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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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That was a hell of a show. I about had a heart attack near the end, I was so worried Carol, Herschel or Maggie might bite it. It's one thing going into the show cold, it's another to have packed multiple seasons into rapid viewing knowing certain people will be there when you catch up. Now it's an open playing field going forward. I like that, and I'm used to that from the comic, but having it sprung on me now still takes adjustment.

The ghost crap is still too comic book. I hope that's over.

Edited by Vee
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I really wanted to see Maggie shooting more people. I guess I will have to wait to see when it's on the website. I missed it.

I keep hearing people say it made no sense that the group wasn't better at shooting. I guess they had to fumble, for script purposes.

I didn't like the way the show dealt with Merle's racism in his first appearance (basically this frothing bigot who beat and terrorized all minorities). If he's staying around for a bit then I hope that people will be able to stand up to him.

Edited by CarlD2
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I thought they did pretty well with the shooting, all things considered. It was a very hairy firefight and they were all pinned down tight. I seriously thought Maggie, Herschel or Carol were going to buy it given their positions. Great scene. And one, IIRC, lifted at least partly from the comics (with the Governor driving in a van full of walkers).

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Maggie took the most important shot of that shootout, and that was the sniper! I was jumping up and down. That guy was placed in the tower for a reason, to pin the others down and he did. Once Maggie took him out, the others could contribute.

As for them not being better shots? That's not very realistic. They are not trained for that and the most we've seen is them shooting zombies in the head at close range. This brings me to the point of them shooting in the open field at the zombies when they were such a distance away. That was a waste of ammo if I've ever seen one. But it was dramatic enough, so I can forgive that very tiny flaw.

I have to bow to Mr. Mazzara for last night's eppy! It was epic!

Welcome back Daryl, and for some reason, I honestly believe Merle's racism is WIP. He will eventually mellow, but I'm hoping Michonne kicks his ass first. That would be hilarious!

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I think Mazzara has done such a good job with the show, especially since it must be a headache behind the scenes, and he was never on any hit shows for very long. I hope somebody snaps him up quickly (I also think he's somewhat attractive in the interviews, not that this is important).

I wish they'd kept Axel around a little longer, since the character was so different from anyone else on the show, but I guess there was no one else they could have killed at the prison at the moment (the closest after him would be Beth, and that would be overkill for Maggie after what she's just gone through).

Maggie's such a fantastic character. I especially like how they have her doing all this stuff without making her into some sort of fetish object.

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Don't know who those people are, but they need a reality check. It is one thing to shoot zombies who are not shooting back, another to shoot at people who are several feet away and shooting back at you. They cannot just stand there, aim, and fire. They have to make sure that they do not get shot and duck for cover.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Scott Gimple took over, right? He's another guy from the writing pool. Hopefully he's good. And I'm really enjoying the season (except for the comic book Crazy Rick interlude), I just fear the show is going to devolve into a series of riffs on the comic book's shittier periods and then diminishing returns as per Kirkman or AMC's wants and needs. It can be a lot more than that.

I know more will die, they always do and that's as it should be. I just wouldn't want the show to be nothing but relentless, grinding, monotonous agony. That gets old, and suffocating, as it did in the comic. It's a question of execution, and Kirkman lost any ability for that long ago. There needs to also be progression, advancement, development. I hope they're not out of the prison by the end of the season. Unlike the farm, they just got there basically days ago, in show time. When Daryl watched the farm burn or when Herschel tried to defend it, there was a real sense of loss, of what they had in that time. The prison hasn't had that time yet. They were there maybe 30 issues in the comics, maybe more.

Edited by Vee
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I agree that the show needs more than just death and pain. I think they've done a good job of that this season, heart moments along with death and trauma. I think keeping Judith alive is also a vital part of the heart.

It's going to be difficult if they ever kill off more of the long-term characters, because so far they haven't brought in enough strong new characters to take their place.

I wish they'd kept at least one of the prisoners alive a little longer. I think when they go from place to place, it's important to have at least one person from that era of the show stay on for a while. I know they have to kill people off at least every few episodes to get attention, but I would have done more with Oscar or Axel.

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I may be reading too much into this, but I really liked that they had Michonne run towards Hershel and help Glen with him, like she understands the dynamics of the group. Rick is the leader, but Hershel is the "patriarch", the voice of reason and all of them are the children that he loves. Rick was out of it for a while and they sort of did ok, but w/out Hershel, they would be lost.

I really liked that part because I thought she was headed in Rick's direction.

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I like this interpretation of Michonne's actions. I was so happy when she went running towards him, loping off heads. Hershel has become so important to everyone in the group. He is the voice of reason, comfort, and unconditional love. Losing him, which I think will happen eventually, will crush them all. Hopefully, Rick will be able to half-way sane by then.

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