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Sigh... The Plan to Save Days 2015 Remix courtesy Ken Corday, Albert Alarr, Josh Griffith and Dena Higley et al(from SOD)

*I understand Corday has to be a cheerleader for the show but seriously....

Digest: Let’s start at the very beginning.Why did you switch head writers?
Ken Corday: Because the show I was looking at was no longer recognizable as DAYSOF OUR LIVES to me. I had been pondering making a writing change since September of last year and with all due respect to the writers who are no longer there, and who did win us an Emmy award, and GLAAD awards and many other kudos, there comes a time when they’re just burned out, and they were not getting it done. It was time to make a switch. I felt like the car was headed for the edge of the cliff.
Digest: Do you want to be more specific?
Corday: It was an overall feeling. It was the body of the show. It was the two or three main stories that were driving the show. It was the characters that were completely new and unknown to me and the longtime and somewhat new viewer. And more than anything, the atmosphere of negativity and complacency in the studio was overwhelming. In light of the fact that we were coming up to our most important production year ever, I felt like I had to grab the reins and pull back and change horses.
Digest: How did Dena Higley and Josh Griffith come to head write the show?
Corday: I had talked to Dena and Josh last July, August and September because I was thinking of making the change back then. It did not come to pass. They presented me with what was truly a wonderful long-term story and for reasons not to be disclosed, it was not implemented. Then, in February of this year, I took a week off as I often do to just clear my
mind, and went to the South Seas and spent five days on a boat. It became very clear to me upon returning and attending [former DAYS Executive Producer] Wes Kenney’s funeral that I had to grab the reins and bring the show back to center and make it the great show it has been in the past again, and that these are the two that could take us there with their
vision. And that the change also had to be made in the studio with producers. And in cast in a multitude of places.

Digest: What did they bring to the table in their pitch?
Corday: Let’s take them individually. Dena has a great history with the show. Knows romance. Has written some of the best stories ever on the show, Nicole and Sami’s baby switch story being the first to come to mind. Josh had been watching the show a number of years when he was writing YOUNG AND RESTLESS, and his dream was always to head write DAYS. So, I had made a marriage there, and they were like hand and glove; it was the perfect fit. One
would finish the other one’s sentences and I thought, “How much luckier can I get?”
And then their ideas started to fulminate and I thought, “My God, how good is this going
to be?” And then I started making phone calls and insisted on making the change.
And within a week of making the changes with head writers, I made the changes with
executive producer and line producer and supervising producer. From Lisa de Cazotte
to Albert Alarr and Janet Rider, both of whom are very talented and have a long, long history with the show. I called the cast together, I believe, on Monday, February 9, and said that I had an announcement to make. And I introduced the two new head writers and our two beloved producers and the place went absolutely berserk.
And from that day on, I have enjoyed coming to work 100 percent more every day. I have
never enjoyed my job more. I have never seen the show in better hands. I have never seen more inspired work, more inspired writing, more inspired production, and an amazing amount of hard work, tears and effort on the part of the cast. It’s phenomenal. And I said to them on that Monday, “We have to raise the bar. Failure is not an option here. The show will be 50 in November. We must get picked up for another two years, and in order to do so, we have to not reinvent ourselves but go back to basics to what has made the show great in the past. And hopefully when everyone reads [the scripts] in the next few weeks, you’ll realize that I’m not blowing smoke.”
Digest: We heard some behind the scenes rumblings. Were you aware the cast was

Corday: Extremely aware. I can’t tell you how many meetings were held behind closed doors one-on-one or one-on-two with actors who were either just ready to jump or had no
idea why I was letting this continue. So there was great dissatisfaction among the ranks,
but more importantly, among the viewing audience.
Digest: Is that where you as the show owner and executive producer feel you have to step in?
Corday: You’re only as good as your last week’s ratings, and if I’m not looking at that and listening to what the viewers are saying or not saying, then I’m not doing my job. And it was very clear to me that we had to make a significant change.
Digest: What was No. 1 on your list of changes you wanted to see?
Corday: I needed to, first of all, change the cast. The cast on the show was no longer recognizable to me and those that were recognizable were doing nothing. So we had to flip that. We had to jettison stories that were not going over well with the audience and we had to give characters on the show who were recognizable and powerful more story. But most importantly, we had to, for the 50th anniversary, months after and before, give the viewers what they wanted to see. Not just in a mere appearance of someone from the past, but great story integrated with people on the show today while bringing back great stars from the past. And only these two writers were able to do it. No one else I talked to had even close to the same ideas.
Digest: Had you contacted other people?
Corday: Yes, I did. Many.
Digest: How did you decide who you would bring back? The list so far includes Peter Reckell (Bo), Stephen Nichols (Steve), Alison Sweeney (Sami), Thaao Penghlis (Andre), Jason Cook (Shawn), Martha Madison (Belle), plus putting Wally Kurth (Justin) and Judi Evans (Adrienne) on contract.
Corday: It was organic in sitting down with Josh and Dena and knowing this change was
imminent. I knew what they had planned and what they had planned was more than a bomb; it was a nuclear arsenal of returns, one after the other, after the other, after the other, all in huge story. So it starts with a harmonica player who walks off the elevator with his son in tow, and then we find out that Steve doesn’t believe Bo is AWOL, and then we see Bo, and then Sami comes back and something isn’t quite right. Unfortunately, it meant losing cast members. I would be tipping story if I told you what happens, but many will be leaving the show in a grand story, in a very dramatic fashion. And one by one, the great Old Guard is returning.
Digest: Do you roam the halls and get a nostalgic feeling?
Corday: Oh yeah, and they all want me to come to their dressing room. And I’m happy to give each of them as much time as they want, as have our writers and producers. The doors are open again. The window is open for fresh air, and what flew in are some very beloved, much-missed birds. When I walk through those studio doors every day, it’s like I’m hit with a tidal wave of love and a positive feeling and excitement, such as I’ve never experienced before.
Digest: There has been positive fan reaction to the people you’ve brought back. How
does feel to be making decisions that are so well-received?

Corday: It validates my life. Besides my wife and three children, the show is my life. If the
viewer is happy, it makes me complete. In the course of basically four weeks, you will not
recognize the show from what it is in August to what it will be in September. That much better. In the course of four months, people will be absolutely flabbergasted at what we’ve done.
Digest: What was the feeling among the cast who were written out?
Corday: They understood that this is show business and it is not show friends, and for the
sake of great drama, sometimes, some people have to be expendable.
Digest: Well, you can’t make everyone happy, and some fans seem particularly upset that Matthew Ashford (ex-Jack) hasn’t been asked back. What do you say to them?
Corday: Well, okay, let’s talk about Matt for a minute. Jack fell down an elevator shaft, was impaled andis dead, dead, dead. I mean, there comes a point where, as will be the case with Thaao Penghlis’s return [as a presumed-dead Andre], you have to bend the rules. That’s not to say that Matt won’t come back some day, but you have to watch it with the audience that they don’t say, “Oh, our trust is ruined, Ken. You keep killing people and they keep returning. What are we supposed to believe?” So in this case, from September 1 on, when someone
dies, they are dead.

Digest: What was the thought process behind the plans for the story surrounding the 50th? Did you want a big, impactful story? Something historical in nature?Something that would bring lapsed viewers back? All of the above?
Corday: All of the above in spades. I wanted to see Doug and Julie active. I wanted to see
Victor, Maggie, Caroline and Stefano active again, running things, doing things, not just
in the background. These characters had basically become under-5s: Abe, Roman, Caroline, Stefano, Victor, Maggie, Doug, Julie, John, Marlena. Should I continue? But story-wise, it started with, well, what can we do that is a special event for the 50th? And I came up with the idea that it would be Salem’s bicentennial celebration, 200 years since the founding of Salem and we would harken back to 1965, that Tom and Alice were part of the founding of University Hospital, and we would have a huge celebration. That is the frame, that is not the picture. The picture is the amazing characters and what they’re doing in that painting, and what transpires before, after and during the anniversary.
Digest: There has been a noticeable lack of romance in Salem. Will we see more?
Corday: Romance is the basis for where the story starts. This is how Dena and Josh approach their storytelling with me and with the producers: Who is the couple I want to die for here? Who are the couples we want to root for? Let’s isolate three or four of them and build great story around their high, romantic stakes. Every one of their stories is based on romance. And a little bit of psychosis, but that is also dramatic.
Digest: Is romance something you wanted to see more of in the show?
Corday: For the last two years.
Digest: For someone who hasn’t watched and is picking up this issue, what can you
tease about what’s to come?

Corday: Within one or two days, you will think that you were watching DAYS OF OUR
LIVES in its golden years but it’s déjà vu for the very first time. The show is going to be the
best it’s ever been and I defy anyone to prove me wrong. Sounds pretty egotistical, but I’ve
seen what we’ve done. Today I was reading late January and I’m still in awe with what
these people are doing. In awe.
Digest: How does it feel that the fans are still so passionate about DAYS in spite of the
lower points you’ve gone through?

Corday: I feel like the luckiest producer in television, that we’re on the air 50 years because
our fans don’t give up on us through some of the darkest worst times and also through the
great times. After 50 years, we’ve got five generations of them. How lucky is that?
Digest: In 2011, you made a big deal about a reboot. What do you say to critics who argue
that you’ve done this before and you’ve said this before?

Corday: That was nothing like this. That was changing the tire. This is changing the engine,
the body, the paint and the driver. You will look at the show and think you’re watching a prime-time version of DAYS every day, from the lighting to the music to the costumes
to the set design to the writing to the acting to the direction and the production.
It’s just unbelievable.
Digest: We have done the “Plan To Save DAYS” stories in the past. Would you call
this your plan to save DAYS?

Corday: This is not just my plan to save DAYS, this is my plan to make the best
DAYS OF OUR LIVES ever. This is my plan to launch the show into the next 10 years.
Digest: Are you optimistic that the show will get a pickup?
Corday: Very optimistic. The contract is up in September of 2016.
Digest: What do you say to the fans today?
Corday: Bear with us through the summer and fasten your seatbelts come Labor Day because you won’t believe what’s going to hit you between the eyes. In your wildest
dreams, you will not be able to imagine how good this show will be. I am not one to make
false promises at this time because it’s been very difficult for me to make any promises
over the last few years. Please stay tuned.

So what do you think?

What stories came from this?


Edited by Paul Raven
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I was wondering if anyone could shed light on Rod Arrants's run in 1985. He was just coming off of Search for Tomorrow. Was it always intended to be short term and for him to be a bad guy? He killed long term character Danny Grant and Abe's brother. He always romanced and slept with Marlena; I wonder if Marlena ever told John or Roman about that

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He started recurring, then was on contract for less than 5 months. His son, Kevin, was brought on as contract, but then fired 8 weeks after his debut, so based on that, it would seem the Cates storyline (whether with Richard or just his son Kevin) was scheduled to be longer than it ended up being. You wouldn't normally put someone on contract and only use them for 8 weeks (and then be stuck paying them an additional 5 weeks).

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Julio was her other brother. He once dated Carrie. At first he wasn't in Salem. For some reason I am thinking he was studying at Julliard. After Mike was with Robin & Jeremy, April went to New York to fetch him. Unlike y'all I loved the Ramirez family. IMO they remain the best ethnic family DAYS has had. I won't bore you with my pix of Boom Boom or either of her gorgeous brothers. 

I only ever saw Lisa Howard in one other show. It was a SciFi & I cannot recall its name. 

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I don't see Paula Cwikly & Jeanne Marie Ford doing that; I feel like we're going to get a respectful passing, with emotion and heart, filled with some wonderful flashbacks.

He doesn't watch the show. No WAY! Were Gary Tomlin & Christopher Whitesell a bit burnt out? Yes. They began quite strong with the return of Eileen Davidson's Kristen, but it fizzled. Was it bad enough that it required Josh Griffith & Dena Higley? Hell NO! And, honestly, Tomlin & Whitesell's material didn't really start getting burnt until four or so months prior to the end of their regime.

And with the regime change came Albert Alarr, and then blue-green neutral-look that we are still semi-recovering from nine-years later. SMFH. So bad.

I see that didn't stick.

Sir..... sir..... sir......

And, they served none of that. Absolutely none.

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Earth: Final Conflict!

like I said before it wasn’t that I really liked them. It was just the way some storylines ended with them. April’s character suffered from MTW’s exit as Mike. I remember that I did enjoyed the Mike/April storyline with the sick Nick thrown in to give them a hard time but in the end it was all for nothing. It was such a waste of time to root for them.

Emilio seemed like a Pete Jannings rip off. But he did had some good jokes. But his singing, dancing stuff was a bit too cringey here and there. He was likeable but for me he suffered because he was thrown into my favorite couple Jack/Jennifer and that’s why I had to hate him lol 

Someone brought up the Melissa and Emilio storyline which I completely blocked out. It came back to me and with that storyline his character became so odd. It was so out of character and a such a character elimination. Hated that. 

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Yes, you're right, of course, about Jack's redemption. But, don't you see they HAD to get that serious about redeeming Jack, who after all was a rapist & far too much like Harper Deveraux, so to rehab his character was a major undertaking. That they accomplished it is to their credit. If they had not done so, we would not today have a Jack at all.

Re-watch Project, this year re-watching DAYS 1992

DAYS 1-2-92 Thurs.
At Alice's Restaurant, Brian walks over to Ginger who apologizes about last night. He grabs her & thoroughly kisses her. 
Molly & Tanner: She wants them to make bets about breaking New Year's Resolutions. He's not into it. She offers to be his resolution proxy. 
Jack reads about himself on something. 
Jennifer is letting him stay there at the apartment but she's divided things up & there are zones. 
Ginger takes a phone call & speaks of going somewhere that afternoon. 
She says to Brian, "I don't appreciate what you did New Year's Eve. I disliked it - a lot."
The flirting that goes on between Ginger & Brian to me is boring. 
Julie gets on to them about messing something up at work.
Jenn says to Jack, "This line represents the line you crossed in our relationship & I will throw you out of here."
Hawk is on the phone with Chauncey talking about his grandfather. He says, "I'm going to see this through to the end." 
Guy at the station. Jenn is in the running for a network reporting job in DC. They want to see her the next day. 
Jack & a Fed. Your stocks were cashed out at a brokerage house in Muncie, Indiana. 5 million dollars missing because that office didn't get the memo. (Not to process those stocks.) Questions for Jack: You were a willing participant in a stock swindle & that's a Federal crime. The fact that you came forward works in your favor. He takes down the names of the people Jack can think of who he thinks might have scammed him. 
Ginger had the music box repaired & intends to give it to Molly. 
Ginger: "It could be because Jack is in charge of the inheritance." 
Tanner tells Ginger off. 
Alice tries to talk to Jack about Jenn who she says still loves him. She points out that she wouldn't be so hurt if she didn't. (Frances manages to put 3 syllables in the word Jack.) 
Ginger gives it to Molly. "I brought this for you."
Molly: "You had this fixed? I don't want to sound rude. But, I'm wondering why you did this." 
Alice & Julie sit down together, share a cup of coffee.
Julie: "It bothers me. I can't figure out why that kid is getting to me." 
Ginger sits down to talk to Jack. "I can help you." 
Jack: "Look, whatever your name is, not at this time." 
At this moment, Jack is wearing a pink trenchcoat that is clearly Jenn's, not his! I ask WHY?
Jack & Jenn talk about her job interview in DC tomorrow morning. Jack: "We have to be together to work this out." 
Julie: "For one brief moment I thought Chip was different, but he's not." 
Tanner is looking for a take-out order.
Julie: "Chip & I are not an item."
Chip: "Tanner, why is Julie giving me the cold shoulder?" 
Tanner: "She's been burned before by guys your age." 
Tanner to Molly: "What did you say to Ginger when she gave you the music box?"
Tanner: "Your resolution needs to be less trusting of people."
Jenn to Jack: "You've done nothing to show your taking responsibility."
Long pan to tight on Jack's face.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Variety interview with Susan Seaforth Hayes.  There is a brief clip of Doug and Julie from 1970 after the paragraph that mentions Bill and Susan being on the cover of Time Magazine.


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Day of Days 2024 was amazing. There were a few bumps and started a bit of a mess for some lol

But they were really trying their best. I just hope they work something out if they do it again at the peacock theatre/ La Live.

I didn’t got to all stations but was lucky enough to meet over half of them on them. Station 4 and 1 kinda got screwed over. Station 1 in the morning round and station 4 in the last round. But overall they were doing their best and even reacted to the things that went wrong in the morning sessions.

I got to meet my legendary favorites Susan/Julie and Deidre/Marlena! That was all I wanted lol Gosh Susan is the kindest human being alive even under pressure to push the lines so everyone can come up. and Deidre signed my collectors book with the picture of Wayne and her as Roman and Marlena on their honeymoon. She smiled about the good old days. I love John and Marlena and always will but since I started the 1983 to 1984 episodes I really adored Roman and Marlena a bit more!

I told John Paul L. (Phillip) that I loved him on OLTL but that he’s not my Phillip. I liked the other one better.

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Brandon and Martha were amazing! They really look like they could be married irl. Martha gets so much hate because people are still hung up on KS as Belle. I told her that I got to meet both belles now and that she is my favorite. She replied that I don’t have to choose and that I can switch channels if I wanted to see either one of them coz of KS being on GH!

Abigail (Stephanie) has such positive energy. Robert (Alex/Ben) got completely blocked by an elderly women in front of me. He tried to be on every picture with Deidre and the fans but that one elderly women didn’t even say hi to him and wanted that picture with her on her own and went straight to the next cast member instead of him. lol Not a favorite i assume.

I didn’t got a chance to meet Ashley and Leo but Ashley was on the side of the stage near the end and making pictures with two lady’s and I took my chance and went over. Was able to ger a good picture with her. 

Wally was definitely sick. He looked very ill but still tried to be as nice as possibly. Poor guy had to be at a gig with the day players after this. I didn’t got a chance to meet BB (Stefan) coz he had to leave for that gig already. And I didn’t got to meet Eric (Brady) coz he went to lunch. I got screwed twice in my stations lol 

I never comment on anybody’s body but Paulina (forgot the actress name) looked absolutely fabulous and seemed like she lost a a lot of weight and I couldn’t believe how skinny she was. She looked so stunning

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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