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Now Lisa is saying Kyle and Kim wee right about Yolanda in Paris and that Yolanda tried to get Joyce to be anti-Lisa before filming started.. And it all reads as desperate spin because she knows she can't win against Yolanda using her typical tricks...


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Thank GOD they are filming at Mohammed's estate again this week. Some badly needed luxury!

Oh, man, what a classy girl Gigi is. What a sweet and moving speech to her parents and stepfather. I wish we had seen more of her this season and less of Carlton, Boyce, stupid Kyle and sour-face Brandi.

LOL @ YoLemony practically smacking the cake away from Gigi's paw. laugh.png Yeah, this is what a lot of European moms do. It's fine. They smother. They micromanage. And they are obsessed with their kids' health and that extends to eating patterns and weight. I went away to college and came back having packed on 15 pounds, and my mom literally sat me down and told me "Chérie, if you're happy as you are, I won't say another word, but if you're not, you need to listen to me when it comes to eating properly and taking care of yourself." Yolanda is obviously trying to preserve Gigi's modeling future (even though modeling is a crazy world) but she is also holistic and truly believes that food can change your health (which it can).

"He-LLOOOOOOO my love!!!" We know when David has entered a room, don't we? Yolanda really wants you to know that David loves her Just As She Is! Side-note: I am totally loving Mo's fist-bumping butler Khalish.

Brandi's mouth and tongue swelled up from an allergic reaction to... aspirin? LOL. Ok.

I have nothing to say about Carlton, except that clearly Kyle's jinxed screensaver is a caftan-inspired fakery, and Bravo already have her halfway out the door if they're not letting her go to PR.

Tits on an ant time! Obviously I am talking about Trashbox and Cousin It vs. Evil World Mastermind Lisa. Lisa really should have kept her nose out of this boring necklace story rolleyes.gif if only because it was so obvious that Trashbox and Cousin It were going to jump on it as PROOF!!!!!! that Lisa is an Evil Mastermind GENIUS!!!!!!!!

Brandi: "Lisa is super smart." laugh.png Well, she would know, right? What a twit. Lisa got Cedric deported, not the US government! Lisa poisoned her box of "aspirin" (in my country, we call that "funky realtor dick")! And Lisa knew Scheana when she was Eddie's mistressssssssssssss! Before she knew Brandi but hey, nevermind. Let's not let logic get in the way of a good rant. Obviously Evil Mastermind has been plotting against Brandi in the years before she even met our poor, put-upon, spunky heroine!

Still, Trashbox doesn't want to confront Evil Mastermind just yet because she's waiting until the finale to roll out that "Checkmate, bitch!" line she's been practicing in the mirror for months.

Meanwhile, Cousin It is still crying about Lisa's joke about Mauricio and Portia. rolleyes.gif It is really interesting seeing Vile go in on Lisa in the VTs, but when they are at Mo's party and they think nobody can hear them, both ladies talk to each other like really relaxed, comfortable friends. I hope they bring this up at Reunion. I also hope Trashbox and Cousin It got called out once and for all on their crazy jealousy.

Hey, did anybody notice that Kim wasn't at the party but nobody even mentioned it? Yeah, me neither! laugh.png

Next week: I don't know if I have the heart to watch Lisa got ganged up on. Oh what am I saying? Of course I will watch. But I will be devastated about the way she and Ken are treated. Kim needs to STFU and sit her gin-soaked, prescription-pill-pooping, dog-chewed ass down!

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I like your post though I don't agree with everything that's in it. And I appreciate that while you like Lisa you don't have crazy stan-love for her.

But first thing's first: Brandi needs to get the heck over this Scheana thing. She has come face to face with her, what, two times? One was going into episode 1 of VPR, and clearly this was a contract thing which Bravo enforced. The second was Lisa forcing the issue with the engagement. You don't think production should be used as an excuse here, so I won't. Lisa looked ridiculous insisting on this. But Brandi looks just as ridiculous harping on about this all. The. Damn. TIME. She is looking for ant tits! This is an excuse to pick at Lisa and is not the real issue between them. IMO, the real issue is that Lisa and Brandi were enamored of each other quickly and suddenly last year when they were feeling a little lost and ganged-up-on by the others. But just as suddenly the heat of that initial love has burned out and they realize that they just don't like each other the way they used to and probably don't have that much in common any more. And it's hard. It's not easy watching a friendship you really valued evolve into just 'meh.'

Personally, I think the real friendship (or frenemyship) here is Lisa and Kyle. There is something more than just "we were acquaintances" there, and Lisa is still stung by what happened at S2 reunion. Obviously Kyle cannot get over not being the center of Lisa's orbit, either. Even if I hate Kyle, I am into this K/L friendship. Weird.

Is Lisa playing to camera? Sure. But phony? If anything, they are pissed with her because when they start bitching about her, she doesn't pretend not to hear or put up with it. She cuts them out of her life. In some ways, that's more upfront. Obviously, she'll make digs and throw shade but that's the RHWs for you.

Even the way Lisa got up in everybody's face about Necklacegate is telling. I honestly think it's because she sensed the coldness from Brandi, Kyle, Yolanda, etc., and she wanted to be included in the necklace thing. "Me! Me! Don't forget about me!" It's as simple as not wanting to be left out of the group and trying to take control of the situation. Even if it meant pissing them off (which I'm sure, deep down, she realized it would). Controlling, defensive? Sure, she is all those things. But IMO this is what makes Lisa more human. Because she actually cares about these women liking her and she wants to be seen as the person who gets people talking again (like with Carlton and Kyle. She really defended Kyle to her).

Yolanda is honest and blunt but she, just as much as Kyle and Lisa and all the others, has a brand to sell, and that brand is Lifestyle. So there is lots of "He-LLOOOOOOO my love!!!" and "here's a lemon tart I made earlier" and "here are my beautiful kids and our amazing extended family." I mean, I love all of it and believe it for the most part, but some of it is surely not all "diamonds and rosé." And with regards to the other women, Yolanda can be bitchy and stir the pot. She just likes to pretend that she's not bitchy, but it's ok. I will still love her.

IA that this season should have been cut by at least 4 episodes. I would have cut six and made Boyce and Carlton friends of.

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I don't think Yo was outright trashing Lisa last season tbh. I think she made a remark that was blunt, but not a whole bitchfest like Tweedledum and Tweedledee made out. T&T jumped on something fairly innocuous (Lisa doesn't like to be criticized) and ran with it at Reunion.

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Yeah, and then she goes "I apologize for being tricked by a horrible hater!!" That is basically the gist of her next few sentences.

To be fair, the blog is fairly well defended in that she trots out some facts, but I think Nene has surrounded herself with Yes people and doesn't want to hear constructive criticism or tjat she is wrong. This means that she is going to make some wrongheaded decisions, if she hasn't already. Look at the way she shades her long time friend Lexis.

Contrast that with Kandi who has people in her life (Todd, Carmon, Mama Joyce) who often push back at her and tell her stuff she doesn't like to hear. But she listens to what they have to say and even with Mama Joyce doesn't shut them down. She is able to weigh up all the opinions and options, and not just dismiss everybody who tells her "No" out of hand as a 'hater.'

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Good for her. I still wish she would apologize for lying on Kenya and how she did her dirty at the party, but that's never going to happen

I love how she tries to shade Kenya by pointing out how she's had issues with various cast members. Really Nene? Its not like you haven't had your drama with Sheree, Kim, Kandi, Phaedra, Porsha, and Kenya

Not really. I like the family dynamic but this show is toxic. I think it could damage the good relationship Yo has with them to be honest

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Well, it was overdue for Nene to 'fire' back so yay for a blog.

Shade, shade, shade.


I also thought, Cat (loved the comments btw), that they were meaning that one line Yolanda said in Paris and ran with it. And it was a harmless remark.

I just didn't like that episode at all. All of those flashbacks for me were taken out of context and Brandi was just coming across as extremely trifling and desperate. I found the necklace thing as such a setup. And so far, Team Lisa, in the start of this break.

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Ring, set-up. The set up I saw was that Kyle knew that Carlton would reject it in all likelihood and was drooling for an opportunity to make Carlton look irrational about her hatred towards her. That doesn't really bother me since Carlton does have an irrational hatred of Kyle. Most of her current issue with Kyle was due to a dream she had that Kyle was talking about her.

I really didn't get the point of "it doesn't match." So? It was confusing on several levels: 1) why Lisa felt the need to throw herself in the middle of it 2) why some of the ladies took that weird note as malicious behavior rather than a confusing and completely unnecessary observation.

I'm not surprised that Kyle isn't jumping at the opportunity to be Lisa's first in line. I think deep down she's a lot like Lisa and once you betray her it's hard to really come back from that. You become totally about necessity or the lack of, not anything deeper. Also there's the fact that Kyle has wanted to take Lisa down from the Queen setting from season 2 or 3.

I agree with Cat on Yolanda. IMO, it was definitely a case of Yolanda making a blunt observation about Lisa and Kyle and Kim spinning it into something bigger to try to divide and conquer. Yolanda does not "appreciate" Lisa but it wasn't on the level that it is this season until this season started taping.

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