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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I never thought I'd turn out to be a fan of Abraham and Sasha together, but the pairing works. His speech to her and their interplay has really worked this season thus far.


Toups, they've always protracted plot beats like this. Especially when establishing new characters (or relationships).

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Glad Glenn is alive but it was rather ridiculous how they made us think he was dead for three episodes in a row.  And the way he survived too was silly.  Agreed with @Darn that it should've been a commercial cliffhanger than a 3 episodes thing. 

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Carol should have killed Morgan weeks ago.  And where was her gun?  He is too stupid to live unfortunately.  That first scene with the bugs was creepy.   I felt bad about losing Deanna, as I liked her and liked that there was one cultured urban character on the show (and possibly jewish?)  Everyone else is so rural and suburban. 

Anyway, that doctor was an idiot for helping Morgan.  Ron, or whatever his name is, is an idiot for his whole gun tantrum.   Sam is an idiot for talking. 

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Sam is a little boy.


Wonderful scene with Deanna and Michonne. And yeah, Morgan does need an asswhupping for this whole thing. I was pleased with it but I hope we don't lose too many people when it returns. Poor Merrit Weaver!

Carl had line of the year. I'm glad Ron didn't shoot his eye out.


Since no one wants to watch Into the Badlands, here is the "2-minute prologue" for TWD's return.


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There's a whole lot of people on this show who need to look at the flowers.


I'm so tired of the "I don't want to kill" losers endangering everybody else. I don't care what incarnation that character takes be it Herschel, Tyrese, Morgan, etc... they are a liability. They always end up getting other innocent people hurt or killed. Always. Thanks to Morgan's high mindedness, Carol's unconscious, they lost a couple of guns and Denise, the town doctor, is probably on her way to a grisly death. Then there are the cowards: Father Pee Pants and Eugene. The world has been changed for at least a couple of years. There's no reason for the continued existence of people like this.


I'm also really tired of scenes where someone pulls [!@#$%^&*] like Ron did and Carl excuses it. It's the same thing we saw with Glenn and Nicholas. Glenn kept trying to save Nicholas and how many people paid the price for that? It's isn't noble to protect these people from the consequences of their actions. It isn't good for the community to disregard blatantly dangerous incompetence. Everybody in that house was fairly safe until Porchdick Jr. decided to follow in his father's footsteps. All they had to do was hunker down and wait but no, that was the moment his emo ass decided it was the right time to commit himself some murder.


As for Sam, they've indulged his childish fears too much and it's going to cost them. We can already see his whiny little meltdown coming. This show is getting very frustrating because I feel like it tells the same story over and over.

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Yesterday was the first eppy I've watched in its entirety, and I needed Morgan to face the flowers so badly.  Tired of his ass, but I will say that Carol as his nemesis was a wonderful idea and I can't to see them get out of this together.  The fight was great, but Morgan is superior in fighting, so the outcome was realistic.  


Why is that mullet still on this show?

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So agreed with these two posts!  It's characters like these that make the show so frustrating to watch - they're liabilities that get people killed.  Morgan is also responsible for letting those Wolves go that shot up Rick's mobile-home.  It was so pointless to bring him back.  He adds nothing to the crew. He just endangers them. This guy really needs to die. 

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Overall, I was utterly disappointed with the mid-season finale. Yes, there were some fine moments -- the image of the ants making their way to Sam's plate, Deanna and Michonne's talk, Deanna's "Oh crap" line. But, overall, the episode was very anticlimactic.


While I understand the house was under siege by walkers, Rick and Jessie showed so little concern for their offspring. Rick makes a point of saying that Deanna can't be by herself, but then doesn't send anyone to watch over her. Poor Judith could have been a goner. Then there's Jessie who doesn't bother to tell Sam that they're fleeing the house until the kid opens the door. Very clunky plotting.


Then there's the missing characters. Where's Aaron? Where's his long MIA boyfriend? Where's Deanna's son?


And I was rooting for Father Gabriel and Eugene to bite it last night. I would have much preferred them as opposed to Deanna.

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I feel like the show needs an end date one or two seasons in the future so they can start working towards something that sticks. I feel like we keep recycling stories: the group finds a safe place, they encounter a second group, Group B is evil or at least their leader is, Group A fights back, somebody doesn't want to kill people which leads to a bunch of red shirts getting killed, safe place is destroyed, the group splits, survivors begin to wander, the group reconstitutes itself, they find another safe place. Lather rinse repeat.


What is the endgame for this show?

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