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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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This was a really weird episode. It was pretentious as all hell - I kept waiting for Laura Palmer to show up in the room and take Tyreese's hand - yet some of it did truly work.

The show is becoming very stylized and niching (is that a word?) itself, perhaps because it's gone on far longer as a massive hit as TPTB may have thought, so they're just going, "!@#$%^&*] it. We do what he want." That will chase away viewers, but I guess they're going to lose viewers anyway, so I can't really chide them.

I wanted to thank Chad Coleman for 3 years of strong work, even with scripts and characterizations that often felt incomplete or were barely about Tyreese at all. Tyreese became a symbol, not a character, but Chad always gave his best. A true talent. I will miss him.

Summing up my thoughts:

- So that's it on the "voice of hope and morality," right? They've killed 4 now. Can we put that trope to rest and not have to see Rick angsting over it anymore? Surely that was the whole point of Tyreese's long, slow death here?

- Damn did Andrew Lincoln look good in that tight, sweat-soaked tee.

- Sorry, but I just can't blame Noah for Tyreese's death. If anything got Tyreese it was either that he has a hangup on twins, or he was just plain tired. He knew the walker on the bed was still alive, and he still got distracted.

- I'm a terrible person, but when Noah sprinted to his house, my first thought was, "He can't take any more of Tyreese's moralizing speeches. He'd rather die."

- I also laughed at the obstacle course scene when they were trying to get Tyreese out. And then the raining walker torsos...we were supposed to laugh a little, right?

- Speaking of Noah, Tyler James Williams was absolutely superb in this episode. The breakdown in the middle of the street really got to me even as I start to become dead to the big displays of grief on this show. He is a fantastic actor and I'm sorry this is often overlooked for "He replaced Beth, how dare he!" or "He gets people killed!" or Everybody Hates Chris jokes.

- Was that Andrew Lincoln's voice on Tyreese's internal radio (the British accent)?

- Rick listening to Michonne and having cool walker kills with her. YES. THANK YOU.

- When Beth showed up, singing, the first thing I thought of was this board and how much some people would be raging. It cracked me up.

- Some evil part of me wanted to see The Governor or Martin in the car at the end too. Maybe The Governor talking about how much Rick stank.

- If we were getting voices in the past, why didn't we get Karen or Hershel? I get that The Governor was there to represent evil and the worst of life, but I also wondered if he just popped up because David Morrissey has a show on AMC this year.

- Glenn being put in such a central role makes me very nervous.

- I wanted to cry when I saw Sasha at the end, so clearly in shock and numb, to the point where she could barely walk. I just want to hug her and tell her everything will be OK. I never thought she'd make it this long. Roles like Sasha's are almost always fodder for manpain. Now that she's made it, please, TWD, don't just kill her off for shock value or filler death. Make her character count. Show Sonequa Martin Green's talent and ability as she has consistently shown from her first scene.

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Thank you to whomever decided it was time for Tyreese to go! CC is a good actor, but this role stunk! He served his purpose, protected Judith, rambled to poor Noah...C-Ya! Now its time for Abraham, Cudlitz, and that whiny priest to be kebabs!

Sonequa was perfect in her performance. I hope she sticks around a while longer. Those creepy little girls need to stay gone from now on, they can be the governor's new kids in the afterlife...tongue.pngtongue.png

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