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GH: August Discussion Thread

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I can never tell the transition years between Labine and Guza... well, until Click-Boom, that is. Harumph. I guess it makes sense that the Gooz would never let that woman's Brenda stuff air while he's around.

You know, I like Brenda and all, but I miss that AMC isn't on. It has been a pretty great watch lately. Although I haven't seen yesterday's Kendall episode yet (somebody whose absence is NOT missed on my part) so... famous last words.

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I like the titles on the screen too, but I was kinda hoping they'd leave it alone and play the full screen credits just so I can hear a snippet of FOTH. And when I say plastered on the screen, I really mean it, too! For a few seconds, half of the screen was covered in writers' names.

I'm pretty sure they'll just repeat this GH episode again tomorrow. At least I hope so. I watch AMC on the New Orleans station, but if I miss it, I catch the day-behind on the Baton Rouge station.

They were the appropriate credits (Riche was credited as EP), but just formatted in the way the current credits are. The HWs were Richard Culliton and Karen Harris.

This episode is decent. I was looking forward to it because I loved the Christmas episode SOAPnet showed a few years ago, but this one isn't as good as that one was. It's still all right, though. I think I like this era of GH. It does a body good to see Anna Lee sitting there all refined in her wheelchair. She's too cute trying to ad lib small talk with John Ingle while they wait for the wedding to start.

Just give me a f'n AMC marathon soon, and I'll be all right. And don't be afraid to show some old school Erica.

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Alan and Monica :( Never really cared for them but they were GH icons. Its criminal what was done to them

Seeing Lucy makes he realizes how much the show is missing not having her around. It needs her quirky sense of humor and energy

Bobbie and Tony were married 8 years? Thats an eternity in soap years and unheard of today

Real Carly. I miss her

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Chirs Whitesell was HW? How was his tenure perceived at GH? This era of GH always intrigues me because it existed between two (alleged) golden ages of GH, Labine and Guza's. Makes one wonder what would have happened if either writer (Culliton or Whitesell) was given more time to write for the show.

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Chris Whitsell is underrated, IMO. He is a jobbing HW for transition periods, kind of like Beth Millstein and Carolyn Culliton. However, he has done solid work (I thought) for longer periods at Sunset Beach and Days. Of course, he really cut his teeth over at AW, during a golden era of the late-80s-early 90s. A good foundation.

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Whitesell and Icabuzio (?) were fill-ins while the show was waiting for the iconic Luza to return. Their work was judged harshly during that period, especially the Tin Man story, and I can see why, but it was better than pretty much anything Guza has done since.

Culliton was also frequently derided for not being able to compare to Guza. The idea was that Guza would return to the show and it would be a paradise again.

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Can longtime GH fans fill me in on something...was the 2PM EST episode exactly the way it played out when it originally aired or did ABC add in clips, generic music and completely butcher the episode?

I have a hard time believing Stefan and Katherine were the only other story that day and only having three scenes too?! :unsure:

I also have a difficult time believing Wendy Riche would ever approve such dreadful background music for those flashbacks.

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The marathon has just started here for me, WOW this is better than I thought it would be. Was to young to watch this episode of GH, so this is pure awesome seeing how it used to be. I love Brenda/Jax! Everything was so different back then!! Jax used to have a little English accent, what happened to it LOL??

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As I suspected, they really butchered this. Why even leave the Stefan/Katherine stuff in at all? They should have just gotten rid of that and V/Jax stuff completely and re-edited full Sonny/Brenda clipshow.

The re-edit didn't bother me nearly as bad as the shiteous, generic music(aside from the S&B Theme). Awful!

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