Pfft!  


JDM is hella fine tho!  

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I'm not as annoyed with the cliffhanger as a lot of online people seem to be, but I do think it was completely unnecessary. I also agree that it felt like filler, but I don't think the producers thought it would come across that way. I'm sure they thought the were building suspense having the group blocked at every turn.


It was nice to see Eugene come into his own even if his plan completely failed. Daryl and Maggie were half dead, so I don't think Negan would have chosen them. Realistically, Abraham is the only one who could have taken that first hit "like a champ". Not that I trust the show not to cheat in that regard.  Well, maybe Rick could have, but I can't see them killing him.


I was happy to see Michonne and Carl staying tough, while everyone else was crumbling. I'm not worried about Carol. They aren't going to kill two major people off at the same time, imo.



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I thought it was lame.   It isn't the kind of cliffhanger that is fun in an Agatha Chrstie way, it is just withholding information and no analysis or thought is required.    The rest of the episode was on the dull side.   The first few seasons of TWD didn't do cliffhangers, it wasn't until Terminus they started.   The show didn't need them and this reminds me of The Killing:   a cliffhanger for no reason that will only manage to make people tune out.   Thanks to the Glenn fakeout earlier this year we have been trained to be cynical and decide who can't be killed.  That means the person who will be killed is not someone worth cliffhanging about and therefore not worrying about.   It would have been better to kill whoever now and let the audience agonize about it.    The identity of the victim will be met with indifference  and when it is revealed Eugene is gone there will be a collective cry of "boring!" from the audience.


Carol and Morgan...did they just meet superheroes or something?  So this is why Carol had to have an insane personality rewrite:  just to get she and Morgan to this place to meet Mr Perfect.    Look how the show totally botched up the moment when Morgan had to finally kill.  A whole year listening to his sermons and then not even a dramatic moment?

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Well, I can see why people are pissed, but I don't think it was filler or a fakeout. I thought the dread and suspense built incredibly well for the first hour-plus - all the roads blocked and all these incredibly ominous scenes they kept coming across. It reminded me vaguely of some old British ghost horror pictures, where mood was everything because their budgets were minimal. The final tableau with the circle of whistlers was terrifying. You believed our crew had finally been pushed to their limits. The fear they all played takes a lot of guts and security in their roles to do after all this time playing badasses.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan was fine as Negan - considerably less annoying than the comic thus far but with plenty of the actor's charm. A little of Negan still goes a long way for me, though.


The problem for some people, I think, is that TWD often picks premieres or finales to experiment with mood and tension and a lot of the audience isn't here for that; they want splatter, big drama and shock. This was not that - it was all just the slow, grinding, and (IMO) terrifying build to the final scene. Which I enjoyed a lot, more than I enjoyed Negan. I've complained about the repetition of the human threats in the past, but because of this episode I finally felt the Saviors were something different, the real deal. It was because of their psy-op approach. Fear works when you build it, as opposed to gore.


But hey - that's me.

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I thought it was dramatic enough, albeit in part thanks to Lennie's performance. 


I can't say I disagree with a lot of the criticisms, especially the choice to have a cliffhanger, but I was so blown away by Andrew Lincoln's performance, and Josh McDermitt's too. JDM was also excellent. I wish they'd made a lot of different basic writing choices this season (especially, as someone said, to not write so much based on the viewer's point of view), but a lot of the episode worked for me due to the quality of acting. 


And I loved Rick losing it over Michonne's hair. Pure soap.

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According to today's Twin Peaks 2017 casting infodump, Josh McDermitt is on the list for the new show. (As is longtime Lynch associate Alicia Witt, who appeared on the original show and played Paula, Carol's nemesis in "The Same Boat".)

Edited by Vee
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