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I think that Lyla is strong when it comes to her kids but I just never saw her as being vibrant compared to the other women on the cast. Hell, I get more from Ellen than I do Lyla. I did however, feel something for her when they brought her back the last time under Hogan's reign. But again, she was in the orbit of her kids and was scolding Katie for marrying Simon. 


Yeah from most of the episodes I am watching, Lily is coming off more as a brat (and a twat) than what she usually is but I like her. She isn't as self-righteous and preachy as she'd later become. As you said, she was flawed. 


From what little I've seen of HR's Lily (as I haven't gotten around to watching most of her time on the show) I like her. She isn't as shrill as MB's Lily, who I adored even though she annoyed me at times. HR seems to play a tragic heroine better than MB without all the screaming and hysterics. 


Noelle was OK as Trisha Alden (and what little I've seen of her too) is just like a carbon copy of Lily and most younger heroines at that time--all screams and hysterics. 


Noelle fit perfectly on ATWT (as an actress) but I think Lily was just the wrong role for her. I think she would've fit better in another role. Maybe an Ellie recast? 

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HR was also a lot more believable to me as the spoiled daughter only Lucinda could have raised. I really thought Lily came into her own as a character during that time as well.


HR brought a lot of complexity to the role I thought, and I dislike how some Byrne fans just totally dismiss her contributions to the part. 

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I always thought for most of her run that Lyla was a sap with her children. She had blinders where Craig was concerned. Lyla always believed he could do no wrong. 


When Martha Bryne returned as Lily and it felt jarring at first for me…I knew Heather Rattray had made the role of Lily her own. I sure did miss Heather after Martha returned.

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Wow, I did not know that the actor who played Jared Carpenter, Iva Snyder's biological father is the father of Lyndsey Frost (Betsy Stewart Andropolous) IRL!! His name is Warren Frost.  Ironically, when his character showed up, Betsy had already left Oakdale. 


I'm watching an episode from 1988 and was reading the closing credits.  It's great that he's still alive and living in Vermont at 90!

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When she first came onto the show, she was reformed and was now a no nonsense nurse. It was the flashbacks that showed that Lyla was a former slut, golddigger (as John would taunt her for going after a Hughes.) Her slut genes rolled down to her kids as you could see her being strict with Cricket (the horrible Lisa Loring in an Erica Kane wanna be role, but it could have been a good character) who was a wild before she too melted into the wood work (to match her acting.) Cricket even went to the Masked Ball NOT wearing the slip under her dress that Lyla insisted on!  (the scandal) Lisa on her gossip rounds in the hospital told people about it and she and Lyla had a fight about it...something that Sword's Lyla would never do. I liked the first actress who did seem like she had it rough and was a bit tough but Hastings hated her right?


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Don Hasting didn't get along with Veleka Gray? Ooo! I'd like to hear more about that. 


And I can so picture Lisa's busybody ass going around spreading gossip. :lol: Was Lisa doing that b/c she felt threatened by Lyla? 


Now I am intrigued to see the inception of the Montgomery clan on ATWT. And I didn't know that they tried modeling Cricket after Erica Kane. From reading her backstory, she just came off as a reckless teen that became a teen mom. 

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I think her name was Hayley. She was an ingenue - her aunt Connie was in charge of her inheritance and James was sleeping with Connie so he could get what he wanted of it. She had a romance with Eric Hollister (Peter Reckell), kid brother of the sleazy, pornstached Brad Hollister, one of the most unlikely leading men ever on a soap. The Dobsons made them so wan that I don't think viewers ever gave a damn.


I always want to see more of the Dobsons run, yet I also don't, because what I have seen is...not good, and is quite dull and jarring to ATWT's core identity. It plays like a 40-year old who suddenly starts dressing like an 18-year old to feel hip. I can see why viewers, and Helen Wagner, headed elsewhere (although it may have been P&G, not the Dobsons).




I think Veleka claimed in an interview that Hastings got her fired.

Edited by DRW50
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Thanks, Carl! You're the best. ;)


I'm going to go read this now. 

And from watching clips that WLS post of ATWT, I can see why fans didn't like the Brad Hollister. He was kind of skeevy looking and the fact that the Stewart girls fought over him had to be hard for longtime fans. But that aside, I still wanna see the Dobsons time at ATWT just to say I've seen it. It can't be worse than what's on air now. 

From what little I've seen of the McColls, I liked them. Where they used as inspirations for the Capwell clan of SB? Because many of them have the same characteristics of the McColls. 

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"I always want to see more of the Dobsons run, yet I also don't, because what I have seen is...not good, and is quite dull and jarring to ATWT's core identity. It plays like a 40-year old who suddenly starts dressing like an 18-year old to feel hip. I can see why viewers, and Helen Wagner, headed elsewhere (although it may have been P&G, not the Dobsons)."


I think this was the most accurate description of the Dobson's ATWT (and most soaps that try to be something they are not.) The Dobsons destroyed the family and community connections on the show, sidelined Chris and Nancy, obscured the Hughes family...but the show was still darkly lit, slow...and kind of depressing...(it took YEARS to resolve the Bets/Steve thing.) focused on like 5 characters.  Meanwhile, some of their heroines were old hat, such as the aforementioned Betsy who had no life outside of pining for Steve or being married to Craig or having Danny as a baby.  The show was still creaky.


I think the main problem with the McColls is that Whit was a terrible casting choice (I think he was a crony of the Dobsons) with his bad toup and dentures, it was gross to see him with Lisa...and neither Fulton or Von Furstenberg had chemistry with him.  I think Brian was an ill conceived character and really only Diana and Kurt worked on any level.

Edited by Mitch
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I am shocked that Don did that to Veleka Gray, so that his wife could land a role on the show. I hope that he has since reached out and apologized for doing so. 


Do you think that Diana worked because she was a foil to the saccharine, one-note Betsy? That Diana seemed like she had layers to her? And reading up on her backstory, it finally seemed like Diana was coming into her home when Kim Johnston Ulrich left the show. 



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