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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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+1 to all of this. It was an OK episode. The most interesting part was Sutton's dinner with her cosmopolitan friends and Erika drunk off her ass..."Murse is in...the purse" made me laugh. 

Flopmarie holding Crystal's hand and then saying "I don't want her to have a hypertensive crisis and stroke out" was so cringe. No wonder she works in anesthesia, she has zero bedside manner. There's nothing to like about her. 

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This has been the most boring and nothing major-happening season on BH. I would be very worried for the next season... since this was NOTHING. I know understand why Kyle is trying hard to write some drama into it and sacrificing herself. Poor Kyle, she will be the last one standing in this franchise. Her, Cher and the cockroaches.

Edited by OpportunisticSlut
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Bravo has nothing to worry about. The ratings for RHOBH have been stellar (it consistently hits over 1M viewers). IMO this is one of the better seasons in recent history and the ratings show as this is the top RH show. The onlybad episode was the one early on that centered around Dorit (Ep 2). Firing Rinna was thebest thing to happen to this show as it feels lighter and more fun and the women are able to move on and for more genuine relationships. I appreicate the fact that this season is not toxic bc too much fighting is draining

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I agree. BH is an easy watch, and I feel like some of these women have actually forged something akin to friendship here. It’s almost like they can relax with each other and speak a little more freely?? Even Kyle. Imagine that! Rinna isn't there to parse over every word and gaslight them.

There is also less fronting, wig-work and episodes based around glam. Everyone makes a good effort fashion-wise and keeps it looking glamorous, but it's not the be-all and end-all of the show anymore.

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There is no storyline this season. This is by far the worst and most boring season ever. The conflicts are small and nothing major has happened. There is no stake this season. Compared to Season 1-5... this new season is like watching paint dry. I have found myself doing things like cooking and cleaning while watching this season. Not a good sign for me.

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Try Hard Marie has no bedside manner.  Given we were stuck with Teddi for a couple of years...Im bracing myself for her not to be a half season wonder.

Dorit...is the product of a New England upbringing.  I live in Boston now and going to cities outside Boston in Mass and CT resulted in seeing a lot of Dorits (female and male versions)...it was eye opening.


RH of Miami:


I've never liked Lisa.  I was always a Joanna or Lea fan over Lisa.

The only time Larsa has any sense is when she speaks in interviews about Lisa's divorce. 

Going by the doll island was just shitty of production...given her past.


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Yeah. I also see this as a reset season. Its not feeling overly produced and i like that the woman are letting things go instead of taking one issue and harping on it all season. I thought that was gonna happen with the esophagus but thank god that was short lived

This season has been a godsend for Erika. I was all ready for her to leave but this has redeemed her. She can still be vapid (as we saw with her harping about the earring) but she is actively trying to do better and forge friendships so I can acknowledge that. She's more entertaining like this


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Now what didn't you all tell me my girl Kate from BELOW DECK winded up on TRAITORS US!!!  Cuz and Shady Phae Phae tag-teaming this guy is hilarious!!!


And Phae seems to be doing so much more on this than M2M. Hopefully, this is the one who goes up against Quad at the recently filmed reunion.




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I just managed to find NYC online and watched the entire season:

It felt a lot like an E! show attempting to do a housewives show. Ten years ago.

Jenna, Erin and Jessel felt NY to me. They could all have been part of the original show and I want to see more of them. 

Someone should tell Brynn that Samantha Jones was not a bimbo. (She reminds me of Melanie Smith for some reason. The way she looks, not the way she acts.)

Ubah is stunning and she is friend material. She doesn't share anything and her moment was a stupid fight. 

Sai reminds me of Tahiry on Love and Hip Hop. Her initial cute persona didn't work out for her and by the end of the season she was a mess.

I didn't get enough NY from this show. 

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Just when I get invested in Kyle as a flawed human being.... she starts feeling herself a little too much and leans into mean & b!tchy again.

The narcissisism of Kyle who assumes that, since Sutton didn't talk to her about her ballet days with Merce Cunningham, the relationship was exaggerated. She minimises Merce's importance in Sutton's life like she did LVP"s brother's death. If I recall, she implied LVP was using her grief as a cover during Puppygate. It's all pretty hurtful, but Kyle and Erika laugh it off. Can you imagine the hurt if Sutton minimised the role Lorene played in Kyle's life? We'd never hear the end of it.

(Rumor has it that Kyle brought Kathy along to reunion to decimate Sutton, and that Sutton had a fainting attack as a result).

Speaking of girlfriend, Morgan Wade last week apparently deleted all photos of Kyle from her Instagram. A few hours later, Kyle did the same with her photos of Morgan. There may be a couple reasons for this.

(A) Kyle and Morgan broke up.

( B ) The Umanskys are divvying up shared assets and lawyers have advised Kyle to scrub her social media so that the issue of who started dating outside the marriage when doesn't become part of the divorce.

( C ) We got played. 

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Vyle Kyle was doing the most in order to compensate for Rinna not being there.  

Her talking heads and after show comments were filmed afterwards when it appeared as though Sutton would steal the season and her henchperson Try Hard Marie failed.

Kyle is an insecure jealous person that secretly hates all women.  She has been bully to Kathy and Kim her whole life and enjoys turning her female friends against one another.

I was watching season 1 and there was a talking head from Kyle where she joked that if someone a set pissed her off then she would just quit acting and have a baby.  That says all that needs to be said for Kyle....an overgrown toddler.

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