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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Love that time on ATWT...Lisa in the middle of a family with hyper dramatic problems.  I never liked Brian but really have never gotten the actor's appeal..he always comes off..sleazy and boring at the same time to me.

I can't believe they never brought Diana back..or even a recast Kurt..for Lisa to fuss over.

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Brian McColl worked best as something of a hothead imo but yeah, with Tom Hughes occupying a very clear place on the canvas, there seemed to be less room for a Brian (unless they were going to make him Tom’s opposite, a confirmed bachelor, maybe a dedicated “player” and womanizer).

When he appeared on Y&R for a brief story arc, he portrayed a sleazy politician which MP seemed to get into with gusto with success.

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When they first brought Brian on (interestingly, Brian was going to be Lisa's love interest..not Whit the Wig...I think they were going to do a triangle...) he was played by another actor and he was the opposite of Deas Tom Hughes...he was uptight and super ambitious and more then ready to use his dad's clout and money to get ahead..then they recast and made him boring.

I would say this was one case of knowing an actor's private life which colors my perception of what he plays, but he was a sleaze on GL (screwing a mother and daughter to get their money) I think on AW too, and then on GL again playing another character during the illfated Conwest era.

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Yeah - Denise looks great. And in the beginning of her storyline when she would dance - like really dance, not stripper dance - she was so graceful. I wish they'd been able to incorporate that more. I'm hoping both of them end up on The Gates. And maybe they are. I haven't been paying too much attention to it. Am just excited for it to premiere next year.

The McColls never really worked for me. I don't know why. Maybe if I could see more of their tenure I'd feel differently. Diana grated on me (I think I feel about her the way everyone else feels about Katie.) And after first seeing Mark Pinter as "evil Grant" on AW, I think I just have a personal problem watching him be the good guy.

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Denise's sexuality should have been used more..in a positive way..moving on from her back story and seeing her melt this uptight great looking guy (I know, a story done a million times but its a good one) and not just to "catch or trap him" but because they really like each other.  I mean Jessica is totally a Marland type...professional and cold..(while men would fall over her) and Denise was a great counter point in a good way.

The McColl kids I like just because it gave Lisa a family, and I actually think that the writers at that time wrote Lisa better then Marland did..she was flamboyant and fun and eccentric and loving..the first time she started picking up the problem children of the world (Marcy and then mothering Diana) which granted Marland wrote..but she just seemed more colorful without the restraints of a colder writer like DM. 

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@DRW50 @Mitch64 @Khan @slick jones @Paul Raven

Anyone know the background details on this about author turned primetime soap writer/producer James Fritzhand’s time on ATWT being the cause for his retirement?

“A bad experience on the long-running soap opera As the World Turns led him to retire around 2000.”

https://www.sighswhispers.com/episodes/episode-37-james-fritzhand#:~:text=Fritzhand is the author of,sagas and roman à clefs.

A quick look on IMDB and it looks like Fritzhand was on ATWT under Stern & Black in ‘96, I don’t think he lasted more than that did he?

I tried to dig into here on SON but the only result I got was @Khan’s hilariously roasting here of his time on Falcon Crest here lol. 


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Haven't been able to watch all of this yet but I skimmed through this Barbara Rodell interview and she does talk some about her time on GL and ATWT, among other soaps. At one point she mentions a conflict with Helen Wagner that she managed to resolve.

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