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"Secret Storm" memories.

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When Peter Hobbs departed the role of Peter Ames in Feb 62 after 8 years he took a full page ad in Variety with his name, a photo and the words 'At Liberty' and a phone number.

Guess he wanted anyone who might be interested to know he was again available for work. According to IMDB he only had a couple of gigs in the following years but we know that can be unreliable.

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Mr. Barrow played two roles on The Secret Storm.

I do not know the name of his first character, but he was a college president.   Later, he returned to the show to play a man who eventually became a candidate for Governor, Dan Kincaid.    Dan was the son of Kevin Kincaid.   He marreid Belle Clemons Britton.  Dan also had another son (race driver Robert Landers), and I am pretty sure that Dan had not known about Robert.     (Robert and Belle later had an affair, but Robert actually loved Joanna, the ward of Belle).

I (and probably many others) consider Dan the signature role of Bernard Barrow.    Dan was significantly different from Johnny on Ryan's Hope.

Mr. Barrow (in between these roles) played District Attorney Ira Gideon on The Edge of Night.   And that role too was significantly different from Johnny.   He also played roles on Where the Heart Is and I think Love of Life.    I also saw him on  The Doctors when the reruns first began.   (He was a television news reporter.)


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I agree with danfling that Dan Kincaid was really Bernard Barrow's signature role. Would you rather play opposite Marla Adams' Belle or Helen Gallagher's Maeve? Johnny Ryan didn't have many story lines of his own, and Maeve seemed to wear the pants in the Ryan family. As Dan Kincaid, Bernard Barrow was right at the center of the action.

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Although it is commonly stated that Robert Morse originated the role of Jerry, the Variety review of the show has Dick Trask in the role of Jerry.

So it seems Trask was the first Jerry, although he may have only lasted a few episodes(or even just one) before Robert Morse took over.

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My other thought is that perhaps Dick Trask never made it to air.

He may have been cast and his name supplied as part of the original cast, but for whatever  reason when the time came to go out live he was not available and Robert Morse was the one to appear as Jerry.

A possibility I guess.

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