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GH: July Discussion Thread

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Pretty much! What the GH writers won't do to avoid using a vet onscreen. I like ML, she's a wonderful actress, but how nice would it have been for GRAM to be Liz's sounding board instead of random, Nik-pimping, hospital patient? Gram is good for babysitting the brood, she just doesn't know squat about what Elizabeth needs like that strange woman she met just a few weeks ago.

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I highly doubt that, they hire who they know will deliver and if that means another FOJ then it's a FOJ.

I think Guza's interview was bang on - and has been something I've believed for ages - they already have so much wealth on GH and there's just no room for anyone else at the moment, especially when well known names outside of soapland can drop in for a short stint and bring a little extra attention with them. The problem with other seasoned soap actors is the assumption that they will stick around. That layer isn't added to short-term stints like Shirley or Franco.

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I think the build up was obvious. The last few days with Warren not getting anyone to budge on Kiefer's guilt ('cause they knew it was true), Sonny nailing Warren as an abuser himself, Kristina finally standing up to Warren, and then Lucky showing no interest in taking Warren's side even though he had to pry Michael off the man. There was a visual snap in that final incident that could be seen from miles away. I didn't know about the gun either, but given how Warren believes he can make anything happen I'm not surprised he had one.

I don't think he had it in the conference room, but that doesn't preclude him from taking it from someone nor does it preclude Franco aiding in Warren's gun acquisition when the targets were the kids Jason protects. My experience of GH is that almost every WTF is answered within the next 3 episodes. I'm expecting that question to rise quite quickly.

And pass the brownies to Mac - he actually saw a crime ABOUT to be committed and tried to do something about it. COOL!!! 'Cause that never happens.

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No more of that stupid beaded beanie! No more of those god awful plastic baubles. No more of her clutching her stupid reading glasses and waving her hands all over the place.

I still say her death should've come weeks ago... after Beulah Epiphany beat her to death with the phone receiver after she got on the PA system hocking her wares!

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Beulah has been annoying me alot less lately. Maybe the writers(and especially the directors) have taken the hint from viewers and have decided to really make her less 1940's caricature. Her scenes have been considerably less "stereotypical."

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I was very surprised too and not in a good way.

I'm not saying Warren's anger wasn't built up to. But for a man(a rich lawyer at that) to all of a sudden stop believing in the justice system because the entire town turned a blind eye to some kid beating the crap out of him. Someone like Warren would have done everything in his power to continue degrading Kristina, protecting his son, etc.

Warren bringing a gun in a hospital and "shooten 'em up" doesn't fit for me. And neither does...

I still think, whether they explain the gun or not(and I don't think they will), it was still a cheap, lazy device. It was like watching some sophomoric playwright trying to add drama at the last minute to keep the audience in their seats.
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I think it comes down to viewers not feeling a lot of sympathy for Kristina (or Ethan) so this was a way to get that across, and also because the show never had any idea what to do with the character in the first place. Beyond getting Kristina closer to Sonny they seemed to never have any real point for any of this plot.

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Eric, Carly is still in 'vegeance demon' mode, BL has just decided she wants Johnny.

I wish the writers had resisted the temptation to have Warren fault Kristina as he lay (dying?)

Is soap writing so awful that even once-good actors turn complete ham when they're cast? I think James Franco is horrible.

Maybe the director is (in part) at fault?

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Man, today's show is such crap. Total garbage.

This performance art stuff is such asinine nonsense. Please Guza and Jill, do us a favor and never invite this "actor" back to GH.

The hospital stuff is equally as ridiculous.

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Franco has treated the whole thing as a joke, so he probably doesn't take any real interest in how his performances come across.

I still wonder why it was worth the effort, other than those at ABC Daytime thinking their soaps are unworthy unless a "name" is involved. The ratings have either dropped or not budged for most of his appearances.

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In regards to this Franco story/showdown with Jason:

Is there really any difference between Franco's art fans who mindlessly praise his "work" and those who bow at the feet of Sonny Corinthos (half the population of Port Chuck basically)? It almost seems as GH is making fun of itself by portraying Franco's art fans as brain dead human beings oblivious to the fact that he's a serial killer.

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What on God's green earth made them think this guy was worth a location shoot, getting behind on the production schedule, and shoehorning him into everyone else's stories and lives.

The directing(the hospital scenes and the art exhibit) is all so rushed and very amateurish. I'll be glad when this sh!t is over.

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