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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It's more than just word -- Kim was filmed by Bravo with Kyle and Dorit on a mountain walk (taking us back to old school BH: The Yolanda and Brandi Years). Prior to that, Kyle had a dinner party (again, filmed by Bravo) and Denise, Cynthia and Camille were all invited. Who knows whether they will appear when it airs, but I hope they will. Now that Rinna is gone, ex-HWs feel like it's safe to participate again. I'm ready for some call-back to earlier seasons.

Not that I followed her relationship closely, but Eva seemed very much in love with her husband and happy with her family life. He even formally adopted her eldest daughter. So this is a surprise, to say the least.

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I think I might be the only one not excited about Kim and Denise returning.  Camille I adore, so I am happy about that.  I don't know if this is an unpopular take, but I find Kim in general so awkward and uncomfortable to watch.  I know she is an iconic part of the series, but I genuinely think she is someone who is better off not on tv and I don't enjoy her.  As far as Denise, I liked her first season, but her second season was rough.   I actually think Denise handled everything really poorly surrounding her even if she was the victim and I don't feel the need to see her back. 

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I'm with you on Kim. She has given us some incredible television, but I never feel great about seeing her onscreen. Something about it is too dark and she seems too fragile.

re: UGT3 -- How can Marysol watch this and not agree that she has a drinking problem? Her entire storyline is that she's in physical pain because of drinking but needs another drink to handle said pain.

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I don't think Denise is cut out for it either.  There seems a lot about her life she doesn't want to share and I do understand that because she's 'famous' on her own.  It's just not what the Housewives is about.

Yes, there is something dark about watching Kim and I always feel nervous watching her.  I believe she is in a better place, but I am not sure if she is equipped for this either.

As far as Marysol, she is so open about her drinking I almost think it's a gag and she doesn't drink that much.  She honestly never seems super intoxicated.  As someone who has had ulcers though drinking would be absolutely painful and not dull my pain at all lol.

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Exactly. Generally, most of the dark housewives stuff comes out due to joining the show.  The Denise stuff is common knowledge and she is going in knowing people have this idea about her.  I think she wanted to show a different side of her, but at the same time she can't or won't put her full self out there so she comes off inauthentic to me.  I just think there were better ways to handle the Brandi affair rumors besides absolutely shutting down.  Frankly, I don't care if she hooked up with Brandi and would have liked if she 'owned' it and made Lisa look even more awful than she already did.   I mean, there are a lot of inauthentic housewives and she is not the worst and is likable-I am just not excited about her coming back.  The need isn't there for me. 

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I don't need Denise back as a full-time Housewife or even a Friend Of, but a one-time appearance to kind of put a bow on the Rinna thing would be fun. 

I have been thinking that Marysol's whole thing with the "cockies" is a gag and an attempt at branding, and I agree that she never seems drunk-drunk, but it's legitimately all she talks about when she isn't dragging Adriana (or that moment reflecting upon Mama Elsa, which was genuinely lovely). She talks about drinking like a college freshman who just found out about alcohol and thinks that the mere act of consuming it makes you a cool person. 

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RHOBH:  I like the fact they're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink (Vanderpump). Of course, the Rinna rimmers online will say it's because the show is lost without her. But I'll gladly take the return of Camille, and visits from Kim and Denise, plus a Housewives crossover with Cynthia (dual pop-ups, with her appearing on ATL this season, too). I get what you're all saying about Kim and Denise, but in Denise's case I feel there's unfinished business and Garcelle can help facilitate that. As for Kim, there's all that Richards sisters baggage... is Kathy filming? 

RHUGT3: This has shaped up to be a surprisingly fun arc. It makes me miss Porsha, appreciate Candiace more, confirm my strong dislike of Leah, and makes me wonder what the heck is up with those goofy Miami women. It's a good thing Tinsley turned down the opportunity and they got Porsha in her place, because I don't think the show would be popping if she wasn't on. 

I continue to love these girls trips and their 4th wall breakdown, with people talking about losing friendships and such for the sake of having "a moment" on reality TV (Salt Lake City ladies, I'm talking about you; Gizelle, I'm talking about you). 


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The filming with Kim doesn't seem to be anything more than a one-off guest-spot -- at least for now. Although, given the clamoring to bring Kim back in recent times, anything could happen, and BH is down a Richards sister (Kathy, where are you).

Camille, Cynthia and Denise's off-screen voice (that's all you saw of her on social media) at Kyle's party seemed to be blink-and-you'll-miss-em guest spots. I honestly doubt any of these ladies will feature beyond a name-check, although I am down to see Camille and Denise cheers-ing each other now that Rinna ain't around. 

I didn't understand why Denise didn't roll with it, like "Yeah, and?" Possibly because the husband wasn't in on it, and possibly because Brandi made out that she was somehow tricked into sex? Anyway, that season was draining and, while I hated the Coven for targeting Denise incessantly, I don't think Denise should return full-time -- for the reasons you state. And also because I don't believe she is that dynamic a personality.


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have been saying that loudly, but you know what? They are probably bots paid for by Diana. I will happily trade that toxic, soulless vampire for something lighter, fluffier, more glamorous, and with returning guest spots every episode. If Kyle can shoehorn her personal drone Terry into every season, I can damn well have two minutes of Camille, Denise and Garcelle cackling "Ding dong the witch is gone" over a couple of Chateau Margauxs.

Re: RHUGT3 -- I never properly appreciated what a masterful operator Porsha became until she left RHOA. She knew when to be light and sweet, and when to go in for an incisive burn. How far she has come from her early ATL seasons! On RHUGT she has expertly kept the momentum moving from morning til night while not breaking a sweat. She has Pepsi curled around her little finger, too. Gizelle seriously needs to sit back, marvel, watch and learn, cuz this is how you do it.

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I have to believe the Marysol drinking stuff became her schtick and she (and Andy) think it's humorous, so she gets edited that way.  It is mostly all she talks about, but at the same time she seems like a fairly fully functioning adult, so she can't be that drunk all the time.  Although the way her castmates talk about it makes me take pause.  Who knows?  It's nuts she's so open about it if it is a serious problem.

Yeah, I am totally fine with guest spots for all of them.  I would not mind Camille being back full time either.

I never understood Denise's stance on the Brandi stuff.  Probably because the husband wasn't in on it or she thought it made her look bad like you said, but she just made herself look more guilty.  Whether it is true or not it's an insane lie or story for Brandi to make up and double and triple down on.  Saying she isn't a dynamic personality sums up my thoughts on her.  For someone with such a scandalous past, she's very dull and not really willing to play dirty with the wives.  Which, fair, but that's not entertaining.

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Speaking of new...looks like there was firm confirmation that there WILL be a REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW ORLEANS...as they too are looking to cast NBA wives.


I'm more waiting to see if Tamica from SOUTHERN ORLEANS: NOLA is going to pop up on there. 


Fingers crossed. 

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Jill Zarin has let go of her rental in Ramona's building on the Upper East Side. Looks like she'll be spending more time in FLA. Her 'Goodbye NYC' makes me feel like it's a wider Goodbye to the OG RHONY 

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Hmm.  Sounds like he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

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