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AMC: Greenlee's Revenge

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Just saw it mentioned in a video on Soapnet.com: http://sn.soapnet.go.com/shows/all-my-children

Greenlee's going to get back at Erica by framing her for embezzlment. She's going to make it appear that Erica's been stealing money from the Miranda Center. This is wrong on so many levels considering Erica went to jail for money issues with that insider trading. With her history, Erica could get in serious trouble and land in prison again for this scheme. Also the Miranda Center is a great program used to help abused women and those in needs. Greenlee needs to leave that out of her competition and not mess with that bc its not cool bc of those other people this could hurt. It was already bad enough of her to sabotage Erica's line which was going to be used to expand the Miranda Center and allow the charity to take in and aid more women. Its kinda low and dirty to mess with it and I hope Bianca finds out and calls her out on it when she returns

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I hope Bianca chokes a bitch when she returns. Like Erica would ever embezzle from the place that's named for her granddaughter.

The David/Greenlee pairing is making me intensly dislike David. I wasn't too happy with alot of stuff he did last year, but this and then messing with Erica's plane is really making me hate him

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+1 I would not mind seeing that first sentence manifest. Bianca owes her one.

I suppose this has everything to do with RB as a person, a performer, but I have never enjoyed Schemelee yet I have often been won over by her in her softer, caring, vulnerable moments. This is something I don't usually like at all, when writers try to drum up sympathy for the bad girl. I think RB does a great job of getting me past my issues with that character device though. When she was sick and in the hospital bed having heart-to-heart convos with David, I was so in love with her.

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But seriously, it wasn't that long ago that Erica had to clear her name against such charges. Unless they refer to that storyline, too, I'll have to assume Dave & Donna did not brush up on their AMC history, and that they believe their idea is "gosh-wow original."

Nevertheless, here's hoping Greenlee gets caught with her hands in the old cookie-jar in a BIG way.

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