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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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The key demo went down to 6.2 which blows most other dramas away. Not sure why the demo went down though because the show is outstanding.


The blond woman who saved Hershel was accidentally shot. I missed it originally.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I guess there are regular seasonal declines and then football (the ABC shows had a big drop too), although maybe people think this season is too boring, with the focus on the disease. I don't know. I think this has been a great season but sometimes you hear people say "nothing is happening."

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I like this show because it's action packed but I think the writing has always sucked. This year has been better, but still. Take the Governor's comeback scene. There was no build-up to that. Okay they've been referencing to him for weeks, but... It was like 'Hell broke loose in that prison!', and then 'Oh BTW, the Governor's is out there looking in with his one eye'. Whatever.

And don't get me started on the Governor. Such a cartoonish villain. All of a sudden we find out he's lived in a tent, protecting himself with fire. Yeah right. And zombies won't hurt him. Nor will our people notice him. I am not happy at all with the comeback of this mustache-twirling villain LOL

What the show is also lacking IMHO is some deep meaning, some recurring themes. I think zombies have always meant something in movies (ie immigrants, alienation etc). This time they're just there and no one is ever wondering why, how, when they'll disappear.

Plus, if I were one of the people in the prison, I would have taken shifts to kill all the zombies out the fence. I know it could be exhausting but really. What else have they got to do? They let these walkers cluster and bring down the fence, whereas they could have easily killed them one by one. I mean Rick and Carl took them down with two rifles for Christ's sake.

Finally, I fully expect Carol to cross paths with the Governor and work from within to bring him down, which will lead to her redeeming demise.

Sorry for the rant. I had to take it off my chest biggrin.png

Edited by Hotness
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I think meaning and themes have been a big part of the show from the start, mostly the struggle of whether to hope or to just shut down. I guess they could focus more on the cause of zombies, although to be honest zombies are the least interesting part of the show for me.

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I agree about the writing, no matter the story they're telling or the showrunner the dialogue is incredibly hokey. I mean, some of the crap they have Rick say...and I swear Herschel's made the same speech 8 different ways since he first showed up. So has Rick actually. They speechify. I feel like I'm watching a Shonda Rhimes show.

And the Governor is just so stupid, I 'd rather focus on the very real, in character repercussions of Rick abandoning Carol. I hate that Maggie just rolled over and accepted Rick's decision. It doesn't seem like her. But you know, if Rick says so (or if the show tells us repeatedly that he's a good leader) than it must be right and just.

Don't get me started on the fence thing, the zombies were essentially moths and the prison a flame, there's no good reason they couldn't have taken them out one by one. And I'll never understand why they don't kill EVERY zombie they see.

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That's not how Carol's thought process worked...she was trying to stop the virus when it had only infected two people, not willynilly killing everyone infected with the virus. Remember she still around after it spread and everyone was quarantined in Block C (or A or B or whatever block it is).

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Carol's thought process showed me that she has absolutely no understanding about infectious diseases. First, murdering people who have a virus does not stop it from spreading. Once the virus has entered the environment, especially an enclosed one like the prison, by the time the symptoms show up in a few people, the virus has already spread to a wider group of people. These people just have not shown symptoms as yet. Second, David and Karen were already quarantined and locked up. Murdering them before they died naturally was completely unnecessary. She also ignored the fact that one or both of them might have recovered. Not everyone who gets influenza or dies from it. This whole things tells me that the CDC needs a crash infectious disease health awareness campaign if the Zombie Apocalypse ever breaks out.

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I felt like Carol's thought process was, "I need to keep killing sick people because I'm strong and that's what strong people do - no one else will do this, so I have to do it."

She was only in the prison for about a day after she killed Karen and David. If she had stayed I could see her killing again. And Glenn would have been a big target, because in her mind, Maggie and Hershel and Rick and so many others wouldn't have the heart to kill Glenn, of all people. So she'd have to be strong again, and do it for them.

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I think the number of people around and the heighten awareness of danger would have made it very difficult for Carol to kill more sick people. However, given her irrational thought process, I am not sure that I would put it past her to kill some of the sicker people if she did get an opportunity to do so. After all, she could rationalize it as saving medical supplies because they were dying anyway. Regardless I cannot see anyone in the group trusting her again. How could anyone believe that Carol would not make the decision to murder again because she decides it will protect the group?

Edited by Ann_SS
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