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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Re-watching, I hope that Tara survived. She was the only one with any moral compass in that group.

Yeah, Tyreese ran after those four children. I wonder if they hid Judith away because they were dragging her in the carrier. It would explain why they were running in the opposite direction towards where they hid her.

Rick's final line, "don't look back, Carl, keep walking" was a hard ending.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Tis was a great episode and I love that creepy girl is able to walk the walk. She is like Carl 2.0. Sad about Herschel but I think his homespun advice has run its course. There is only so much wisdom that one show needs and now it is time for everyone to proceed without someone who is perpetually correct. Clearly they had a standing exit plan with the bus and whatnot, so I imagine the plan is everyone who can rendezvous at wherever will, but Tyrese and the kids went the wrong way it seems, Maggie I am not even sure where she ran off to looking for her sister, Rick and Carl are on their own, so I am expecting in Feb everyone will look to Daryl to take over. And where did Michonne go after saving Rick?

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My thoughts after the re-watch:

Where is Michonne? I expected her to pop up behind Rick when he was reunited with Carl.

Tyreese went after the two girls who I am sure were going to find the other two children.

If Judith is alive, she is either with Tyreese and the children or Michonne.

Phillip thinking that Lily was coming to help him, only for her to shoot him dead was classic. I noticed that one of the walkers stepped on a king from a chess set. The writers' way of saying the wannabe king is dead.

Alicia was wrong, it was not too late. She could have taken Tara and run away. I would like it if Tara is alive and hooks up with one of our survivors. I am think that Lily is dead. Either the walkers killed her or she killed herself.

Two months! I will miss the show desperately until it comes back.

Edited by Ann_SS
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It was okay. The first half was slow and took too long to get back to the prison. We didn't need two speeches from the Governor or the conversation with Rick that just went in circles. Man was that character badly written. Peace!

I'm pretty sure the entire viewing audience called Herschel's death after his superhero episode a few weeks ago but it was still sad to see him go. Poor Maggie (and Beth, I guess).

Rick is an idiot. I don't know why anyone lets him decide things. The Governor is insane, there was no talking to him, he honestly should have known better.

I must say I'm excited about not knowing where the show is going. That's thrilling, to have everyone on the run again. We haven't had that in quite a while and I think it'll help re-energize the show.

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Rick is just...insufferable to me. I truly can't stand him and he's supposed to be the hero. And how do you jump out and attack Phillip and STILL get your ass beat.

The Governor as a super Villain had completely run his course and that group were a bunch of dumbasses. Phillip riles them up to take over the prison, and then they basically destroy it and attract walkers? Stupid.

Loved when the girls took out the lesbian. I want Carol back yesterday.

I wanted more from the Daryl and Rick scene.

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Ant, that was pretty foolish to destroy the very place they seek shelter. Phillip was a mad man and it showed to the very end!

I think it was pretty sloppy to not show where Michonne might be, especially since she was right behind Rick. Give us a scene of her chopping off heads to clear the path for Rick to find Carl, but her mystery absence was so novice. If she doesn't have the baby, the chick nobody cares about does - Lilly! I so hope its Michonne!

Ann, I don't agree about Lilly, and that is because Michonne had already taken care of Phillip. He was a dead man - a hole in his chest, breath labored and zombies a few feet away, so we didn't need her to shoot him. Justice would have been for him to be eaten alive by zombies! I'm confident Lilly will be back, and we are supposed to embrace her :(

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I wanted the walkers to eat Phillip, but I have no problems with Lily killing him him. Kirkman said that he did not want Phillip's death to be satisfying by having on the group get their vengeance and he succeeded there with you and lots of others. smile.png I don't mind if Lily survives, but I don't see how she could have.

Rick is not an idiot. He went to talk to Phillip to stall, to buy them time for Daryl and the others to set up their defense and save as many people at the prison as they could. Why do you think he nodded at Daryl and told Carl to shoot. Rick knew there little to no chance of saving Hershel or Michonne although he offered himself in exchange, but he had to try. I am sure that he had a small bit of hope that he could reason with Phillip or convince his people to stop the attack, but he was hoping for a miracle if only to save his people's lives. I mean, Phillip was never going to just let them walk away from the prison.

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Then there was no need for Michonne to put a hole in his chest because he was totally done for. If they wanted it to be Lilly, let Phillip run and think he's found a safe haven and then Lilly plugs him. Perhaps the purpose of Michonne was for her to save Rick, and for that, I'm truly satisfied, but it was not put together very well once you involve Lilly.

Overall, it was a great mid season finale, and Daryl was great as usual. With the group or alone, this man gets things done. He is such a smart fighter. The zombie as a shield was quite dumb because you can tell it wasn't real, and it should have been too heavy for Daryl to do what he needed. I won't blame that on Daryl, however. I love watching him in action!

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Now thats a finale! This episode was EVERYTHING. Probably one of my favorite if not my favorite of the series.

OMG, Hershell's death has got to be the hardest one to take so far this series. Not bc I had any great love for him and didn't expect it, but the manner in which it was done was so gruesome and then we had to see the Gov make numerous slashes to his throat.


Damn them kids! That girl looked like she enjoyed it.

Man I was hoping Rick would get killed! Damn Michonne for showing up when she did.

I completely forgot there was a baby. I felt bad for the family when they saw the empty carrier with that child most likely eaten

I thought Michonne would have been the one to kill Gov, but then it looked like the walkers would get him. How fitting was it that it was his latest squeeze

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