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ALL: Saddest Soap Moments

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For me a big part of GL died when they took Bridget and turned her into some kind of crazy shrew, with the heavy implication being that of course she would be that way because she was ugly and Dinah was a goddess. That was when GL made it clear that acting talent and unique beauty was no longer important.

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Jesse and Angie was a beautiful reunion, probably the last time that a return was done SUPER WELL, and even now they still add something to the show. VERY worthwhile return.

LOVE all these references to the British soaps and I think it's no coincidence that there are SO many memorable moments because they have always had this realism to them that the American soaps lack. British soaps are like looking into people's lives and being interested at the humanity. American soaps are like those nasty trainwrecks you can't look away from. The American soaps have such a weird voyeuristic thing going on because you know sooner or later everyone will crash and burn and nobody's ever really happy. The drama's in the tribulations. American Daytime is a flesh factory, but, I'm as guilty as the next person ;)

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I think American soaps did have more emotional moments but those stopped, overall, from the past 15 or so years, as emotions have become something American soaps are often ashamed of, they think viewers just want to see stunts and that viewers have no patience and no brain.

This has also started happening more in British soaps, sadly, although they still have their moments.

Something else I can't find on Youtube at the moment -- when Lucy miscarried her baby with Kevin on PC. Those scenes just gutted me.

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And I'm not usually a fan of the dream scenario... but they did something out of the box in a way (the ring thing) and carried it off without a hitch. Ryan/Victoria's chemistry sizzled.

Also, a scene from... 1998 came to mind. Nikki was in the hospital after being shot and Victor suggests that they move out of the ranch because of the memories it will hold in there. However, Nikki turns down his offer and says she wants to go home. Not technically sad, but touching, and, weirdly, more touching than their wedding a few episodes earlier! Although that was pretty good as well.

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Now I have never seen this show before, but that was a HORRIFIC way to die. Reminds me of Tonio's first death on ATWT with his fall into the ocean with everyone watching in horror.

Not daytime but this made upset when I first saw it...I felt so sick in my stomach, and I thought Linda Fairgate's murder was brutal...

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I'll add when Bobby died on Home & Away. I was like 7 or 8 and I remember everyone talking about- from the everyone at school to people in line at the grocery store, even my grandmother (who didn't even really like H&A) called from New Zealand and was like "I can't believe Bobby died!!" Hell- I remember being a store the day her funeral aired and store had it playing at on one of the televisions and there was literally a crowd of people standing in a mob watching it and crying. The whole story was just was incredibly sad- mainly because they way she died was just so suddenly and plus, at the point, her, Alf, and Ailsa were H&A so a huge part of the show (at the time) basically died when she died.


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Thanks for the Kevin/Lucy clip. That always upsets me, from Lynn's performance, to Kevin only letting himself break down when he was alone with Mac.

Yeah, April's murder on Dallas was so shocking, and depressing. I can't say I had a lot of interest in the last season after that.

I felt the same way about Maggie's shock value death on Falcon Crest. It may have been an oh so clever way to get attention but left me with little reason to stay invested.

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It's funny. When they announced KNOTS LANDING's cancellation, I thought, "Well, I can't say the past two years have been the best, but...gee...maybe it's going away a bit too soon?" Yet, when DALLAS was cancelled, I felt the complete opposite. Stories such as April's murder just left me feeling that particular show had run out of steam ages ago.

I don't think they had any other choice, though, but to kill her off. Susan Sullivan wanted to leave, claiming that writers had run of things for Maggie to do. Having Maggie just take the kids and leave Richard, though, felt like a violation of their entire relationship.

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Ah yes, there was great symbolism involved in Maggie Channing's drowning when her wedding ring became trapped in the pool drain. As the primetime soaps declined in the late 80s I suppose TTIC thought these big and extra violent deaths would work. Ok so Linda Fairgate was kind of annoying but we did not need to her laying in a LAKE of her own blood.

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