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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Hot take: no reunions are fine with me.

We get after shows on YouTube, and the cast is interviewed multiple times throughout the season on WWHL.  Thus, we don't need to re-hash old issues.  And there's rarely a resolution or new information that wouldn't be put to better use within the next season. 

A recap episode where they re-edit the footage to funny music, show some outtakes, and get some additional interviews would suffice.  And it would lighten the mood.

Finally, and most importantly, they can't reference the reunions on the show, so we get those weird conversations like in RHoNJ when they keep talking about 'New York', but won't just say 'at the reunion'. 

Edited by j swift
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Well...misdirection? I don't know how I feel about that. But it still gave us a great HW episode and how they should be. Easy, breezy, AND fun.


But what do I mean misdirection? Well for one...while they resolved the voice note cliffhanger, they gave the audience a new mystery...Ayan vs Lesa OFF SCREEN for 20 minutes. Why? Was it not filmed? Or is it going to be a trump card that will be shown at the finale or even during the reunion (FILMING THIS WEEK)? Most of the audience have been wanting to see what happened to lead to the fallout between BFF Ayan and Lesa and nothing? OR...there's MORE to come. And the mending between the two of them in this episode is sadly...foreshadowing. How they are acting this episode for sure are two best friends fighting and it was great to see them resolve it...but...foreshadowing.


But like I said...a GREAT HW episode! While I haven't been watching NJ this season, this episode is a nice palette cleanser for you all who want fun moments, scenery, friendships, light drama, comedy, and yes...fun SHADE. There's the girls' night out with Taleen playing matchmaker for Brooks (and those two getting along again period), dancing in the streets, and Stanbury being goofy to 80s music. There's Sara's event which was typical HW, but a different spin on it in a breathtaking location, giving some culture and point of views which I found fascinating. And of course, another cliffhanger over a petty HW thing: DRESSES. And there were sprinkles of moments from Stanbury and Lesa both taking opportunities to shading each other. The van ride...where I would totally be in Van Brooks/Ayan/Lesa who really haven't been together a la S1 like that all season. Poor Sara having to deal with Hungover Stanbury. Oh, the dresses...loved Ayan's dress...Lesa's dress...and I will give the Wannabe credit where credit is due...she was right...she looked GORGEOUS in green.


Now if she gathers Taleen all the way together next week, I might stop calling her Wannabe and call her Saba. lol. 


STANBURY. The image of her on that club stage drunk dancing to 80 music will not be forgotten. lol. She was giving the good, the bad, and the ugly (that cheap liquor got you vomiting, Queen) this episode. I truly don't think she and Lesa will ever be friends, but they make exquisite rivals. So I enjoyed her and Lesa taking popshots at each other throughout. Meanwhile, she escaped the voice note reveal unharmed and stirred the pot beautifully against Ayan I felt. Because if the voice note was about Taleen and Sara...which it appeared to be...and they moved on past it and so has everyone else's...why is Ayan so bothered and being overdramatic. Pointing out Ayan made a dumb move is a pointed move, but a clever one. 


TALEEN. Honestly, annoyed me all episode. Outside of her getting along with Brooks again and playing matchmaker. It was like she was searching for a problem all episode. Especially with Lesa. And if it was not that, it was her trying to be the center of everything. Girl, STOP. Next week, she runs afoul of Wannabe. Fingers crossed, she gets it.


BROOKS. I can't believe that they cut part of her Confessional from the midseason trailer where she's gleeful over the fallout over Ayan/Lesa. Overall, she was just...there. It does seem like she has managed to mend fences and is back in the group. While she was around mostly Stanbury and Taleen (though I enjoyed my brief Sara/Brooks duo scene), I was living for her with Ayan and Lesa again like they were in Season 1.


SARA. LOL!!! POOR SARA. So irked at Stanbury on their way to Sara's event. I hollered and was on Brooks's side as she kept looking back at the other van. Sara would have had more fun with Brooks/Lesa/Ayan. And Sara did good clearing herself at the start of the episode with the voice note. Besides that, Sara was basically comic relief this episode. And I liked it. Sara has good comedy timing.


AYAN. In a word: damage control. That was what came to mind for me as she was sitting there talking to her husband on the phone before breakfast. I was happy to see that she and Lesa were both still sad at breakfast and they talked it out. However, she was the one who played that voice note. As Lesa said...messy and wrong. So her trying to play victim does not work for me. When even the person who you tried to curry favor by playing it isn't even on your side, you know you frakked up. 


LESA. So the real question...did she know? Ayan did say she told her before the dinner about playing the voice note to Stanbury? Time will tell, but it seem false. However, Lesa turning off her waterworks when she switched phone calls between husbands made me side-eye her just a little bit. Overall, she was my queen this episode and outside of that phone moment, I felt she was being real throughout. Like I said above, she did not miss a moment to shade Stanbury. And she also seem genuinely hurt by Ayan. I can't wait until she catches on to Taleen coming for her. 


Great episode. 

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