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GH: August Discussion Thread

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Mama Franco would have fit in on Ryan's Hope, what with her West Village vibe and weirdly baby voice. That is just the kind of quirk that Labine would have relished. Here? Not so much. She wasn't as bad as I expected, though.

Please, Claire. PLEASE let all this be a HUGE charade where you are entrapping Sonny. PLEASE. Gotta say, Dahlia Salem is acting this so well. I can't tell if she's lying or not. Her fluttering eyelashes and softly seductive smile at anything Sonny says makes me think she is totally playing him. She is just over-egging things ever so slightly and it is like a sly wink at the audience.

How much would I love a spin-off show with Claire, Diane and Alexis? The law offices of Miller Davis & Walsh. I'm a fan of The Good Wife and it is the office politics on that show which are the most gripping.

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I really, truly believe this is what we're seeing - Sonny is being used by Claire and it will all come out in the wash. In a way it's brilliant. Claire has tapped into Sonny's true Achilles Heel. It's not Carly or Brenda or Michael or Kristina or even the business.... it's his own sense of Machismo. THAT is how Sonny truly want to be seen and Claire has figured out how to play to that. Sonny is convinced he can get any woman and he's going to be a huge surprise, I'm predicting. I think Claire is going to emerge as one of the brightest bulbs on the tree.

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Guza probably needed this story to be over, as well, so he could use the characters involved for Brenda's story. Too many pets were caught up in Aiden's story. Jason, Lucky, Dante. Also, I think it was intentioned to end this way -- not exactly in this rapid manner, but I do think the goal from the beginning was all about giving JJ/Lucky this moment to play out. Rescuing his own son without even knowing it. I bet Guza, Korte and the outline writers were salivating to get to this moment, because I agree, the Niz Family Reunion was incredibly anti-climactic. Liz was all, "OMG! You found my keys!!" <_<

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Yes VM is too beautiful. I hope they put her back with Sonny. When they air those episode today I hope they show the one were Brenda is in the shower alone after a major mob shoot out and she's crying. Anyone remember the old R&B record company she started with Robin and they had signed on Miguel onto? Oh that was a fond memory.


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The Brendathon started an hour early on one of my ABC stations. They're supposed to be playing yesterday's AMC right now, but...well, I guess Brenda just needed the *entire* day on all of the ABC affiliates. Tsk^3.

Anyway...what the heck is with Carly's hair? It looks a rumpled, tousled mess. Zeman was so pretty before she ruined her face...and oh my, she's emoting. She actually has material that requires emotion!

ABC is editing the episodes to make them look like current episodes. They plastered EP/writing/directing credits over the first act.

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I know I'm talking to myself for now, but I have to ask, who is the annoying girl who found Brenda and Jax in Jax's room? She's awful!

ETA: So they're airing lengthy promos for the What If? crossovers as well. They showed the Sonny/Erica one up until the elevator got stuck and then screamed at me to watch the whole thing online.

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I hope not! She's a little girl, LOL. Maybe it's Emily? I'm only half-watching right now, so they may have said her name and I didn't catch it.

John J. York is sorta DILFy now, but he was fine as hell in '96.

ETA: Okay yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Amber Tamblyn as Emily. And there goes the Todd/Spinelli crossover...in a certain light, Trevor St. John looks like The Situation.

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