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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Rick letting those two guys live is exactly why he is such a good man and I love him. Even under these horrible circumstances, he can stop his worse impulses and find his humanity.

Who is watching Carol?

Don't make up with her, Rick, don't get sucked into her drama again. Yay, Rick walked away. He is done with Lori. Just want I wanted to see.

Excellent second episode. TWD keeps the killing and gore going. Just wanted people wanted last season.

BTW, those prisoners were so dumb. How could I forget Hershel's butchered leg. Argh!

I laughed with Lori said that Carl would have room to do whatever he does these days.

Oh, and because it can never be mentioned enough, I LOVE that no one argues with Rick any more and we are not subjected to long debates.

The machete to the head reminds of that final scene in The Last of the Mohicans.

I am so glad that Hershel survived. It was suspenseful watching to see if he would turn.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Rick earned major points tonight. Walking away from skanky and eliminating the threat to the group immediately!

Daryl is my man. I don't even want to see him with a gun. His weapon of choice is perfect for him!

Carol, really? I'm gonna need a zombie to handle this chit now! Dumb ass!

This eppy was unbelievable! So happy T Dog is being given the opp to step up.

Daryl, "today is your lucky day. You've been pardoned, you're free to go". LMAO!

Love him!

Edited by ChitHappens
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Merle! I had forgot about him.

I am re-watching. I love the moment when Hershel wakes up and sees everyone, then raises his hand to Rick. Rick looks a bit embarrassed as he looks around and then takes Hershel's hand. There is such a great connection between Rick and Hershel, a father/son bond.

The actor who played the prisoner that Rick chopped in the head is now on The Talking Dead.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Lifting the skirt up, then cutting into the diseased body. That was gross!

I'm glad most of those prisoners are dead. I think Rick leaving the two guys alive will come back to haunt the group. I think the guy who pleaded for his life is fooling everyone by pretending to be weak. He's probably a really dangerous guy.

Loved the the look Rick/Daryl gave each other after the prisoners went all prison-fight on the walkers. They totally didn't listen to Rick. :lol:

I thought Rick was going to chop off his guy but the machete to the head was still jaw dropping.

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The drug addict is probably the most dangerous of the two. If all the drug addict had were his prison friends, then he no longer has an anchor. In contrast, after finding out that everything was gone, the other prisoner immediately asked for a cell phone to his wife and children and expressed concern about them which made me think that he could grow to care about the others in the group.

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I did not think that this episode was close to good as the first two, but clearly it was devoted to introducing us to the sociopathic governor who will be this season's big bad. At least, Michonne remains suspicious. I am glad that Andrea does not know where the rest of the group is, they are safer.

The previews promise a really exciting next episode.I cannot wait.

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Oh I actually thought this evenings episode was my fave so far. I'm not much on the gore. I think the Govenor is a pretty interesting character and I'm getting the sense he has almost a Jesus / Julius Ceasar complex. Good to see Merle again. I'm a tad disappointed with Michonnes character, but I'm guessing we are going to see more focus and flushing out of her character as the season progresses.

Edited by JaneAusten
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