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The ratings are in and the View apparently is up 15 percent ratings and 300000 viewers. Honestly they have a stable exec producer in Candi Carter who used to exec produce for Oprah. Remember the exec producer after Bill Geddie and Barbara it was Bill Wollf and the show was in shambles. Raven and Paula should be dismissed now. Promote Sunny and Jed to full time regulars. Honestly i think they should axe Candace and bring Elisabeth Hasselbeck back. Liz return would bring good ratings. She was so polarizing. Can anyone imagine Rosie versus Liz part 2? Those were some of the biggest ratings of all time was their fight. It was a huge moment in the Views 20 years

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I think the Elisabeth ship has sailed. I don't think they'd be at all interested. JMO. She's dropped off the face of the earth anyway it seems.


The panel of Whoopi, Sunny, Joy, Sarah and Jed works the best. CCB, Paula and Raven are wastes, clearly why they've barely been on. Bure is already on another months long break while Paula and Raven do their weekly pop-ins.

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Yeah, the last few days with these five have been much better. The chemistry works. Joy, Whoopi and Jed on Trump is great, Sarah is entertaining and Sunny's knowledge of the law has a strong balance. Today, when Sunny was reading the statement from Trump's campaign.....her tone and facial express... priceless.

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These five really are good. They have strong discussion and good chemistry. I expect Paula and Raven by January will be dropped. Elisabeth left fox and friends i believe she had health problems. There was reports she was battling cancer last year. Honestly Hasselbeck brought so much buzz to the view. Honestly in a weird way when Whoopi exits i keep thinking Rosie would be good on this new panel. Part of reason of Rosie failed second return no Hasselbeck and a horribly chemistry free panel. Nicole i liked but was green at first, Rosie Perez was awful and whoopi and Rosie were a bad mix.

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I have to LOL that they have 8 co-hosts and still have to get someone else to guest co-host, unless Joy wanted Don Lemon there. But it's just always funny to see a guest co-host now.


I feel like Paula's thirsting for the moderator spot. She was acting like Joy's BFF on Friday. I don't think Paula and Whoopi are huge fans of the other. Maybe it's in my head but  I think there's something there with Joy/Paula and Whoopi. I see a bit of tension between Whoopi and Joy that I didn't see before Joy came back. But maybe it's just me and I need new things to think about ...

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Meredith Vieria today boy was she great. She still fits the show like a glove. Her chemistry was great. Honestly ABC should try to get Vieria back to replace Whoppi.  Honestly i gotta say the panel of Whoppi, Sunny,Joy, Sara and Jed is the best chemistry. Lose the fill in people but Meredith blended so well. I dont know if Meredith would ever entertain returning.

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