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It's interesting to think about that. Would a DH-Sandy have taken off the way Marlena did? They never would have done the evil twin story with DH as Sandy, and that was one of the things that really seemed to boost her into the stratosphere, right? (It was also one of the first larger-than-life plots for Days, it seems.) It's really surprising to me, looking back, that Marlena was never paired with any of the Horton men.

Thanks for sharing! It's always fun to hear from people who actually remember this stuff. Amanda, for having been such a major character for a time, really seems like a forgotten bit of Days history.

Yeah, I had no idea. I wonder what that's in reference to?!

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Ahhh, Kristen, Susan and the multitude of other Eileen Davidson characters that would show up. LOL

Something my sister and I found very amusing was that after Marlena escaped that panic room built in the wine cellar of the DiMera mansion, it was still used for other purposes. I forget exactly what, but it had something to do with Dr. Rolf trying to find a cure for Peter's "jungle madness". It was so ludicrous!!! LOL

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That secret room became the spot where Dr. Rolf was doing all his evil-doings in the late 90's, and Stefano would regularly frequent the secret lair. That's where the machine gizmos and gadgets were that got the satellite going and reactivated Hope's computer chip in her head.

Good grief, just reading that last sentence... it's amazing how DAYS has evolved from its supernatural, wacky, unrealistic 90's heyday. Nowadays, when you have evil henchmen, there's all these reality-based background checks to find them, like the current doctor's tax returns that Nicole was looking at, and the paper trail of Dr. Chyka drugging Eric. Before, you had henchmen and people on the DiMera payroll, and everyday real-life things like taxes were NEVER mentioned or thought of (granted, I would imagine DiMera money would be under the table).

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Re the twin story that played out with Marlena/Samantha. Indulge me in a bit of fan fic to work it into the Deidre Hall as Sandy idea.

Kitty Horton,Sandy's mother discovers she is pregnant with twins (as has already occurred in the Horton genes with Addie/Mickey).Alone, vulnerable and somewhat selfish,not close to her own family or the Hortons,Kitty feels two children to bring up will be a burden. She confides to a nurse at the hospital who says she knows of a couple who want to adopt and are willing to pay $5,000. Kitty accepts,justifying in her mind that what she is doing is best for everyone.

Sandt's twin,is named Samantha by her adoptive parents Frank and Martha Evans.The adoption was seen as away of saving their marriage as demanding Frank saw children as a neccesity to be seen as asuccessful husband. But that is not enough and Frank divorces Martha and leaves. Samantha is puzzled as to why her father has cut off all contact and an upset Martha reveals she was adopted and Frank feels no link to her. Samantha is devastated.Martha and Samantha struggle on but their fortunes change when Martha snags a wealthy new husband Lionel.Lionel and Martha have a daughter of their own who is lavished with love and attention.

Samantha acts out ,causing much distress. When Martha suddenly dies,Samantha is cut adrift and leaves the family behind,moving on and getting into various scrapes.

Flashforward to present day [1977] Samantha's old boyfriend Clint is in Salem and spots Sandy.He does some digging around and then reconnects with Samantha with news of her double,. Samantha makes contact with her aunt Ruth,Martha's sister who reveals that Martha told her that her bio mom was having twins.

Samantha realizes that purely through chance she was given away and Sandy had the life she was denied.She vows to take everything Sandy has...

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Thank you, Gray Bunny, for filling in the blanks about the secret room. At least that set wasn't forgotten about after Marlena escaped!!! Speaking of Dr. Rolf, once I was watching a Sister, Sister rerun and the man who played the principal looked so familiar to me but I couldn't place him. Then I realized it was Will Utay, sans the accent he used to play Dr. Rolf. Too funny. LOL

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Jason do you (of anyone else know) what storyline Frank and Martha had in storyline? I would love to see a classic short term storyline now where Marlena's parents arrive in Salem

Because one of them is dying and wants to spend their final days with Marlena/Eric/ john... Could you imagine the quality performances Deidre could deliver with that story!

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I don't think they had much of a storyline. The 1977-78 stuff dealt with probably some phone calls when Samantha was impersonating Marlena. Then, Mrs. Evans was too sick to attend the Don/Marlena wedding, so that was used as a plot point to postpone their first try at a wedding. And she appeared briefly for a phone call the day Samantha was killed by Jake in 1982.

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Thanks Jason!

I would just love to see an elegant 80 year old actress appear for 10-20 episodes to arrive in town, Marlena to find out she is dying, and she and Markena can make peace over old wounds before Marlena holds her mom's hand as she dies...... Just my wishful storytelling.

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