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Dawn as an official friend of next season! I loved her!


IA with you on Ravi. I was actually on Taleen's scene until the end when she and her husband showed their drunk azzes. As messy as Brooks has been I was on her side with how they came at her

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Ahead of this, Caroline Stanbury made a comment online. It's all downhill from here. And well...that was apt.


Omg! Great from start to finish. I pointed out the Brooks/Sara/Lesa trio last episode and they were a whole messy ki-ki this episode. The lunches. The fashion. The messiness. And I'm still giggling at Brooks saying 'come on, Sara' as all hell was breaking loose, giving pure Heather Chandler...if you know, you know.

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It just felt like everything was heightened this episode. Everything was on A-game. Ayan's opening event gave fashion that was rivaling fashion on RHOM. There was so many moments of architecture. For me, it was the set-up for Stanbury's dinner party, but I'm sure @Cat is going to lose it when they get to the brunch scene with the breathtaking view...you're know the one.  The shade was good. From Brooks giving it to everyone and anyone to the Caroline money tea that will make people go hmmmm that we discussed here to the 4th Wall breaking to the dynamic duo of Brooks/Sara at the table to the ladies trying to use Ayan's sister to figure out Ayan's REAL age...oh, wow there was so much going on. I don't feel I'm even going to do this justice. Honorable mention: it's been very light this season, but I loved seeing the prickly Ayan/Brooks friendship of old last season on display last night.


But let me get to the main event...Brooks vs Taleen. Or should I say Taleen vs the Mean Girls? In any case...I see online picked a side. I'm not sure if I have...yet...but the fact that I'm not necessarily on Taleen's side is telling for me, but I might still do a wait and see for next week on the fallout. In any case, Production appeared to be backing Brooks with the receipts, so I do believe her when she said that Taleen was simply a carry-on and in the background of Season 1 trying to join the show. I was shocked at the breaking of the 4th Wall early in the episode and wished Brooks had done it at the dinner party to back it up, but still. Meanwhile, Taleen seem too pressed at the dinner party when she should have just ignored Brooks, not helped by how I felt that she was saying she was trying to save her friendship with Brooks, but did not seem to be SHOWING that she was trying to save it. Meanwhile, though all of it, it appeared to be lost that Lesa was being a little sniper from the side, fanning the flame between them. Love her, but I noticed. Taleen picked up on it, but Lesa managed a good deflect, helped by the fact she was dealing with two drunk women.


And the end? Taleen's husband was just defending his wife. Unlike Sergio (who got a firm sit down from his wife), Taleen's husband was trying to stay out of it. He seem generally hurt they were fighting like he had as much a friendship with Brooks as his wife. Sadly, it went left. Glad Lesa had Brooks's back. I didn't like Taleen and Brooks going low on each other. And the fact they were in a country where you can get arrested for yelling like they were. Ayan and Stanbury were in the right for staying out of it.


And next week...we get to the REAL meat...what causes the Ayan/Lesa fallout? Great episode.


CAROLINE. I see she was online trying to disprove that money tea.  I'm sure she will bring receipts to the reunion so I'm not worried. Otherwise, I felt it was a good episode for her. She even got to maneuver a dinner party because Brooks made her work with that sage and that 'Uninvited Plus One' (Production clearly had a ball with the shade this episode). She looked gorgeous throughout and I loved that she got Sergio under control when all hell broke loose. Wise woman.


SARA. Hehe. Production had fun with her, too, this episode. But Sara was hilarious anyway as Heather Number 2 to Brooks. I loved every moment of her and Brooks at the dinner table at Caroline's throwing so much shade. You would think she didn't like Taleen, either. And I see because of her hanging with Brooks, there's now some kinda underlying tension between her and Stansbury...which I believe will be part of next week. Color me intrigued. That said...Sara was also giving fashion, and I really enjoyed her this episode. And yes...what she said at the dinner table...no need to apologize for your light because it bothers other people's demons. Not her problem. Go deal with yours. TeamSara on that 100 percent. 


AYAN. Ayan's brother kinda FOINE. hehe. That said...I'm surprised how much Ayan continued to be above the fray this season up to this point. Her focus was on her fashion/makeup event. And I enjoyed it so much cuz that train...I literally gasped. And I loved seeing her with her family. And her sister is how old??? I was like the ladies and did not believe it. It was very nice to see the Ayan/Brooks friendship again. And I'm always here for the Ayan/Lesa friendship cuz they were totally Frick and Frack when 50Cynt was all 'we are still knowing each other' to Kenya during Taleen/Brooks apology talk. And she was wise to see at the dinner party that everything was about to go left and WENT HOME. Smart.


LESA. I could go on about her skin forever cuz flawless. It was nice to see her with her husband and she vocalize how she has been feeling. I could totally relate. Meanwhile...sniper from the side. Taleen and Brooks had apologized and made up. And now here she come to stir the pot. Trying to get the tea about Taleen being a beggar. Running back to Taleen to tell her what Brooks said. And using it all to try for a checkmate at Stanbury. I wonder if that is what is going to cause the fallout with Ayan. Or something of that nature.


TALEEN. My mind seems to be of a mind that Brooks was right. Perhaps it's because it just did not feel like Taleen was trying to save the friendship on-screen. Everywhere I looked, she was running behind Stanbury to me. So I felt Brooks was probably right about her trying to get on the show. And it's not that I don't like Taleen. I do like her cuz that new Confessional look was EVERYTHING. But she was a little too easy to manipulate this episode. And then her not taking the high road she claimed to want to take at Stanbury's dinner party. She was just as drunk as Brooks, and it has been well-established that Brooks is a horrible drunk. She knew that. So why poke that bear? Brooks got her back good, too, with the script flip. And the husband dig? I still enjoy her, but I can tell I am side-eying.


BROOKS. Multiplier to paraphrase Carlos King. They could never make me hate you. lol. She was giving A LOT. But...DIVA. It was like if she was going to be HBIC or give that, she was going to play it to the hilt. And she was. I'm sorry that it appeared Stanbury was right and that she really does not like to see other women succeed, but she still gave moments all the same. The Plus Ones throughout the episode since she don't have friends. The 4th Wall breaking. Coming to the dinner party with SAGE??? GUUURL!!! The money tea that Ayan backed up. She was A LOT. As mentioned, she and Sara was a ki-ki. I even thought she was actually trying to ignore Taleen because she knew she would go off on her. She tried. But...alas. I mean...it's Brooks. Her personality has been well-established on this show so her going off did not surprised even when Production is holding her back to avoid her beating Taleen's ass getting arrested. 


Like I said...an great episode from start to finish. An appetizer to the main course next week...what caused the Ayan/Lesa fallout?


My body...is READY. 

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Women like Brooks are why I think men should just stay single because she's damaged goods and not worthy of a good man or good woman.

At the same time, Sergio is why I think women should stay single because he's damaged goods in a different way.. and not worthy of a smart intelligent woman or gay man

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@Taoboi @Soaplovers It was definitely Dubai's best episode tthus far of the season. But i have turned on Brooks. That's not to say that I want her off the show. It's that she is mean, and insanely competitive and jealous of the other women. Villainess, I can live with, and I believe her when it comes to Taleen. I think Taleen used her to get on the show and then dumped her to get to Stanbury. However, Brooks is spiteful, and she's knock-knock-knocking on Marge's door with all this dubious info she collects on the other women and attempts to hold over their heads. I wish Sara wasn't so close to her, because this is going to alienate her from the other women and them blow up in her face when Brooks gets possessive and vengeful (honestly, I cannot believe Brooks is a Libra!). 

I'm glad you noticed @Taoboi that Lesa set this fight up for her own amusement. Lesa and Brooks are cut from the same cloth sometimes; Lesa is just better at being the sniper ftom the side. Did you notice Stanbury's exasperation when she laid out her table and felt she had to put Ayan and Lesa together, otherwise Lesa would kick up a fuss? LOL.

I saw some commebts on Twitter saying Taleen's husband needs to stay out of women's business (hello, Nene meme), but I thought Rafi was in the right and merely defended his wife who was being mercilessly attacked by Brooks -- who chased them down the house to hurl accusations at Taleen that she was a drunkard. Rafi looked shocked and lowkey hurt that Brooks would turn on them like that.

Dawn looks beautiful but doesn't say a damn thing -- just like on RHOCheshire. She could have been a great HW back in the day, but was always way too careful about not being seen to be the bad guy. How on earth she and her over-mortgaged husband landed in Dubai, the land of copious capital, is beyond me!

Speaking of mortgages... that tea about Michael paying Stanbury's mortgage.... how? Why? Why would you pay someone else's mortgage? What is Stanbury to Michael? Is he her brother? Is he super-wealthy?? Because i cannot fathom any other reason why he would do this. Why isn't Cem paying for these things? Why isn't Sergio??

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Not as epic as the season opener, but a necessary episode to lay down the individual and group narratives fot the season.

Shannon has got this. Alexis is fighting fire with a tiny blowtorch. She looks completely awful involved in this Take Down Shannon SL, and Shannon appears barely phased by her. Even Gina and Emily are like 'What are we doing cheerleading Alexis on?' The scene where Shannon apologises to Gina for giving her a hard time over her DUI was likely Shannon looking to make a quick alliance, but it was nice that she acknowledged Guna's feelings, and nice that Gina hugged her and understood what Shannon has been struggling with.

Heather was anxious not to appear like the sniper from the side, but it's clear that she and Tamra set up Shannon.

I can't buy Tamra's defense for turning on Shannon so cruelly. This is payback for when she left OC and Shannon dropped her. I do understand, however, why Eddie might not be crazy about Shannon's presence in Tamra's life.

I always forget that Jenn Pedranti is on this show, but when she appears, I realise why she is a great addition to OC. She looks like a Tamra-Gretchen hybrid. She is Lynne Curtining her private life for the cameras. And now she's got her Midwestern father (another OC throwback) and Gina vouching for her financially. What could possibly go wrong? Lol. She needs to dump this Ryan twit who is doing zero to support their family. 

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I find it funny how the whole gang-up on Heather is basically forgotten from last year (well, so far. I'm sure Heather will bring it up eventually). Especially in the case of Heather vs. Tamra, but we can credit Shannon's DUI for changing up the show's narrative completely. 

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Awwww not us seeing them differently. lol. 


Perhaps it's that my former BFF was a Libra and yes they do have that spiteful bone in them (though we are much civil now, the elephant in the room...a jealousy of his friends doing as good as him...is still in the room) so that is not as unbelievable for you as it is for me. That said, I agree with everything you said, too. Unlike that heffa on NJ 'The Marge', I love how Diva-ish Brooks carries herself while I found that trick 'The Marge' before I stopped watching to be so sour. I also felt Brooks was not trying to start anything as she was leaving other than her lick back for the alcoholic comment which rightly is something that can be leveled at Taleen as well who was just as drunk at Caroline's dinner. Taleen overstepped a bit for me because Brooks was doing a total drive-by. 


THANK YOU!!! I wondered if I was missing something, too, when I got online and it seem like people were trying to curify Taleen's husband and calling him closeted and every name in the book. I even rewatched. But I felt he was expressing himself well at first and then went into Husband mode to protect his wife. He might have overstepped a little bit as well, but not to the extent that I felt online media had to blow up since there were other Househusbands who have done worse. Just look at NJ for example. It just reminds me that a lot of HW fans who have been with Dubai from Day 1 have mentioned that the toxic stans that make RHOP, RHOA, MIA and NJ a chore to enjoy have started to discover Dubai thanks to this and the upcoming Ayan v Lesa drama and starting to make their presence known. 


OOooooo at that tea about Michael as well. I would have taken it with a grain of salt if Ayan did not say the same thing in her Confessional. Our questions about Stanbury's money continues...


When I watch Lesa this season, as much as I love her, I can't help but think back to your comments during the S1 reunion where you said the REAL rivalry/battle/feud is between her and Stanbury for HBIC. Everyone else are pawns. And it seems true. It worries me that perhaps that is what leads to the Ayan/Lesa fallout. 



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Yep. And this season, it is now a three-way between Stanbury, Lesa and Brooks. Lesa and Brooks want that crown so bad. Stanbury currently as it because basically this series was built around her.

Sara thinks scrambling for the crown is so unclassy, and Taleen just wants to get her feet under the table first.

Ayan would LOVE the crown (and in a way, she already has it, cuz Andy loves her and so do other RHs) but she's insecure and knows she doesn't have F-you money. So she's happy to have alliances with others. She likes to keep her friends close and frenemies even closer.

LOL, Heather is just relieved that she (and her marriage to Terry) is not in the hot-seat this season! Shannon's DUI was a gift for HD -- it drove Tamra back into their old alliance. Tamra never misses a chance to kick someone when they're down! But so far, Shannon is making her way swimmingly through this PR disaster of a DUI. She's winning over the audience. The timer is unofficially 'on' to see who runs to make amends with Shannon first -- Heather or Tamra.

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I'm a season behind (with every intention of watching versus NJ where I'm 2/3 seasons behind and feel not a thing) so all I can say is *shrugs* 


Funnily enough...as much as Brooks may think and even desire to be HBIC...she's just perfection as the villain who is a DIVA. She would not have as much wiggle room if she had the crown...as much as she might desire it. I hope she sees that and takes a more...Messy Mia approach to her role on the show...if she can be tongue-in-cheek about the girls AND herself...she would more than likely win more people over rather than just being a villain people love to hate or just hate. 


Lesa vs Stanbury is where the real battle is. And since I said at the start of the season that I wanted to see Lesa vs LADIES OF LONDON Caroline versus the watered down version of Caroline Stanbury from Season 1, I am LIVING. Because they really do seem like they are playing a delicious game of chess that is not at all toxic (for now) and is fascinating to watch. And Lesa most definitely is not going to be like Caprice in LoL Season 1 finale when Stanbury let her have it.


I also like that Ayan has learned that less is more. It's very much making me think of Camille and how she did damage control on her image come Season 2 of BH. My only worry even if it seems silly is that she might fade away kinda like Camille did in Season 2 but did great as a FOH in Season 3 (and beyond). 


But back to Dubai...DID YOU LIKE THE VIEW AT THE BRUNCH????? I saw that and so thought 'wait until Cat see that.' I actually gasped. 

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I saw it. It was spectacular. Honestly, one of the best things about Dubai is the cinematography. The light, the surroundings, the color. It's like a glossy movie made with film stock, not digital.

Miami has this quality also -- when Julia jumped onto the bay at sunset to surprise Martina who was swimming. That was pure cinema escapism. 

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