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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Riley was the Greek with the fugly hair that only looked good when he cut it for half-a-season.

Popped-collar Marco embodies everything I loved about that character early on. Ol' fine Italian ass. They saddled him with Paige's boring brother when they should have had him seeing a star athlete from another school.

My definitive Degrassi pairings for the old crew would be Manny/Craig, Hazel/Jimmy, Ellie/Sean, Paige/Spinner, Liberty/JT, and clearly they should have put Emma and Toby together. !@#$%^&*] Ashley, I hated her.

Edited by All My Shadows
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Marco should've been done with Dylan in Season 4 (Remember when he kissed Craig wub.png / laugh.png ) And YAAAASSS to your idea of him banging a rival school's star athlete who was in the closet. That could've been his Season 5 storyline.

I was #TeamManny back in Season 3, Ashley was getting on my nerves with her depressed ass. The only time she really interested me was the Season 1 finale.

Remember Paige hating her, for calling her (wait for it)...... a HAG. laugh.png

My Top 5 Degrassi Couples were....

5. Darcy/Spinner

4. Craig/Manny

3. Paige/Spinner

2. Sean/Ellie

1. Emma/Jay tongue.png (LOL just kidding but Secret is my favorite episode)

I always thought it would be interesting if Emma got with Craig instead of Manny, I remember back when they did those webisodes that was actually one of them.

Spinner and Manny was an atrocity.

Edited by Eric83
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Yeah, I only liked Ashley for a very brief period in the early, early seasons, before the show really got good in S3. She was just a mopey mess from then on, it was obvious Melissa McIntyre was over doing the show, etc. I'd have rather them killed her off than write Terri out.

Spinner/Manny made no sense, but anything that pitted Degrassi's greatest bitches, Manny and Paige, against each other was fine with me.

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I'm not crazy about the name, either, and long ago thought they should have called her Manuela once she "matured."

SFK, I believe I'm gonna get back into Degrassi Junior High and High soon. I really did enjoy the first season, which I watched 2 and a half years ago, but I'm so lazy and slow with watching stuff. Considering it's so easy to get your hands on episodes, I might as well continue through. I'm eager to see them as high schoolers.

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Biracial Lucy is my default type, but I developed such a crush on Caitlin (no pedo), wow. After watching the original series, I had such a newfound appreciation for all of the crushing and gushing Kevin Smith does in the TNG episodes which is based on his real-life love of the series and Caitlin. I wouldn't say that it's necessary for you to dip all the way back to The Kids of Degrassi Street. I probably won't watch that again until I have children of my own, but you're a teacher and if I was teaching elementary-aged kids, I would totally work it into the curriculum. But you must watch Degrassi Junior and Senor high just to fortify your appreciation for the franchise. We own the series on Roku and I would totally watch it again but I should get caught up on these new episodes first.

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^ Yeah, he did. He found the guy who shot himself in the toilet.

What a [!@#$%^&*] great episode! I was really glued to screen the entire episode! I'm sad to see Cam go, a relatable character. The reactions were perfect! I really was yelling at the TV when Becky said that. Bitch needed stfu!

Edited by Nate4
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OK, so I watched it. The acting was WAY better than I thought it would be. Just about everyone brought it, especially Dallas and Eli. I love that Clare was only on for a brief moment of the episode.

I wish we would have seen more of Cam before he killed himself, but I guess they wouldn't want to be accused of being a "how-to video" for teen suicide. The reactions were heartbreaking, and I loved the little touches on taking little moments to focus on various people from Cam's storylines, like when they showed Tristan sitting on the wall. I'd say my favorite scene was actually the one with Eli and that other guy at home with the popcorn. Eli's definitely grown into one of the more enjoyable characters, and it's interesting how he's responding to being "the one" to find the body.

This little two-parter was different from previous Degerassi tragedies, it seems. When JT died, it was all about JT and how his friends felt about losing him. With Campbell, it was more about how his friends reacted and where they all placed the blame. Two very different deaths, of course, but interesting to see how they were covered differently.

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^ The guy he was with was Jake, Clare's ex and step brother.

Eli is a great character. Kinda disappointed the next episode is focused on him though. Reminds of after the shooting the episode was focused on Sean. I would like to see more of like the funeral, reactions, family, etc... Then an episode about Eli.

Loving this show!

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I didn't mind them focusing on Sean immediately after the shooting because it played into his storyline and characterization at that point. I think they did a good job with showing the conflict that characters like Toby felt about Rick dying, especially with Toby and JT going to his funeral and offering their condolences to his mom.

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Watched yesterday's episode. It mostly fell flat for me except for Eli's reaction, Zig's guilt, and Maya and Tori making up at the end. I also appreciated Katie being there as supportive older sister. I'm glad they didn't lionize Cam since that might have encouraged real-life suicide.

I liked Jimmy/Ashley back in the day and in their reunion. They are probably my all time favorite Degrassi couple. I liked Marco/Dylan. I just don't like how they would have Dylan cheating on Marco to end it. Remember this character Tim? I feel like Marco and Tim should have had something longer.

I never stopped liking Ashley. She was a "real" character to me, not a stereotype. She, Emma, and Jimmy were the main reasons I liked Degrassi: TNG in the beginning (along with the reminders of Degrassi past like Joey -- the original Degrassi, distributed in America by PBS, was used in classrooms in America too for curriculum. not just Canada, although I actually watched it at home on my PBS station).

Agree with the criticsim of Argiris Karras's acting as Riley. All the football stories have ben incredibly ugh on this show, actually. I'm glad this season they've switched to having a hockey team.

Edited by jfung79
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Ashley was alright....her going dark after being Little Miss Perfect for most of season 1 was awesome but they never fully went there with her. Her versus Paige should have been drawn out for years IMO.

Speaking of Paige....has there ever been a character I've loathed and loved at the same time as Paige Michalchuk? I think Jody from RHOV comes close but seriously Paige is just one of the best characters this show has every had.

Her one liners were just beast. Her little speeches were just ON POINT. I think when I first this one I knew this girl was destined for greatness....

"Four years of high school. Will you spend them cool with us, or as a social loser outcast with her? You decide."

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So Stefan Brogen did a live webchat with some fans of Degrassi tonight, and when asked about what would the series finale be he said there are absolutely no plans to end the show and wants to keep going for years and years, and hasn't even thought of it.

I wonder if they'll ever bring on characters connected to original Degrassi kids like Lucy, Tessa Campanelli, Yick Yu? And they know they should have brought Alex Steele back as Angie Jeremiah not random ass Tori.

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