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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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As I said before, Yolanda's blogs make it crystal clear that she and Brandi became close and I'm excited to see it unfold.

Loved all the Camille we got last night. I hate Kyle Richards. This bitch is seriously her own biggest fan and a massive [!@#$%^&*] stirrer.

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Adrienne needed to be told to shut the f--k up. Someone needed to tell Kyle to shut the f--k up when she started defending her. Team Brandi. She was defending Kim and good for her. What I love about Brandi is that she is a straight shooter and doesnt BS around. She calls people out and doesnt let things just fly under the radar. The show needs someone like her

I love Yolana being a fly on the wall and reacting to these chicks. "Where are these women from? What planet are they from?"

So now Camille is getting focus and talking about her love life. I wonder if we will see Dimitri. Oh just saw the preview, so looks like we will. So much for people being worried that she was "off" the show. She's like the unofficial 8th housewife

So Paul calls Brandi a bitch...I wonder if Adrienne will say something about that. A man shouldnt talk like that to a woman, especially in public

LMAO at this Tumblr post

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I have to be honest when I say the confrontation with Kim was absolute bull chit. You can tell many have had it with her, and they had every right to be upset that they accomodated Kim and she didn't care.

However, why do any of them care if Kim does not come to gatherings? Simple - STOP INVITING HER, and when it bothers her, she will go when invited. I don't like it at all when people gang up on one person, not even Kim. Not one damn bit! Nene is the only person at that table who will face Kim head on and her challenges with Kim were genuine. You could tell when she had to calm herself before continuing. Kim had every right to leave because no one wants to be the victim of a verbal bashing by a bunch of people. Kandi has such a slave mentality, and I wish she didn't feel the need to show every [!@#$%^&*] tooth in her mouth when talking. Damn! She was the one who went running to Kim to make sure Kim got the "real" story about what was said in Africa. I was insulted by that.

That said, bitch better not ever bring her ass back! Not for any reason. Can't stand Kim, and she has not been relevant to the show for quite some time.

Kenya did right to just sit back and enjoy the show. Porsha? Not sure she understood any of the words coming out of anyone's mouth.

Phaedra? Ugh! Why does she care about her "friendship with Kim" when last they talked, she was accusing Kim of being an uneducated wretch (not that I disagree). Kim not committed to the friendship circle? [!@#$%^&*] off with that crap! And take off some of that damn makeup!

Edited by ChitHappens
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im pretty sure it's Bravo. The vacation episodes are big deal every season and the women are expected to go. It's not so much them inviting Kim so much as she's told to go by production. The women worked out the dates to accommodate her and she flaked. They have every right to call her out
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Exactly. I don't see why Kim expects she can just not interact with other cast members and miss events and gatherings. I understand she is pregnant but Phaedra jumped right into this show while in her final months of pregnancy. Kim is just being lazy and I bet Kroy has got her thinking she's better than all of those ladies bc she used to be so interactive. Oh well.

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I too enjoy seeing the former OC housewives pop up. I wish we could get Jeana and Lauri back full-time. When Lauri was on WWHL, a caller asked Andy what it would take to get Lauri back and he said he's tried everything. She said that she almost returned for season six full time, but the deal fell through. She said she's worried with how over the top the drama has become and doesn't know if she'd fit in. Considering she's going on trips with the girls, I wonder if she's testing the waters and might end up a full HW or a strong recurring presence. I hope so. Lauri was golden TV.

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To be fair that was Nene's MO last season. When she was riding high off her Apprentice fame and cashing "Trump" checks she acted the same way Kim is acting now. She may have gone to the events but the cast was segregated. She weren't talking to any of the girls except Cynthia and we all know it's because she kisses her ass. Many commented here if she didn't want to interact with the girls and she felt she was too big for the show then she should leave so even though I applauded her for calling Kim out it was only because the others were passive aggressive but she was being hypocritical. The only difference between her and Kim now is that the girls actually coordinated their schedules for Anguilla and Kim decided to bail at the last minute whereas Nene last season would show up late at the events and isolate herself from the cast. And everyone knows she said in the previous reunion that she had better things to do with her time than sit around gossiping with a bunch of forty year old women after Kandi called her judgmental.

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I think they all had valid points, honstly. But this whole season has felt so over produced and scripted above and beyond the normal amounts on these series. It was a way to write her out and move her onto her own show.

Does this go for Nene too? Or...

I just think Kim is over it. She isnt friends with Nene, Shere is gone, her friendship with Ph was ever only for the show and her friendship with kandi fell out. She is in a much different place than when she came on, and good for her honestly. Plus she has her own hit series and doesnt need to be here. I am glad she is gone, its better for her and the show.

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I agree that Season 4 was segregated but I highly doubt NeNe got invites to many of the things Phaedra did throughout the season and she certainly wasn't getting any from Sheree or Kim. It hasn't been until Kim and Sheree have been removed from the equation that Nene/Cynthia put out an active effort to make nice with Phaedra/Kandi so it isn't the same to me. I haven't seen NeNe make up a gazillion excuses why she couldn't attend stuff, she wasn't getting invited!

And I don't think Cynthia kisses NeNe's ass.. I think because NeNe has such a loud personality and Cynthia plays it low key that many think that. I think what we are seeing this season is how Cynthia really is.

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Nene and Kim are exactly alike. They both think they are above the show because they have found success away from it. Trust, if Nene's schedule didn't allow her to go to Anguilla she wouldn't think twice about bailing and if her success truly took off she would leave in a heart beat. The show "fired" Kim so they could simply transition her to her new series.

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