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Y&R Discussion for the week of April 12th

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Well, what if I come along and say I'd rather have no white people than ruined white people? If anyone that matters listens to that request, Y&R will no longer exist.

Since they are screwing up all the characters, black and gay actors might as well get paid too.

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Passions should be dissed just because.

I don't know if anyone can help me out. On youtube I saw some clip of a black guy who was turned white. Who was he and what was the story about? He marries some blond girl who feels deceived.

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LOL at the spoilers. It's like it suddenly dawned on someone that they were not only repeating crappy previous history, but were actually repeating the crap currently on the air and decided to try and spin it as intelligent design.

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Today's episode wasn't bad. I hate JT more and more everyday...And I dont understand why Victoria couldnt pick up a phone at the police office and call the courthouse?

And they just magically didn't see that pen laying in the MIDDLE of the floor the first time? It must have been REALLY expensive if it didnt even melt in the explosion. Convenient.

I adore Mac, no matter what anyone else says.

Seeing the two town fakes in the same room today reminded me how much I hate and love these storylines. if done right, they are the best, if butchered (like here) they are the worst! and how funny was it that Lauren could magically tell it wasn't emily...by looking at her scalp?

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The more they try to generate pity for Billy and Victoria, the more I root for JT. His wife is a waste of oxygen. She's also a shockingly terrible mother. She truly does not care about Reed. She put business over his custody hearing. Just as she palmed him off to babysitters while she was in Dubai.

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J.T. doesn't want to take Reed away from Victoria, just her father. He fears that if Reed grows up with Victor's influences he is going to feel entitled to do as he pleases. J.T. also knows that if Reed does something that pisses off Victor he'll discard him no problem. Victoria, Nick, and Adam could tell him that. Yes a lot of people in Genoa are screwed up, but the Newmans take the cake. Victoria even went away from him and he's worse than he was back then. I know Victoria thinks that Reed shouldn't be separated from her family but she seems to have no problem with Reed being separated from J.T.'s family. Plus, Reed is only half a Newman. If Victoria didn't have such a need to please her daddy then she wouldn't be losing custody of Reed. Even if she were to stand up to her daddy, she apologizes and excuses his behavior every time he's about to die or is presumed dead. If she is just like Victor then Reed is screwed. The only reason Victor hasn't meddled in Cassie or Noah's life is because she's dead and he's in France.

Since the writers made the mistake of showing J.T. as a good father they have to make him a jerk to poor little Victoria. So now he says lines like "Reed was getting used to not having you around". They can't show us what a good mother Victoria is so they have to tell us. There's this bs about Reed needing both his parents forgetting that Victoria has both of hers and she's still screwed up. Of course Billy puts in his 2 cents saying that if Jill had raised him he wouldn't be as bad as he is now. I'm amazed that this show passed up the opportunity to say that if Hope had let Adam raise him he wouldn't be the most evil person ever.

Victoria's logic is pure crap. She doesn't want people to know that she was with Billy because she' s afraid that she'll lose custody, but she's willing to be arrested for murder to keep her tryst with Billy a secret. Unfortunately Victoria will get custody of Reed and when Reed becomes a troublesome teenager she'll blame J.T. for that too.

I think it's because Chance was interogating her. If Chance wasn't going to let her use her cellphone then why would he let her use the phone at the station. Now that they are done making Heather incompetent it's Chance's turn.

That prop so came from the Dollar Store.

She's okay considering that the writers only see her as a plot point. Clementine is suited to the role Mac better than Amelia is to Victoria.

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I know...The way it happened just seemed a little odd, especially if there are people who dont know about scarring of plastic surgery. It wasn't so much that it was incorrect, it jus made me giggle.

I'm not a huge Victoria fan at all. But JT in my mind is always very wimpy and weasely...I haven't liked him since mid-2006 really, with only little bursts of hope here and there. This storyline is complely unappealing to me because I do like Victoria to some extent, and the same goes for JT...And this storyline really makes them both look bad.

Which was also weird. A custody hearing is a LEGAL situation, so you would think a POLICE OFFICER would have let her make the necessary calls to get out of it. The whole thing was weird.

For sure...It didn't even look like a nice pen. It looked like you would get it at your dentist office.

That's so bizarre. It's almost as bizarre as the fact that in this huge city of Genoa City there is only ONE psychiatrist (Emily).

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