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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Great episode. Carol picked up right where she left off last season and is still the best character on the show. I love how non-chalantly she told that guy "we're friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat." Tasha Yar didn't have much chance against her either. The last scenes with the reunion was a rare happy moment for out crew. A little surprising how they got done with Terminus after only one episode but maybe their leader will resurface looking for dinner later this year.

Not too many people had a lot to do this week. Tyrese and yet another magical unable to be shown take down of walkers bores me. The guy who was talking about how the government has ways of stopping this all seemed interesting.

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I thought this was a terrific episode. Suspenseful throughout, no real time spent on pontificating. I'm not a fan of making Carol an uber-hero, but Melissa McBride offsets any potential Mary Sue breakouts with her naturalistic acting style. I also like that she clearly learned from the people around her (the walker guts on her face, the weapons training).

The reunions at the end were very moving. The Terminus people were beaten a little too quickly, but then, this is likely the first time they'd been challenged on so many levels, and it's obvious not all of them are gone.

The question of just how good you should allow yourself to be popped up yet again, as we saw Tyreese and Glenn both screw up based on their attempts at being decent people, and possibly the group screwing up by not letting Rick go back to kill. Yet we also have the Terminus people telling us that you can't go too far in the other direction. This morality play may get a little stale at times but it works overall.

This show gets so many small details right, like Michonne and Carol, both mothers without children, watching Rick and Carl with Judith.

I'm sorry to see Denise Crosby go but it was a real pleasure getting to have her on TV again. I hope this gets her some more acting work.

I wish we'd gotten more of the group this week but I was mostly just happy no one died, as their death would have had no meaning with so much going on. I love having such a large cast. I'm sure a few will die soon, and sadly, not the ones I want dead (looking at you, Abraham and Eugene), but I still like having this many characters who can bounce off each other.

And it's a real credit to the show how much more diverse the cast has become in the last two seasons.

The biggest shock of all...the biggest shock ever in the show's history...Morgan! I just happened to keep watching the credits, assuming the show was over, and there he was. There have been rumors for eons about him returning (I think the last one was that he would return to help battle The Governor). HOW did they keep that a secret? I can't wait to see how he is with Rick now. They've both changed so much.

Edited by DRW50
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After Carl's status update I expected Carol or the baby to get, like, shot in the face at the end or something. I was hoping maybe they'd take Rosita out too. Instead I almost fast-forwarded past the post-credits tag.

Great show, but I continue to fear for my beautiful Sasha, who has yet to make the opening credits. This was also probably the best acting Denise Crosby has ever done, not that that's saying much (and I loved Tasha Yar).

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I could have sworn they said last year they'd made her a regular for this season. I get so mixed up.

I don't mind Rosita, although she's superfluous. I like that they addressed the earrings (having her use them as a weapon).

What did you think of Morgan being back?

I just hope they don't feel that means they must write Tyreese or Bob out to somehow balance it out.

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I believe Sonequa Martin-Green is still in the Also Starring category with Larry Gilliard (who they haven't done nearly enough with yet, so I'm hoping he's okay for now), but I may be wrong. Emily Kinney was there for years, though, as was Melissa McBride, and now they're both on the big board. Not that that means that much on TWD, but still.

I am always happy to see Lennie James, but I question what it will mean. They can feel free to kill any of Abraham's people to free up space.

Edited by Vee
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