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AMC: Wednesday June 16, 2010

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It's been only, what, two days? I think I need to wait awhile before I can really pass judgment on CBL. I'm not expecting her to top Judith Light-on-the-witness-stand right away, lol.

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CBL has more emotion per scene as Binxs than ER had, that's tough for me to say, I don't think she was wooden at all, watching her scene she came for one thing.. to find out where her mother was and she even attempted to play her. :lol:

'What is wrong w/ you!':( and then she told Jesse to arrest her.:lol:

Normally I don't back Ryan's violent tendencies, but he's been written very understandable in all this, he thinks that piece of s... killed Erica and is acting as if he just sneezed on an old lady. So....


Choke away Ryan, make him suffer!:angry:

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It's too soon to say how good CBL is, but so far she's holding her own against Rebecca Budig. We'll see when she gets a big dramatic scene if she can handle it or amps up the histrionics like Alicia Minshew.

ITA about Ryan. In the past, he's taken out his anger on inappropriate people, but this time he's justified given everything David's done to him and his wives (Gillian & Greenlee) plus his concern for Erica.

As for the rest of the show:

I'm glad Erica's time in the pit was short. Now I'm ready for Caleb to bring her back to the cabin and Jack! Walt Willey was excellent in the scene where Jack told Krystal how much Erica means to him.

I loved the David/Angie scene where he threatened to fire both her & Frankie. I just hope this doesn't turn out to be a Who Shot David story down the line.

I still love Ryan & Madison together. Even though Bianca got Ryan to admit he still loves Greenlee, I think the point of that scene was to show that people do move on eventually.

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Oh, well. Sitting around Fusion whining about Greenlee's lack of compassion isn't productive. Both of the idiots have loads of Cambias money. Hop on a jet and help with the search. Why fly across the Atlantic ocean, leaving your precious "Girls" behind... to just sit around and whine? DO something.

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Why fly when you're Bianca Montgomery, Patron Saint of Lesbian Rape Victims? Surely, she could have astral projected herself back home instead?

Come to think of it, it's ridic that Binki doesn't even know where her mother is! If she could walk on water and have doves fly out of her ass to deliver messages of peace to everyone, then why couldn't she have sensed Erica was in danger, rose up, and send the plane back to Pine Valley (or at least brought it down safely) with a simple wave of the hand?

(No, R, I'm not making fun of you. I just cannot stand Bianca.)

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:lol: You mean, you didn't see the Oscar caliber performance?

But, seriously, these "wooden" claims make me giggle. I've always found the character to be rather stiff. I remember five years ago, under Eden's portrayal, Bianca was talking to Maggie and actually uttered the phrase: "At first, it gave me pause..."

WTF?! :blink: What kind of twentysomething in 2005 speaks that way with her BFF?

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I wanted to eat popcorn as I was watching him choke the living daylights out of David.

Worst that happens is David dies.


Hmmm....makes me wonder.

I love them together too. I feel there is a SL arc here w/ them and abuse. It's prbly gonna feel like some PSA. Binxs got him to admit he loves her, in her a person, not the RL, he doesn't like what he's seeing from her, frankly what I see happening is Madison/Ryan are going to get serious, she's gonna screw him and flaunt it in GreenMe's face. They are to going to rival ea. other like Laura and Greenlee, only GreenMe's gonna think she's some pushover and learn Madison isn't just that, infact she's the younger, braver version of Greenlee. That's what I see, I see that GreenMe created herself a very very fierce opponent and they won't make her crazy b/c the HWs love her. I don't see Rylee coming back soon at all, if you're Ryan you're a tool if you accept her back so easily. Especially after this fallout.

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This has turned into a menagerie of idiots: David is a world class dick, Greenlee is a sociopath - that Purple Rain dress alone proves it - and watching "Bianca" beg her for any scrap of information was nauseating. Ragemonkey Ryan was fun but Madison's propping of him ("You can't sit still when somebody you care about is in trouble.") made me feel like I'd all of sudden ended up watching OLTL and John McBain.

NOW Caleb has a bad ankle so he can't carry Erica even though he's been tossing her around like a bag of potting soil for weeks?

I do like that they're easing fairly slowly into Angie's illness. DM is doing a good job selling Angie's fatigue and weariness but I'm sick of hearing her and Jesse talk about David. I know he's a world class dick (see above) but can't you talk about anything else?

Jack practicing his proposal on Krystal made me want to punch sad clowns.

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I'm just catching up from being gone for 2 weeks...

I just find it really odd/ironic that Krystal of all people are actively searching for Erica... yet her bitchy loved ones, Ryan and Bianca, are just sitting at home pointing fingers and pouting. CRAZY!

Really only loving the Annie/JR/Scott and Liza stuff right now. Hopefully the Angie stuff picks up soon, although I can't stand Jesse anymore. nuBianca is just OK for me right now, granted this is only Day 1.

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