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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Elsa and DaytimeFan, I very much agree with your assessments of RHoV's season finale.

It was an extremely frustrating episode for this viewer. All season long I have waited -- with bated breath -- to find out WHY exactly Jody and Ronnie hate Mary so much (I don't count Amanda as she is just parroting what the Big Girls say). What did she do to provoke all this bile? The reasons for Ronnie and Mary "breaking up" are still clouded in mystery. I had hoped that Jody completely losing it would finally reveal why she can't stand the woman. Instead, it was more bullying, more hatred, more Ronnie torn and then running away, either unable to make a choice or unable to deal with being called out on her trifling ways.

Instead, Jody's outburst, while having provoked some consternation from Mia and Amanda, was greeted with "Well, you are a wonderful mother/friend. I wish people could see that!" Absolving Jody of all responsibility, a running theme for a lot of women on this show.

The final codas adressing "What Happened Next" were unsatisfying in the extreme. Ioulia's marriage breaking apart is a huge deal, especially since she signed a pre-nup leaving her with no settlement apart from her condo and clothes. Amanda dumping her bf was written on the wall from the moment she made him wear that emasculating bunny outfit. Constant jokes about breath mints and bad breath were in poor taste for Mary and Jody's final codas. I can't even remember what Ronnie's was, except that she looked more present and alive in her scene with Gerry the majordomo than I have seen her all season -- possibly that bit was filmed later?

The rest of the time, Ronnie looked like a stoned muppet and given how stunning she is, that is a tragedy. Her sad eyes really get to me and I hope that she kicks this depression/alcohol/prescription pill abuse she is struggling with very soon. DF, you may be right when you diagnose a borderline personality disorder. The fact that Jhordan was there in the final episode, escorting her to some art event when she herself admitted she was at her lowest, makes me sad for the burden of responsibility placed on him. Where is Mr. Negus in all this?!

And the fact that there will be no Reunion to answer some very pointed questions is disappointing. I am thinking Ronnie or her handlers pulled the plug on that one, as part of damage control.

Cheap was right that Jody is now a cancer to RHoV. Watching not one but two mentally ill RL women is not entertaining. It feels like baiting a wounded, rabid animal in a cage. Ronnie and Jody need counseling, not fame. Honestly, they need to pull the plug on RHoV immediately. Mary, Ronnie and Jody should all cancel their Twitter accounts and put restraining and gag orders out on each other so that they are never within 10 feet of each other and never talk about each other, like, ever.

Edited by Cat
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Season 1/2 Jason is different from the Season 3/Bethenny Every After Jason. She lost two sweet Jason's over the years... truly sad. :(

Yep - all Atlanta ladies coming back, including Nene, who some thought wouldn't come back because of her new acting career. Thank GOD she's back!

Oh, and Wig isn't back... she better hope her new season of Don't Be Tardy is successful!


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Mary came off absolutely fabulously at the party, imo. Jody was literally insane, Ronnie ran away like the weak, coward she is. Mary stood her ground, defended herself, but didnt resort to Jodys level and in turn made Jody look terrible.

Amandas boyfriend is so damn sexy. He looks like a baseball player, something that is oddly now becoming my type.

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Absolutely to all of this. I think what I find most frustrating is that there was no climax like Season 1 which had, I think, the greatest finale of all the RH franchises with Mary, Reiko, Christina and Ronnie all calling out Jody and publicly slamming her at lunch, not letting her get away with anything. In this finale there was no sense of accountability, nobody explained themselves, nothing was set straight, even Robin directly confronting Ronnie's lie about drugging her (Ronnie has admitted to the Vancouver Sun that Robin did not drug her) wasn't settled. I don't think we'll even know what happened between these women, if RHOV returns for a third season they'd need to dump Jody and Amanda and it doesn't seem like Ronnie would even return.

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That was the season finale? Man the season went by way too fast and IMO feels incomplete. It feels like they could have squeezed quite a bit more out. Or maybe Im just so used to the US which pushes about 20 episodes a season

"Don't say hi to me. I don't like you; don't you remember?"

"Amanda, come over here and talk to us. You must be bored out of your mind"

Jody calling Mary a piece of sh-t was so over the top and unnecessary. Very unclassy and immature of her. I wonder what is wrong with her bc there isn't something right about her. With that said, I did think she was a bit funny with some of her lines

OMG, throughout that tirade, Ioulia is eating her cake and going "OMG, this cake is amazing" Speaking of her, we saw a small bit of her art business in the first episode when she was introduced but then it disappeared so I forgot about it. It would have been better had they made it more of a recurring thread with her. What was that about her unloading her husband? Is she divorcing?

I loved Ronnie checking Jody.

It was big of Mary to apologize. Jody cant even accept that and responds, "you have bad breath". She is psycho.

No reunion? What do you guys mean? Those give the season closure and this season feels even more incomplete without one












LOL...I love to hate her

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I don't think Mary should have necessarily apologized to Jody. After Robin called out Ronnie on her lies, it was a bit of a letdown to see Mary crumbling at the very end of a rather rational discussion with Jody. I thought Jody would finally respond in a somewhat civilized fashion, but instead Mary offered up an apology immediately, without even knowing exactly what for. Well, either she knows she did something to Jody (and she's not telling) or she had a moment of doubt when she finally got face-to-face with Jody. But Jody def saw it as weakness because she jumped all over her and then retorted with her "bad breath" line.

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I would be shocked if Ronnie returned. Especially after she publicly admitted that she lied about Robin drugging her. That was a serious allegation to make in the first place.

It was too bad Christina didn't come back and Reiko was fired. Both represented some balance on the show -- Reiko in particular had a cool head.

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there has to be a reason why Jody hates Mary so much. She is just so over the top with it.

Oh and I definetly think Ronnie and Mary slept together and Mary is playing dumb about it. Maybe she doesn't believe its sex bc neither has a penis. She can rationalize it all she wants, but I definetly think they had an "encounter" that she'd like to forget

Was Reiko really fired? I thought she backed up with all that drama from her husband's past coming to light. I thought she ran bc people were talking about her and she has some skeletons that she did not want let out Edited by Cheap21
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I agree. I think Mary was lying when she denied it to Ronnie's face. She did not have a convincing look about her when they were talking about it! It might also explain some of why she and Ronnie have such a volatile and intense relationship.

Don't know if Reiko was fired but I read that she "wasn't asked back." Too bad because her story today would have made for a great SL (divorcing her gangster hubby, falling in love with a girl DJ, etc). I liked Reiko.

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Yeah, I think that show and Glee (which I never got into) are on the bubble. Maybe she should get decked out in goblin prosthetics and be a scary creature on next season's American Horror Story.

Glad she's returning to next season's Atlanta. Even if she were only around in the same capacity as she was this season, her remarks and observations are just too funny. And at this point, I don't think she'd ever get so riled up and angry like she used to be because she really doesn't give a [!@#$%^&*] at this point.

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