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"Secret Storm" memories.


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Jerry Coffey Soap Opera Tells Secrets June 1972

This department’s recent New York visit turned up practically everything there is to know about soap opera except what fans are most interested in :whats going to happen next.

 Despite intense grilling by scores of reporters, the producers. writers and cast members generally  held firm against revealing future plot developments.

 Oddly enough the least secretive group was from “The Secret Storm” — perhaps because that serial is especially concerned with rebuilding its audience and its image. “Secret Storm” is one of the oldest daytime dramas — it’s in its 18th year on CBS — but recently the show has been undergoing rather drastic revisions designed says producer Joe Manetta to bring in “new blood a more contemporary focus more modern attitudes”

Even though the transition is being made gradually over a period of months and already has resulted in a ratings boost the program’s mail indicates that the changes are unsettling to a number of long-time viewers.They are scarcely less so for the people charged with putting them into effect — particularly head writer Frances Rickett who assumed the job several months ago with the assignment to wind up a “grim” plot situation as quickly as possible and chart a new course for the serial


The trouble with giving the program a fresh start Miss Rickett noted was that the established characters had long eventful — and occasionally sordid — histories that kept getting in the way. For instance there’s Amy Ames Britton who literally grew up on the old “Secret Storm” and is a major holdover character — For purposes of Amy’s current romance and the “new woman” image being constructed for her it was important to Miss Rickett that the character’s previous marital record be downplayed as much as possible.So imagine her chagrin when in a routine on-the-air dialogue exchange between two other characters one was heard to remark casually as she was supposed to that yes Amy had been married before. Then she added unthinkingly: “ three times”

The writer also has her work cut out in transforming the character of tycoon-governor candidate Dan Kincaid from a cynical hypocrite deeply involved with the syndicate drug traffic into a conscience-stricken good guy only faintly tainted by past associations Sometimes casting changes have to be made to go along with character alternations “Joanne Morrison” originally brought on for a brief stint as a teen-age dope victim developed into a major continuing character in the new scheme but the girl who played her was considered too young for the romantic entanglements envisioned for the role so a new Joanna was hired (“And she’s too old” Miss Rickett says)


In the foreseeable future the serial will be built around the youthful Joanna.the durable Amy (now played by Lynne Adams) and the alluring social-climbing Belle Britton who joined the show in 1968 and was supposed to die shortly thereafter She was miraculously cured however and has been a prime antagonist since. Lately though even Belle (Marla Adams) has shown signs of mellowing and in the press interviews she was flashing a diamond that would make Liz Taylor envious (“courtesy of the prop department") a wedding bauble from good new Dan. They are to be wed “secretly” in a sequence of episodes beginning Monday June 19 “If you don’t think daytime drama can be funny on purpose just watch these shows” Marla Adams (no relation to Lynne) suggested Amy’s love life is about to intensify too. Lynne was explaining to reporters that her character is going with Dan Kincaid’s son Kevin but not very far. “That’s about to change” Miss Rickett put in “You and Kevin are going to start living together” “We are?” Lynn seemed genuinely surprised but agreeable to the idea.

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Not sure but when Jada Rowland decided she wanted to return, Lynne was out - so she went to TGL to reclaim the role of Leslie. leaving Barbara Rodell out of a job.

Here's an article from 1965

Writers Plot 'Secret Storm' Soap Opera Year in Advance By MARY WOOD
To many housewives -  young and old -  retired people, men and women,  shutins and invalids, a cherished escape comes in the trials, tribulations and triumphs of the actors who people the TV screen on daytime serials. More than nine million viewers tune in each week day to watch complicated lives unfold on television, and to most of these viewer the actors are real people, so intensely do they identify with them. To produce these half hours cf escape requires the full-time efforts of many talents -the writers, who create the continuing dramas; the actors, some of whom live with the same role for many years; the producers and directors who are responsible for getting the show on the air each day.
LET US BEGIN with the writers, those unseen and often anonymous people, who weave the happenings of a set of fictional lives into the stories acted out on TV. Jane and Ira Avery are a charming. vivacious middle-aged couple who have been writing "The Secret Storm," on CBS-TV, for 10 of the 12 years the serial has been running- together, from their island home near Darien, Conn. Jane and Ira plot the story a year ahead. Then, with the help of a couple of sub-writers, the scripts are written three weeks before air dale. "We keep the story  flexible since we can't possibly know a year in advance which of our actors may be leaving the Storm for one reason or another." Jane explained to me.
"For example. Ward Costello, who plays Peter Ames, is dropping out to go to the West Coast. Since Peter is so important to the story, he will be replaced by another actor." "NOW AND THEN, when we suddenly lose a character, the story must be revised in a hurry," said Ira. "When Diana Muldaur, who played Anne Wicker, went into a Broadway show a few months ago, we had to reform Susan (Judy Lewis) in a big hurry.'
"Reforming a character fast is something Jane and Ira are loathe to do. "It is completely unbelievable that a person could be mean as sin one week and a perfect saint the next." Jane said. "For that reason, we try not to have our villains all bad. In the first place, the villain doesn't think he's a villain even in real life. How many stinkers do you know who think they're stinkers"?"
The secret of writing a successful soap opera is to keep it flowing from one crisis to another, the Avery's agree. "You may have noticed that there is always the thread of a sub plot building in a serial witch will eventually become the focal plot. We want the story to be interesting enough for the viewer to want to tune in each day." said Jane.
IN ALL SOAP operas, characters come and go. But when a strong character has appeared in the story, he usually returns eventually even if his role is played by another actor. 'We always keep the story loose so we can bring back a character. We never kill ours off. We may need him again," said Ira. "At The moment, 'Arthur' is out of the story and 'Kip' is in Europe studying medicine, but they'll be back "
The Averys find that viewers tend to identify wholeheartedly with one character or another on a serial and get completely caught up in the character's problems. "Many viewers will actually root for the guilty party in an illicit affair." said Jane. "When Amy went through her illegitimate pregnancy, most of our viewers were rooting for her. One mother wrote us that her teenage daughter hid learned the facts of life from poor Amy's experience." .
REMEMBER JANET, the beautiful blonde who broke up the marriage of Kip and .Amy last summer? "Janet was played by Bibi Besch, the daughter of actress Gusti Ruber. We had to write Janet out m a hurry when Bibi announced that she was getting married and moving to Washington," said Ira. "If you recall, Janet's departure was a four-handkerchief episode." But Janet had her moment of glory and may be back but not played by Bibi. 
Even as the devout fans of "The Secret Storm," the Averys live closely with their make-believe people. Avery family traits and habits creep into the Ames family from time to time. "You may have observed that we re the oniy serial on TV in which only Martinis are served." Jane pointed out. "That's because we both love Martinis." 
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A quite detailed summary of the late 1962 storylines.

 IT'S GOTTEN to a point where I'm really worrying about soap operas. "Secret Storm" returns to the air November 19. I couldn't think of a greater public service than to catch the addicts part way up on what has happened to "Secret Storm."


Up to the start of this month: Peter and Myra Ames reach a new understanding; and a closer relationship as they work to save their marriage. However, Myra still refuses to face the fact that her life with Peter must deny her longing; for the young love she never had as a girL With her psychiatrist's help, she struggles to work out her problems with Peter and tries desperately to keep Nick Cromwell out of her life.


Much to Amy Ames' delight, the newly-reformed Kip Rysdale succeeds In winning over Peter and Myra. Peter recognizes the boy's change of heart and his sincere affection for Amy, and Is determined to help the young couple In every way possible as they prepare to enter Woodbridge College. After weeks of Illness, Nina Di Francisco, having confirmed her pregnancy at a nearby clinic, informs Kip Rysdale of her condition. She Insists that they be married immediately and then announce that they have been married for several months, thereby concealing the "accident." Driven to desperation by Nina's demands and his love for Amy, Kip struggles with Nina at the Dunbar's party. Nina falls and Is accidentally killed as she strikes her head against a bench in the garden house.


Eduardo becomes the prime suspect through self admission because he was the last person to see Nina alive and he cannot prove his whereabouts at the time of death. Peter Ames and Pauline Fuller come to the boy's aid, and with the help of the Ameses' lawyer, they clear Eduardo legally because of insufficient evidence. However, a cloud of suspicion hangs over Eduardo. The majority of the community seems convinced of the boy's guilt, and it soon becomes evident to Peter and Pauline that the only real way to clear Eduardo is to find the person responsible for Nina's death. Amy enters college but remains unhappy, fully aware that something has changed Kip.


Kip Is very disturbed over the fact that Eduardo Is still a suspect, and urges the boy to return to Mexico. Eduardo courageously decides to remain in Woodbrldge in school and face the ordeal ahead. Kip's conscience drives him to confess his guilt to his father. Arthur is shocked and terrified of the consequences of Kip's act. He warns Kip to keep quiet and takes charge of the situation himself. He is determined to protect his son and perhaps even more importantly, himself and his position - even at Kip's expense.


 Myra Ames grows more aware of the fact, that Peter Is once again slipping away from her because of his present involvement with someone else's problems. In this instance, she finds no quarrel with Peter's decision to help Eduardo, but Peter's actions point up the fact that he and Myra are perhaps really incompatible. Most of his time Is spent with Pauline in search of Nina's murderer, and Myra is left alone to work out her own problems. She finds she is thinking more and more of Nick Cromwell. 

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The Pittsburgh Press, Sunday, April 7, 1963

IF YOU have been lying awake nights plagued with concern over what ever happened to Polly Childs, Miss Colorado of 1957, be at ease. Here Is your answer. She is now Mrs. Stuart Rogers of Belvidere Street, Crafton. She also is Kate Ames, nee Kate Lodge, of the daytime serial, The Secret Storm. (Channels 2, 9 and 10, weekdays at 4).

In private life Polly has been married one year to Stuart Rogers, now on active duty with the U. S. Army in the recruiting station in the Old Post Office Building in Smithfleld Street. He will be discharged in September and expects to follow a career in personnel psychology. An occasional actor prior to his Army service, he appeared once on Secret Storm, met Polly and married her.

 In the fictional life, so real to its viewers, which she leads in the daytime drama, she was married only a few weeks ago to actor Wayne Tippltt, who plays Jerry Ames. Real life husband Rogers was an Interested spectator at the nuptials. What with getting married on the show, Polly has been appearing almost daily. Presently her appearances will dwindle, in the In-and-out tradition of soap opera, and her commuting schedule from Pittsburgh to New York will not be so hectic. She has been spending week ends in Pittsburgh and week days in New York.

 "But pretty soon things will settle down and I'll be on Just once or twice a week to discuss someone else's problem," says Polly. If you wonder where else you've seen Polly, she's been featured In commercials for clgarettes and hair spray. The daughter of an Army colonel (West Point '36) Polly is used to travel She has lived in Washington, the Philippines, Germany, Puerto Rico and numerous states including Colorado. While a resident of that state she was chosen Miss Colorado of 1957. Being a Miss Colorado at that time was traveling in fast company.

 Both her immediate predecessor, Sharon Kay Ritchie, and her immediate successor, Marilyn Van Derbur, were named Miss America. Polly was not Instead of touring the land as Miss America, she enrolled in Stephens Junior College at Columbia, Mo,, as a freshman. Her education completed, she worked at the Pentagon long enough to accumulate enough money for a fling at acting in New York. She moved from summer stock, to off-Broadway, and finally to network TV.


Whatever happened to Kate? Did she  and Jerry leave town happy and then he returned recast and single?



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