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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Really liked the eppy, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the hell out of Daryl and Crossbow! I really did!

Wasn't sure how I felt about The Gov, but I see where they are going with this, and I like it. Jim Jones, shall we? When he had that entire camp smoked, I was so damn shocked. I like this guy!

Michonne, I hear Denai is a marvelous actress, and I can't wait to see her actually act? Pouting is not acting, and it's very annoying. Keeping up her guard and listening to her instinct is one thing, but moping with that "I wanna go home...are we there yet" attitude is throwing me off. I need her to stand up straight and interact with these people. I'm not getting that, but I hope it will change. Only Viola Davis can pull of that look Michonne's giving and not look childish.

Andrea? I'm might have to change my name because this chick is making us look stupid! Heifer is a bit toooooooooo moist right now! I know male companionship is really nice, but I'm gonna need her to bring it down a bit. She's a liability right now.

I think Meryl is putting on an act. He's way too submissive, and that is not who he is.

Can't wait to see Daryl and Crossbow next week.

Edited by ChitHappens
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Good question. I want to know who did this also. I know that he is a dead man when Rick finds him.

I hope that I can find a good hairdresser like Andrea if I am ever in a zombie apocalypse.

OMG, it is the prisoner that Rick let go. Rick should have killed him directly. Lesson learned.

Wait is Lori really dead? Damn, that is two major deaths in two episodes. [!@#$%^&*] this show does not play.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Yeah, where is Carol? It does seem like she escaped. Looks like Rick loses him mind next week. I am cool with that.I am just glad that he and Lori did not get a sappy goodbye scene. It was heartbreaking when Rick looked at Carl, realized that he killed Lori, started to shake and cry, and then fell on the ground.

I did enjoy the funny moment when Daryl asked Glenn and Maggie if they were coming when they were having sex in the guard house. Hilarious.

I have no use for Andrea at the moment. Could Michonne be a little less obvious about her suspicions? She is not acting clever at all.

Interview with Mazzara and Kirkman about killing off Lori and T-Dog: http://www.seattlepi.com/entertainment/tv/tvguide/article/The-Walking-Dead-Bosses-on-Two-Big-Deaths-It-4007897.php

One reason was to make the group off-kilter when they encounter the Governor's group.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Yes, Andrew, the prisoner who tried to kill Rick. Rick chased and locked him outside with the walkers. The last we heard, Andrew was screaming which implied that he was zombie chow. Yet somehow he survived and set in motion the plan to take back the prison from Rick. Oscar killed Andrew to save RIck which should persuade the others to let he and the drug addict into the group.

Kudos to Andrew Lincoln for his performance when Rick realized that Lori was dead. It was fine work. I think that he is underrated as an actor because he plays the white hat and leader of the group.

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