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This playlist also has an October 1988 episode I hadn't seen elsewhere. 


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They have some January 1990 ones too that haven't been uploaded anywhere else (yet), although that's a year ahead of where you are so you may not want to watch. But you may want to download or something in case the videos get zapped. 

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Not bad..I do like Maggie giving it back to Steve...I HATED Steve and everyone just coddled him....(because he was the STAR of the show or so he and the Bunim thought) Funny seeing Kim not being the Kim of "Toots," fame. I can't see her letting ANYONE grab a phone out of her hand.   Fulton left right after this as Whit's bday party (where she hit him in the puss with a cake) was Diana's intro. Too bad, would have been interesting to see more of Diana's animosity and Lisa trying to handle a "bad girl,' like she was. But you are correct...the Whit actor is HORRIBLE and gross, I can't see Lisa being attracted to him. 

The show was good, the only problem was the lack of connectivity and family ala Marland, and that Nancy and Chris were shuttled out of town. So easy to incorporate them here, with Chris talking to Maggie, and Nancy giving advice to Lisa on how to handle her vixen step daughter .

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Yea, but we all know Lisa liked her bed time activities and most of the guys that she was with were attractive in a very staid kind of way..( I remember my aunt being all hot for Grant Coleman!!!!)

The Dobsons were trying to do a Santa Barabara thing with the strong man married to the sassy lady who didn't take it and I think it would have been fun to watch if Fulton stayed and they had recast Whit with an attractive guy..(Whit was working class self made...they could have found a more rough hewn guy like that who would have rubbed all of Lisa's family and friends the wrong way.) Lisa of course meddling between Whit and his kids and his business...(I remember he didn't like Bob and was friendly with John) the set up was good.

Why the hell did Fulton pick that hair color and cut, it made her looks old and uptight.

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I think it was stupid that Fulton decided to leave when she did. I didn't like the Dobbies but I think they wrote for her..she wasn't the end all and be all of Oakdale but they created a whole family to surround her..it was her choice to start having Lisa act like an airhead and dying her hair to get attention,etc. Sometimes I wonder if these people have anyone who tells them..."Are you crazy leaving???"

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So funny that Emily is trying to get Tonio to get info on Brock seeing as she'd eventually fall for him. But the unspoken tension between Ellie and Emily was funny. You can feel how both of them wanted to flog one another. Did Ellie's dislike for Emily derive over Emily messing with Tonio while married to Meg?


Lucinda is such an elitist twat in this episode despite my love for her. Glad to see that Lily had some compassion and John saw potential in him. But Lucinda's one redeeming quality was her undying love for her daughters, which was demonstrated in this episode. 


:lol: at Duke trying to come onto Lily and her reaction. Duke is such a sleaze, which solidifies that he is totally John's son. And Duke calling Lucinda, "Lucy." :P Duke is a hoot. I wish they could've brought him back. 


Uh oh at Bob sending Andy to John, not knowing that Duke is his son. I love Margo too and understand her being jarred by Duke's new son, but she should get over it. And I don't get why Andy reacted so harshly too. Especially over John having an affair. Does he not know his father's history? Affairs were in John's wheelhouse. John spreading his seed about should be expected. 


Susan definitely has a type. Kim's exes or her co-workers. Dan. Bob. John. Larry. Rick. I can't wait to see the next episode. I am assuming that John is gonna get chewed out by Kim. She was a way of making an entrance even though it was extremely dry. 


Was '89 the introduction of Mabel's White Hots? I always wondered if it and Al's Diners were the same place....


Poor Ellie. I just feel bad for her as the carpet is about to be pulled from underneath her. Once she breaks up with Craig, is that when she starts fooling with Kirk? 


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Who wears cut-off jeans to go running, Duke?  He has to be the most like John of all John's children, though and I forgot how funny those scenes at the mansion were (lol).  It's kind of interesting how twisted the relationships became this year.  Duke calling Lucinda "Lucy" was reminiscent of Lisa, who couldn't stand John but, if I remember correctly, liked Duke.  Then there was the awkward relationship Duke would have with Tom once he begins to date Lien.  In a way, you could see Tom quietly judging Duke, although Tom gave Duke more consideration than John had given him, even after he married Margo.


LOL @ the collective groans when Duke alluded to his sex life, by mentioning how quiet his bed springs were.  Even John blanched at those statements.


Even though I like Lien, they had her date Paul, Andy and then Duke. I guess there were no other guys in her age group on the show but that always struck me as weird.


I think Ellie's and Emily's tension, at least in the early going had a lot to do with Craig.  Emily wanted a chance but missed it with the revelation of her affair with Tonio flushed that chance and she definitely does not seem to like seeing Ellie waltzing into Craig's life and taking up Craig's time diminishing her prospects of ever getting back to where she was with Craig, so it looks like she is trying to play spoiler by using the search for Sierra as a crowbar to pry Craig and Ellie apart.  I could also see Ellie not liking or respecting Emily for her effect on Meg and Meg's marriage to Tonio, but if you remember, Ellie herself was involved with a married man, so there's only so far that contempt for Emily could go.


Andy and Kim had some nice scenes with Kim trying to get to the heart of why Andy was so upset.  With Andy being in a position where he feels he has to compete with Paul for Lien's affections, he now feels that he may have to compete with yet another relative but this time, for his father's attention.  I really don't think it truly has to do with John's unfaithfulness to Kim, that's just on the surface.


Craig sure was one amorous dude in the 1980s!  Probably biased but the hottest pairing that Scott Bryce had on this show was definitely with Finn Carter.  Sorry Renée and Melanie, though I liked you both.  Iva could have told Ellie that it wasn't wise to get involved with Craig when Sierra could still be out there because she'd definitely come in second in the end.  In the end, Ellie knew this despite Craig's handwringing and reluctance to leave her broken-hearted.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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