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It might have ultimately been his call, but it was one of Pissy's first suggestions when she came in after CCulliton left/got fired. Who kills off a legacy child with so much potential? When Billy Ross is just sitting there, begging to have a bullet put between his very cute, but basically soulless eyes?


Other than actually being happy whenever someone used Bryant's memory to knife a shiv into Craig's gut, it was a meaningless gesture. I still remember how happy I was when Craig found out Bryant was his and not Tonio's. I will never forgive that hack for it either. 

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You and me both.  Going back and watching 1986-87 episodes, I try to erase that storyline from my mind.  It was then I really believed that soaps didn't deserve my loyalty when they had no loyalty to show history or its longtime fans.


I saw an episode from 1995 with Sam and Kirk's living room wedding.  OMG, I recognized that the budget had begun to be an issue since 1994 but seeing Lucinda, Lily and Damian watching from sofas is too much for me!:lol:  It just looks so weird with the guests sitting down and looking on.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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That would've meant acknowledging ATWT's Oakdale and GL's Springfield dwelled within the same universe.  Frankly, it was weird enough to see characters from AW's Bay City cross over to Oakdale.

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But that was like in the '60's. The sly winks to other P&G towns (in the '80's and beyond) on bus schedules, etc., isn't exactly the same thing as living in the "same universe". At least in the current definition, where what's happening in Springfield affects life in Oakdale, or there are crossovers.

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Crossovers would've been effective in the 80s, even the early 90s when both GL and Y&R were must watch but ironically neither show's producers would've wanted to do this feeling that it would've disrupted their stories and they didn't need it anyway.


The crossover between ATWT and Y&R was pointless and ridiculous and it was clear that it was done out of necessity, at least where ATWT was concerned. I know people thought CLB returning to ATWT as Michael Baldwin was cute but I thought this was equally pointless and ridiculous. They should've just allowed him to briefly reprise his Kurt McColl character, the way Eileen Davidson was allowed to reprise her role of Ashley Abbott even when she was still contracted to Days.


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Well, I can understand that a GL/Y&R crossover in the '90's would have been a logistical nightmare, with seemingly few benefits. They were owned by different parent companies, and (I presume) at a time when CBS had less say than Bell or P&G. It's Bell who really pioneered (or reinvigorated) "transplanting" characters from one show to another with Sheila on B&B.


But I would have thought it would be more natural on the P&G shows (at least ATWT & GL which were both on CBS). If I'm not mistaken, there was a time they filmed in the same building. I'm don't think the initial Y&R/ATWT crossover with CJLB was "desperate". I think that was a unique circumstance with CJLB, who'd kind of floated doing a cameo for a while, IIRC. Something like that at least made a little sense, even if story-wise it didn't amount to diddly. I think CBS was constantly in the position of trying to play catch up with ABC. ABC was doing "fan appreciation" stunts and the huge AMC/OLTL baby swap arc around the time. The later one, introducing Alison back on Y&R as a bud of Amber's---yeah, yuck---but they were also kind of trying to push onto new platforms. Wasn't there some online produced content about how Ali met Amber or something? CBS just always seemed about three steps behind the times.


I think attitudes have drastically changed, at least around shows produced by the same set of PTB. Maybe it's a byproduct of the multi-produced show era. L&O, NCIS, FlArrow----if you've got three or four hours of tv to fill a week, isn't it at least a little more efficient to use multiple characters on multiple shows?

Edited by P.J.
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