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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Now I'm getting flashbacks! Looking back, remember LuAnn didn't sign on until after the other ladies had started filming. Of course they could edit her in like RHOC did with Alexis, but now I'm pretty confident they didn't and that she'll appear as a friend. I'm firm on that being Kristen now. And Jack, your layout is how I see it as well. I think your second Heather should be Carole though.

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well Brand's behavior i is gross. She's the type of woman, men screw, not wife up. Watching her, it becomes apparent why Eddie would leave her. She is too damn messy. Who wants a girl that gets sloppy drunk on a regular basis and makes a public fool of herself? F this, F that...she doesn't know how to conduct herself. She is loud, abrasive and the way she interacts with people when things don't go her way is appalling. Its a turn off. Everyone has their negative qualities, but she has no filter and is just a big negative drain. Brandi can get a man fine; that's not an issue, but can she keep one?

Edited by Cheap21
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What Brandi is now probably isn't what she always was. I had no real issue with Brandi until this season. She's just over doing it on all cylinders and that's probably part production and probably part depression/addiction(s).

I have no real issue with Brandi being friendly with the f-bomb. Her racist comments, on the other hand, are a problem. Her hatred of Joyce is also quite irrational. She to this day hasn't given a good excuse for it. Yes, Joyce tried to throw her UTB for simply giving her advice on how to handle Lisa but was it really that serious?

I still could care less about Joyce, but she is "reading" Brandi like an expert. She's pretty much telling it like it is with facts and I can't argue with that.

It's always been quite evident Brandi has been stuck in some sort of limbo due to the whole Eddie/Leann debacle. I thought RHOBH would help her climb out of that eventually but it feels like she's soaking in the mud of what's she's lost (marriage, moments with her children, dogs) more than ever. I'd like to see her story take a turn where she climbs out of that hole. I fear it may never happen with Eddie & Leann getting their own reality series.

I'm like JP on RHOA vs RHOBH. I look forward to RHOBH more than RHOA by habit BUT, nowadays, I watch RHOBH with a pit in my stomach while I end up enjoying each episode of RHOA much more than I expected.

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Ew to most of this. Did you ever consider she's acting this way due to a depression from the end of her marriage and wasnt like this before and shouldn't be used to justify his cheating on her?

I am sure if she wanted to stay with a man who cheated shed still have Eddie.

Brandi is totally in the wrong here with Joyce. 100%. Do not get me wrong. I just don't think that because Brandi says the f word she is trashy and can't get a man. I also don't think Joyce is this innocent victim, she's playing the role well but she gives just as good as she gets. She benefits from Brandi being so zero to 1000 and the other women being appalled that a woman would ever say the f word.

Edited by JackPeyton
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So why is Brandi STILL single then? And you're kidding yourself if you think Brandi's behavior is lady like or even remotely attractive or cute.

There's a difference between being edgy, bold, and knowing when to not take sh*t and then being completely vulgar just for the sake of it. Lastly I never claimed anyone won the argument but I do think Brandi came off looking worse in it. At least she had the decency to leave the dinner party and cry about it. She looked mildly remorseful in the limo with Yolanda before she left.

Loved Joyce's little tea date with Lisa. And her blog is just so sweet and she's spot on.

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I don't think it's cute. I don't think as a whole it's attractive. I do t think her saying the f word is the reason she doesn't have a man. I think to imply that is saying women need to be mild mannered, speak only when spoken to and are less than a man. These women want to put on that front and gasp as Brandi dares to say the f word and I find it gross.

Brandi drinks like a lot of men. She cusses like a lot of men. And women. There's nothing wrong with that and she shouldn't be made to change that to get or keep a man. Now her anger and her zero to a thousand is another story. Brandi has a lot of faults esp rightfully now but the f word isn't one of them.

Her main fault is when she knows she's wrong she can't own it and apologize. She's been in gen wrong twice now with Joyce and admitted it but not to her.

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I agree with this. There's a lot of things WRONG with Brandi this season - everyone of us in here can agree with that, I'm sure - but I don't consider her use of profanity a part of that. Heck, her sexuality isn't even part of that although I could do with less information there (same for Carlton).

I also find it off-putting to say a woman is less of a woman if she has a mouth like a sailor. It's weird to me these women seem to be more offended by Brandi's use of the F-word than her blatant racist comments. While I don't believe Brandi is racist, she is making a lot of racist comments towards Joyce.

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There's plenty of women who are fierce, independent women who can and do demand respect but don't have to act a hot mess the whole time. Joyce summed up when she she said that she's negative.

If the Brandi we're seeing onscreen is the same Brandi that Eddie Cibrian had to live with and deal with on a daily basis is it any wonder that he cheated on her the first chance he got and repeatedly at that? I'm not say cheating is right but his motives were certainly understandable if the situation at home was that toxic. Brandi really needs to calm down and listen to what people like Yolanda and Lisa are saying...and yes even Joyce. She's such a funny, vivacious, beautiful woman but she needs to recognize how to play the game and act in public.

There's a time to pull the trigger and there's a time to holster the weapon....

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The Eason they are not offended at her comments sadly has a lot to do with the culture of where they live. He'll look right at Brandi for a prime example of that. Brandi isn't racist. She has friends of many races, was married to Eddie who like Joyce is PR, however she says racist comments. It's accepted, perhaps even encouraged by people laughing, because it's socially acceptable to present it as a joke rather you mean it or it is just a joke. Yolanda got more [!@#$%^&*] for telling that guy to learn to speak English honestly.

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If, if, If.

First, she hasn't EVEN acted this much of a mess in the 2 previous seasons of RHOBH she's been on so there's really not much "if" about it.

Even if there was, the notion that a woman (or man) deserves to be cheated on repeatedly for any reason besides she herself (or he himself) being a cheating tramp is like nails on a chalkboard to me. If you want to spread your juice freely man or woman up and get a f--kin divorce.

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Actually you are saying it's ok to cheat. Even if Brandi was like this the entire time, and I doubt it, he could have easily left. So yes, you can blame him for cheating.

And Joyce was right tht Brandi is negative. But I domt think she is generally negative all the time person. I think it's a symptom of what's going on right now. Just last season Brandi was Delong with a. Lot but was still a positive, fun time person.

Brandi does need to listen to what Yolanda has to say. Lisa too.

It's taken us years but we have finally agreed on something! Lol

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