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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Yeah, from what I've seen/read of her in interviews, Linda Schuyler is a wonderful, beyond progressive woman who would have been excellent at the helm of an American soap. She has basic character concepts and lets character continue to grow out of performer, which is something Linda Gottlieb tried at One Life (Blair, Jason, Luna). I mean, I don't know exactly how TNG has worked, but this was certainly true for the original series and I'm sure she's been very protective of the franchise. In the original Degrassi, they had weekly "round tables" where the cast and crew sat Indian style on the floor, read the script, and threw out their ideas, what was working, what they thought wasn;t realistic, et cetera. :wub:

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So MTV is encoring the episodes on a day-behind basis! They just aired "What a Girl Wants, Pt. 1" this morning.

I was a little bored with Declan and Fiona. I never really cared about them before, and now that they're going to a different school, I don't understand why they're even spending time on them there. The abuse story with Fiona's new guy is terribly predictable and pretty stale.

Sav and Holly J both annoyed me. I hate those girls/guys who just automatically assume that they'll be voted president simply because that's what they do. But I also hate those people who come in out of nowhere to take office just because, with no real goals or plans, etc. Eh. I'd vote for Sav because I'd hit, but other than that, I wouldn't care.

They still haven't put the movie up on the On Demand channel yet, and I don't want to watch it online.

SFK!! I've watched the first three episodes so far. Joey! He was such an adorable little runt! Too cute, with that big ass hat. I can't stand that annoying Stephanie at all. Voula reminds me so much of Clare, and that's not a good thing. I like the show, though. I like that so much of it is focused on the school and the inner-workings there. I think it's kinda funny that everybody seems to be in walking distance from the school and everyone else's houses lol

Edited by All My Shadows
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Do I see Joey here? I so approve. I loved Joey. He was so cute and full of energy. Joey and Caitlin are my favorite Degrassi couple ever. No other couple has come close. I'm still hopeful that we get an episode with them getting married with Spike as the matron of honor and Snake as best man.

Edited by Ann_SS
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:wub: :wub: And the best part?? IT ONLY GETS BETTER!! Joey was a little scamp, I'm not sure I would have predicted the success of the character at that point. Apparently, he was named one of the most memorable characters of Canadian TV history and he won the Canadian equivalent of the Emmy. Stay tuned! Ohhh, that Stephanie Kaye! Spoiler: that toof never comes in, nor will Voula ever breathe through her nose. :P The show is still very "young" at this point, it really is a progression. (I don't know if you know that there was a series even before this one called The Kids of Degrassi Street with elementary school aged kids. About four or five of the same actors were in it but as different characters. That show came on only once a month, a few months a year, they were more like after school specials.) But things get heavier and more "grown up" with every season culminating in the TV movie finale "School's Out" which is the last selection on the dvds. I hope you keep watching and enjoy it, I don't wanna be all "extra" and talk it up too much so you're let down. :lol:

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Noooo, don't worry about making me uninterested. I've always wanted to watch the whole series of DJH and DH. I only saw a few odd episodes on The N, so I've been looking for ways to see it all, and now I can, so I'm in it for the long haul. And with only 70 episodes, you can't beat that.

Yeah, I'm aware of "Kids..." I know the whole franchise, really. I've seen clips from School's Out ("...you were [!@#$%^&*] Tessa Campinelli!?"), but not the whole thing. Oh, and Joey running through the halls naked :lol: Raditch looks so different back then without all the facial hair.

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Good for them! Damn, why can't our soaps bottle some of that magic?? And chasing kids isn't the easy answer... this series manages to rise above its own cheesiness and examples of bad acting and be not only well-written but endearing too. I don't know so much about the new kids, but I always gush about this show because it made me care in a way I haven't cared for characters in daytime in a long time. Whatever it takes...

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Because Degrassi knows its audience. It plays what they want. Very few cooks are in its kitchen and at the end of the day one person has final say. Just like with cable shows.

Networks are a big part of soaps problem, however its not their only problem. its audience isnt there. They need to move to that 4p-7p timeslot, but it will not happen.

degrassi is also able to change, altho it doesnt really change. its viewers grow up, and they do not like the newbies usually but the show keeps doing it because the school and the teenagers are the focus, the characters are great but when they are done the show moves on, with a view exceptions. fans tend to accept this and give the newbies a chance or just stop. Thats fine tho, because new teenagers start watching. Degrassi is really the reason that Teen Nick is a network.

ETA... also, this is why disney is replacing soapnet with a kiddie network, so disney chan can go 24/7 and take on teen nick.

Edited by JackPeyton
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