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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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EXACTLY!!! Part of what I regret about RHOP post-Season 5 reunion, was that Andy did not let Monique and La Dame finish Gizelle off right then and there or did not deal with the aftermath well. It allowed Gizelle to gather herself and spin that fake narrative again of Pastor Holy Whore and her STILL together after Monique's binder crossed her face with true tea.


Same. I admit as I was playing catch-up with RHOM this season, I was worried there for a minute that it was about to be toxic a la Season 3 reuinion again with Ana's reappearance and Alexia/Marysol's latest attempt to ice Nicole out, but they did a nice pivot from mid-season. And even that gave us new dynamics among the group. But they kept giving new dynamics within the group...something not a lot of HW shows can do now without adding in new people. Why change it? They...are...GIVING. Even Ms. Villain Larsa. lol.


And rightfully so!!!! The first chairs given to the only women really working this season!!!! 



There is too much out there on Andy if they want to go there.  So all I have to say is...



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FYI, part II of the reunion comes on tonight (February 29th) at 8 PM/EST. Support the ladies. 

Moving on, the reunion was "FIYAH" as Adriana would say. The ladies ditched the pleasantries and went straight for the jugulars. This reunion, while it seemed fast, gave so much in an hour. I would give this reunion a 10/10. Fighting nonstop. My neck got whiplash from the numerous head turns I made while watching the women ping pong digs at each other. 

Marcus and Larsa are both trash. Marcus stating that none of the women on the cast wouldn't even be able to wash dishes in the Jordan house was gross. I have no idea why a Black man (and I can say this as I am one myself) would ever utter those words. That was just gross. And he said it in front of Andy with such ease. Jesus. Larsa saying the women were "dry" because they didn't buy her stupid comment about her having sex 5 times a day just shows how childish she is. Larsa, no one believes that drivel. Who, outside of sex workers, have time to have sex 5 times a day? But then again, Larsa does have an OnlyFans...

Adriana and her antics might annoy many but they crack me up; however, this needs to be the last reunion she whips out letter. And while I am on Adriana's side most times, Alexia gathered her in their segment. I have to give it up to Alexia when she clocks in. But when Alexia does clock in, majority of the time she can go on a diatribe of nothing. She needs to pull back going forward too. 

Marysol needs to really let go of this hatred for Adriana. Not liking her is fine, but Marysol did say some vile things about Adriana this season. 

Kiki emerged as one of the stars of part one. She pegged Larsa easily. 

Guerdy, while I love her, was too turned up; she was too eager to fight with Larsa and Lisa. I need to her dial it back as she'll begin to look desperate. 

Julia and Nicole perfectly served as the truth tellers. I loved watching them holding Alexia and Larsa, two of the biggest hypocrites, feet to the fire. 

Overall, this was the superior reunion last night. They really need to just get rid of the "friend" role and make all these women full-time. This cast is perfection... even with Larsa. 


The reunion was OK. 

Kyle's obsession with LVP is weird. She brings that poor lady up at the most awkward times. Kyle, she is gone. She's been gone since season 9. This is season 13. Move on. 

While on Kyle, I knew her and Dorit would fall out. They only bonded b/c they were upset that LVP was the star and they were reduced to being her flunkies at best. Kyle trying to manipulate and make up with Dorit before the reunion was some Bobby Fischer type stuff (OG BH fans know that reference). This is why I am loving that LVP or Rinna aren't on the show at the moment. Now the fans that have been "snowed" are starting to see who the true manipulator is... Kyle! If Kyle returns, I see next season being Dorit v. Kyle. And while Kyle thinks she's can trample over Dorit, I see Dorit decimating Kyle in the end. I think Dorit knows where all the bodies lie. 

Annemarie aka 8.5--get rid of her. I don't like this woman at all. As Crystal stated, she is a proven liar. The only reason when wrapped up fighting with Sutton is because the medical field came down on her azz and told her she was wrong. There isn't any politics in the matter. You lied about your role, you claimed Sutton had an eating disorder and tried to peg it on Crystal, and you gave a misdiagnosis when it came to Sutton's situation. I also didn't appreciate her trying to come to Dorit's defense and scold Garcelle. Like Garcelle said, you are grown woman, defend yourself (against Sutton). Dorit has a history of being micro and macro-aggressive. 

Dorit... it is painfully obvious that she is willfully ignorant as HELL. Last night displayed that when she tried to double down on the nasty "child bride" comment. Garcelle was vindicated and Crystal rightfully nailed Dorit to the cross. 

Crystal was the star of the reunion last night. She slayed Dorit and Annemarie with ease. She earned her role on future seasons. 

The only person that needs to go on this cast is Annemarie. I know Andy is eager to keep her, but she needs to go. Now is the time for BH to woo LVP back. Especially, when we have Dorit v. Kyle bubbling to the surface. Nothing would make me, @Cat, and @DaytimeFan happy than to see LVP smirking in the background while the two tear each other apart while Erika scrambles to pick a side.  

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It's safe to say Mary is back at least. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I actually sat down for it. And I have to give credit where credit is due. Erika (yes, I said her name) was giving me life. Her reaction shots to the madness was EVERYTHING. It was giving me Kenya at the RHOA S9 reunion. 


Speaking of LVP, are we all doing VANDERPUMP VILLA?




Don't hate me, @NothinButAttitude, but I can't tonight. I have to work.

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 But I agree with the chaos. That hour went by fast. 

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Part 1 of RHOBH's reunion was pretty fast-paced considering how lowkey the season was overall!

I read Kyle's text to Dorit. It is very manipulative and plays on her emotions -- fear of losing her friendship with Kyle, the Kemsleys' marriage woes, etc. There is no doubt in my mind that Kyle worked every angle of that message in advance, ready to send on exactly the day before Reunion. It also confirms what I've long suspected -- that Kyle slots her BFFs in and out of her life, leveraging her friendship in return for something, and playing on their sympathy when she's down and 'needs them.' "She preys on the weak" -- remember that line, @NothinButAttitude

Yet another LVP reference from Kyle! She is obsessed.

Crystal was phenomenal (not a phrase I write very often on here), decimating Dorit and Annemarie with ease. Dorit tried it with a lot of the women this season. She's played the microaggression card for years but, next to Rinna, Kyle, Erika, it would pass under the radar. This season, it is now under the spotlight.

As for Flopmarie, Andy seems inexplicably charmed by this obnoxious professional gaslighter. The rehearsed "I. Won't. Be. Part. Of you. Sys. Tem. Of Lies" line made me cringe. What on earth does that mean? 'System of lies' like Sutton's supposed anorexia? If her performance yesterday was any indication of her bedside manner, I worry for the patients who must have their concerns routinely brushed aside by Big Mouth.

Dorit vs Kyle needs an LVP check-mate, even if she's just a FOH. But I fear we will see Rinna back before Pinky.

Edited by Cat
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