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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Martin Guest killed the broker of the illegal adoption that got Lily. Oh my goodness, Clifford Breyer was his name. I admit, I had to find the episode where his name is mentioned.


You know, after I posted up-thread, I thought about it, and came to the same conclusion that Lisa, no stranger to multiple marriages and having been widowed more than once, would, in irony of ironies, be the one to actually empathize with Lucinda and come to her defense about her marriage history! The truce, of course, could be temporary but a frenemy relationship should have lasted the life of the show. It would have provided both with something to do, outside of children and grandchildren.


Another note about Clifford Breyer- Tonio found out about his widow, who lived in a nursing home and went to visit her to dig up information that he could try to use against Lucinda, as Sierra was divorcing Tonio and he knew his days as Lucinda's right-hand man and successor at the company were, in all likelihood, numbered.

If Tonio lost his job, his Visa would be terminated and he'd likely be deported. I don't remember how much Tonio knew but I think he overheard an agitated Lucinda, talking to Ambrose on the phone, saying no one must find out why Martin killed himself.

I don't remember how much information Tonio actually sussed out from Breuer's widow as she looked to have either Alzheimer's or dementia.  Mrs. Breuer may have remembered some miniscule nugget of information that Tonio was able to piece together before the nurse made him leave. 

EDT: Breyer, not Breuer. Sorry. Auto-correct keeps "fixing" things.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I wish someone would talk to Meredith Post and Maria Wagner. Wagner in particular, was a director-I could be mistaken but I don't remember seeing many women directors of daytime soaps in the 1980s.

The job of a director just seemed far more integral back then since scenes had a lot more movement, not stasis of today's daytime soaps. Good direction really showed back then.

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It's very frustrating to watch these interviews with the ATWT producers and learn so little about the origin/inspiration/details behind the storyline decisions. He has Vivian on and never once asks what it was like to work on the show during its 80/90s Renaissance and the shock of Marland's sudden death or the P&G EP musical chairs period. I mean, this woman is a walking encyclopedia of soap opera history - and yet Alan ignores it.

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Susan Bedsow-Horgan should have long ago been on a livestream from one of these podcasts discussing her work on ATWT in depth. Wagner too. It's negligence that they haven't been included.





I only got to see the last four, five minutes of the reunion and could tell immediately that it wouldn't be worth my time to go back and watch the whole thing.


Sometime last year, I mentioned that I wished that someone like Roger Newcomb would host or produce (and choose a host) something like this because he has more experience interviewing soap talent and knows a lot more about these shows, as he used to run the We Love Soaps blog. Unfortunately soap fans have become used to very little, so will be praising Alan to the hilt for offering such mediocre content.

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Currently watching a TPIR rerun where one of the showcases is a salute to ATWT. Prizes are a new camera (a nod to Gunnar's job as a photographer), trips to New York and Spain presented by Meg Ryan and Frank Runyeon, a sailboat (where "Tom and Margo rekindled their love"), and an appearance as an extra on ATWT.

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