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Victoria Rowell: "Debbi Morgan wanted to come to Y&R"

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She should have been paid by the show for bringing in her own wadrobe and doing her own hair and makeup.

She's probably leaving that part out, but AFTRA's union rules state that that a performer has to be compensated for bring their own wardrobe in and doing their own hair/makeup also.

If she was NOT paid for doing that, then that's f*cked up.

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As far as her hair goes, I think it IS patently ridiculous that Y&R's hair and makeup people couldn't do black hair properly. If your'e going to do hair and makeup for show business, you should be versed in ALL types of hair, and able to do it ALL, and do it well. It would be like me going to a customer's house and saying.. "I can plant these shrubs for you, but you'll have to get someone else to plant your trees, I know nothing about THOSE." Bu then, by the looks of the hair on Y&R lately, they can't do WHITE hair, either!

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Years ago, Donna Britt did a great story on this in the Washington Post, a suburban D.C. mall salon that turned away a black mother who brought her daughter in to get her hair done: "Sorry, we don't do black hair." Unbelievable. Granted, no black woman wants their hair eff'd up by an imcompetent, but any white woman could walk into any predominantly black salon in the country and still get her head lookin' snatched, it's an awful double standard.

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I knew Paul didn't care about the black s/l when he did nothing about that awful dentist's office sofa in Neil's condo. ^_^

Shows will often ask talent to bring in some of their own clothing choices (without the expectation of reimbersement) but I think suck requests are pretty unheard of in daytime. Alpha mentioned Brenda, Morgan Fairchild also provided a lot of her own wardrobe on The City because like Susan Lucci IRL she dressed better than her character/what the network will provide. ATWT also let Linda Dano dress herself though I believe they threw her some cash towards it.

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I'm leaving in my typo that "suck requests are pretty unheard of in daytime" regardless of its accuracy. :lol:

If it weren't for the "loud mouths" like VR, I don't know where a great many of us would be today, so all you dissenters just meditate on that one for a minute. -_-

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Indeed, her story is a golden page in OLTL's book, Agnes Nixon's proudest character creation next to Erica Kane, but would you ever guess that if you didn't know better? It's no coincidence why folks like Miss Holly and Victoria Rowell have written the books they've writen, say the things they say. Please folks, don't dismiss it as sour grapes, there's a lot of injustice in the industry, some are more willing to stay quiet and roll with the punches (no judgment). If VR seems angry, damn straight. It's really easy for her less compassionate co-workers to laugh off her complaints and call her cuckoo when they can take for granted what's afforded to them for no other reason than the color they were born. :(

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SFK.. I hear ya, you make alot of sense... the only thing in my mind that doesn't compute, is the idea of Melody and Rowell fighting over the same wardrobe. We've ALL seen how Melody dresses, onscreen and off. It's not a pretty picture, dears. Jeanne still looks good (her own clothes) but here's something i'd like to know, how and why does Cyndi Reinart get such fabulous duds to strut around in? And of course, Rowell may complain about not getting her Dolce and Gabbana, but let's also realize that all characters are made to wear crap.... we don't EVEN need to bring up Brenda's fake Lynx (from the fall of 1983) that Jess was still wearing in 2002!!

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