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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I definitely dont by Kyle's story. She spent WAY too much time harping about Kathy in this premiere and im convinced she was going to make Kathy her story. When it became obvious that Kathy wasnt returning, Kyle had to come up with something else which is why she is playing with her marriage. I beleive the scene with her and Mo was shot later in the season and aired out of order. I know there was all this speculation that Kyle got Morgan's initial tattooed on her but Mauricio also begins with an M....duh! She;s not convincing me

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I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!




Yeeeah those came out so much better than everyone else's. Sorry POTOMAC.


I liked Larsa, Guerdy, Lisa, and AmEx Nicole's best.


Episode 9 and counting down to watching s6 e1 in real time with the rest of you.

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Erin seems to be confused alot..maybe she isn't lying... maybe she's just plain confused.

Ubah needs therapy and we need to provide shelter for Mr Connecticut because we know she'll turn abusive.

Jenna is treated with kid gloves...but I think she does the woe is me as a defense mechanism.

Ubah points out how Jessel, Erin and Sai didn't want Jenna on the show...me  thinks she also didn't want Jenna on the show.

And Jenna was hesitant to do the show and was given outs that the others couldn't get in order to do the show..so I can see why the others were resentful and probably knew they would look the bad guys if they called out her exercising those 'outs'.

Jessel and Pravit are the modern day Alex and Simon Mccord. 

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The Vanity Fair article is out and it mostly focuses on OG RHONY, Bethenny’s crusade, Eboni, Leah, and Ramona. Kind of a nothingburger to be honest. (It’s paywalled so use your favorite archive site.)

Not a lot is revealed that hasn’t already been rumored or speculated about, but Bravo is very brazen to still be in the Ramona Singer business:


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Totally. She’s not even a cast member on one of their franchises anymore. They’d avoid so much bad press if they simply cut ties with her and didn’t bring her on stuff like UGT and WWHL.

Unless it’s one of those “she knows where the bodies are buried” situations…

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I feel like Cohen and co. are afraid of the "Ramona-coaster" coming after them, but she's disgusting. And has proven herself to be wildly problematic. Ditch her. I really am contemplating ditching Legacy altogether, because it just feels icky between Singer & Luann being included overall.

Reading Leah's ordeal is... so f**ked up.

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Ubah's performance at the reunion was reminding me of Porsha in season 9. LOL...I think she saved her job as she was activated and felt more coherent in part 2 than she did in part 1

Erin is a liar and mater gaslighter. I've only see this level of lying when it came to Phaedra but Erin just says stuff and doubles down on it, until reciepts are shown and she says stuff like "I  didnt reiterate it correctly" Huh? No bitch, you lied. She is also reminding me of Mia 

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Agreed about Ubah. The previews made it out that she was going to be a mess, but they left out her explanation about why she felt hurt, which made perfect sense. The problem, I think, is that English is not Ubah's first language and so there were miscommunication with the other women. However, some of the other women have played on that language barrier purposely  ("i dont speak emoji" Ubah told Erin at one point about her texts). Brynn was egregiously interrupting Ubah and trying to derail her train of thought. That's when I understood why Ubah called Brynn and Erin a fake friendship -- she was pointing out that they have an alliance, and Brynn was fulfilling her side of the alliance by antagonising Ubah. Ubah has not backed down to 'fans' on social media and stood her ground this week as well. I hope she has saved her job and that she and Jenna grow closer, should there be a S15. 

Erin has been playing the other women against each other since episode 1. I hope these women have her number. I liked the way Jessel calmly did not let her get away with lying about Pavit.

Sai acquired herself very well this reunion. She apologised and explained herself in a relatable, reasonable way. I suspect she has saved her job also.

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Another great episode. This show is firing on all cylinders this season.

Heather was a supporting character this episode hosting events to spur interaction between the ladies and in both instances they succeeded.

Lisa had little to do other than talk about how violent Colombia is. I'm surprised she didn't mention the cocaine given her cultural awareness. 

Meredith also had little to do. Nobody believes that car accident was potentially lethal. Nobody. She needs to give that one up.

Angie's father is adorable and doing great for 86! 

Whitney will do anything to stay on this show. First, she's clearly playing with her marriage to Justin and creating strife in the name of long suffering housewife heroines everywhere having to plan multiple events (*snort laugh*), and then she humiliates herself by sitting down for dinner with Mary. Mary positively loathes Whitney, and is obviously a deranged, awful woman in her own right, but good lord Whitney, what did you think was going to happen sitting down with Mary? Mary has never, ever, pretended to like Whitney. Never. But suddenly Whitney claims they had a friendship worth saving? No. That scene was hilarious and cringe. Despite Mary being a total bitch who I would never want to encounter in real life, she's perfect for a scene like that and an accidental jester like Whitney. 

Monica...and Monica's mother...WHEW. At first, I wondered if Monica was gilding the lily when she was talking to Heather and the other ladies, mentioning that her mother took her car away and was throwing a tantrum. I have seen Monica's mother do a few social media posts this week to defend herself...and some of what she said seemed, on the surface, as potentially believable. But by the end of the episode, when Monica's thirsty mother starts the scene in tears, and then openly admits to leaving Monica in a trunk of a car so she could make out with a guy, asking Monica, incredulously, what else was she supposed to do...I was done. What an evil, despicable, pig bitch.

Who here on SON wants to chip in and buy Monica a used car? 

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Monica better use that Bravo money and get her a new car. 

That aside, her mother is utter garbage. It is painfully obvious that her mother wants to be in front of a camera, hence why she was drawn to Angie K.--two famewhores. 

At this stage in life, Monica needs to protect her peace and her kids and write her mother off. 

Glad to hear that Ramona is FINALLY getting reprimanded for her trash behavior. One down, many more to go.

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