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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kiki needs a mojito ASAP! When she was screaming in the night or pissing on the beach, I was screaming in hilarity. This woman is too damn funny. I love me some Kiki!

Adriana was definitely playing up that injury because she wanted attention; however, she does have a valid point that Marysol and Alexia have dropped her. IMO, they have dropped her for Larsa instead. I didn't think that Adriana's comparison to Frankie was good but the woman knows how to stir the pot! For that, I can't be too mad at her. 

Marysol... as she is the most eager to the be on this show, she is one they need to drop if anyone needs to be dropped. The group dynamics are so much better when she isn't there. 

All of that aside, yet again, Miami has delivered another stellar episode. It is sad that the Peacock show has yet to have a bad episode--or a filler episode at that. Each episode pushes the story the forward and they are the ONLY show that uses "to be continued" in the correct manner. 

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In Real Housewives-social media ecosystem news -- NBC Universal have been officialy deleting Tweets and shutting down IG accounts relating to RH commenters, a number of whom (like QueensofBravo, LovesAndyC and Jay's Reality Blog) are pretty much officially blessed by Bravo and NBC to cover the Bravo shows. Didn't LovesAndyC write the officially-sanctioned-by-Bravo Diamonds & Rose book? They even get first look at season openers and other tidbits to further the RH marketing drive, so this sudden coming-down-hard on the bloggers' Bravo content is unexpected.

At first, posters wondered if it was related to RHONJ, since the season just started, but this weekend, it turns out a lot of the deleted posts relate exclusively to RHOP. I have no idea why, but tonight is the first episode of the reunion. 


In RHOSLC news, Jen Shah has quietly and without fanfare turned herself in.

Just kidding! The self-serving narcissist is still addicted to the attention and couldn't leave without posting a statement:

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Been thinking about your post this week in light of the first two episodes of the new season.

It does feel like we are coming to a once-and-for-all face-off between Teresa and the Gorgas before Bravo decides to close the chapter on this family feud. However, having seen the ratings, including the +2 day ratings -- RHONJ is delivering the eyeballs that might make Bravo pause and view the rivalry as still having legs for the foreseeable future.

My feeling, like you, is that production knows which side their bread is buttered: the Gorgas are toast. Teresa pulls in the bigger fanbase, and the Gorgas will never be able to live down their self-serving betrayal of S3. It was seen as a bridge too far, even by RH standards.

For this reason, and because I enjoy watching the Giudice 'dorters', I've been Team Tre. But I can also understand how difficult it must be to handle Teresa. She will never forgive or let go of this S3 betrayal. Even when she says she does, she still expects the Gorgas to back her up in all things and never criticize her. This has been the case since S1. Teresa cannot hear criticism or accept blame. This is hard for the Gorgas as their whole raison d'etre on RHONJ has been to go against, or stand up to, Teresa. They, also can never accept blame for their part. So it's an impasse.

I'm specifying the Gorgas here because while Melissa has gotten the bulk of fandom hate (and I don't doubt her desire for fame and her ability to influence her husband to get what she wants) I don't think we can rule out Joe's own deep desire for fame and the cameras. He eats it up as much as Teresa ever did, and is even more of a drama queen than Melissa and Teresa combined.

It's clear he is spearheading this latest S3 redux. It is telling how he highlighted Joe Giudice as being the bad seed behind the Joe-Teresa-Gorga family fallout. I don't doubt the assholery of Joe Giudice, but he is not some Game-of-Thrones master manipulator. Joe Giudice did not drive Nonna and Nonno to an early grave -- the feud between Teresa, Joe, Melissa and the Wakiles did that, and so did Teresa's jailtime. Joe Giudice embarked on massive fraud with the blessing of his wife who wanted to be on TV, but I have a feeling amongst this cast, in Jersey, these kind of shenanigans may be more common than we might think, lol. 

So for Joe Gorga to now put the 'bad seed' title on Louie? Sigh. Look, it's clear Louie is pushing some MLM schemes (see, this is what I mean about the NJ cast), but the problem between Teresa and her brother & SIL is not Louie. It is Teresa and Joe and Melissa. But none of these three will ever take accountability for how their feud destroyed three interconnected families (Gorgas, Giudices, Wakiles).

So what is the future of RHONJ? Well, I think production is betting on Teresa and eventually letting the Gorgas go... unless the feud enters a new dimension and the ratings back it up. It is ironic because I've always felt Teresa might prefer to spinoff on her own show with her and her family. She is close with Jennifer and connected to Dolores, but they too feel like her handlers sometimes. Sometimes Teresa appears more islanded and a homebody. The Gorgas are much more social within the cast.

The real unspoken is how important Marge is in the cast. Love her or hate her, Marge is an activator. She knows everything about these women, all their secrets, gets scenes going, stirs the pot, and basically drives story. Whatever the next iteration of RHONJ will be, she is going nowhere.

IA that Jennifer vs Dolores is not the rivalry they think it is. If anything, Jennifer vs Marge (or even Jennifer vs the Gorgas) has more meat. I love Dolores, though, and hope she stays. I feel she grounds the show and has history with past, current and future HWs. She is in the thick of it.

Totally agree with your points about the ABCD-fication/youth-demoing RHONJ. After Episode 2, I am starting to go lukewarm on Jenn Fessler. I liked her on Ep. 1, but felt she was doing too much in Ep. 2 with the eating and mozzarella. It reminded me of her ex-BFF Siggy. Carlton Gebbia Rachel, I still have no opinion on. But I am really starting to love self-deprecating Staten Island Danielle. 

@Antoyne I gave you wrong info about Marge's former BFF who tried to sell her out on RHONJ. I thought that friend was Jenn Fessler -- it clearly is not! Marge explained it in episode 2 -- it was some chick called Laura who Marge managed to get cut from most of the footage.

And speaking of left on the cutting room floor.... production is clearly trying to cut around Jackie wherever they can, and Jackie is not having it!

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I saw that as well. If it was not for all those blogs, they wouldn't even have a fanbase. Some want to say the fanbase is toxic...and they are...but it feels like they are punishing EVERYONE for not following the narrative or liking the people the TIIC and Andy like. They cannot be mad that everyone is turning to RHOM for HW show done right if they keep trying to manipulate the masses by cutting out important scenes or editing out people or giving people the 'good' edit. 


Some say someone at RHOP BTS is responsible. And I thought...Monique? But that would be farfetched. But I see she is feeling a kinda way about not doing LAMDC this season and it's thriving. 


As for Jen...she did a statement AND an interview/video, too. She is not going quiet at all. lol. 

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Please forgive a short Jen Shah inspired rant.

I was listening to a podcast that debated her punishment.  One host remarked that the prison is too plush with a gym, plus classes on religion and foreign language, while the other noted that 6 1/2 years away from family would be horrible.

But, it made me realize that given Jen shows no contrition, prison doesn't feel like justice.  Perhaps if she was forced to earn an income for the next ten years, without federal tax penalties, and guarantee that the majority of her earnings would go to the victims, it would be more productive. 

I don't feel there's any moral obligation to punish a scammer, in order for them to learn not to scam, or to teach others to avoid scamming.  But, those people deserve their money back.  And, it is not going to happen any sooner by having Jen serve time in prison.  So, why not make her work her ass off and get those old people their restitution as soon as possible?

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Margaret is the stirrer of drama..and she does it in a non toxic way unlike Jennifer A

Jennifer A is too toxic...and she's another one that I understand why she was cheated on.  I feel for her hubby Bill.


Danielle..promising start and it's nice to see she's connected to the cast.

The other Jersey newbie...not sure yet...give me more family scenes with her and her lumberjack hubby.

Melissa's kids have grown!?!  I think she's partly to blame for the issues with Teresa..but I also think Joe isn't blameless at all.

Delores is to this show as Cynthia was to Atlanta and Jeana was to OC... less drama, yet still likable.

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Well now that my wine is stocked for tonight...lol.


I saw people really disliked the finale. I...actually liked it. On one hand, it DID tie up every storyline that they started with. Mia and the cancer. Ashley and the divorce. Gizelle and...her daughters?


However as expected...due to Robyn's boo-boo, it was hard to watch because I felt my 'reality' was blown. And all I saw was those GEB trying to deflect (something Robyn was accusing La Dame of this very episode...oh, irony) from that coda at the end...the wedding that was never happening. I loved that La Dame and DOCTOR Wendy was not having it with them. La Dame going into last battle (for now) with Cha Cha who is waaaaaaaaaay too pressed. And DOCTOR Wendy laughing off Messy Mia's claims that GEB were really trying to run with. Meanwhile, Candiace continued to show grace with Ashley...who really should have been focused on being sure she has a page post-divorce. 


And yes, I giggled at Production shading Messy Mia being broke, too. 


But...good finale, but the bloom is off the rose I am afraid.


LA DAME. She came out a WINNER to me. The best thing about the second half of the season has been La Dame Grande activated. Because they pushed too far and we were all reminded of why this is usually a great franchise...the BTS history between the OGs. One can't really come after one without another one revealing where the bodies are buried. And all the others using Cha Cha to deflect only make La Dame MORE relevant, not less. Whether she and Ray have an open marriage or not, they are not being caught up like they were in earlier seasons and they stay pressed about that. I liked she read that ruggedy old Eyore and kept it moving.


GIZELLE. Too little, too late. You have 17 episodes to show all of this and waited until the last episode. Could she not imagine how showing herself struggling MIGHT have been the humanizing factor Gizelle needed to make people care for her, not just love to hate her? Smh. Next.


JUAN'S ROOMMATE ROBYN THIS TRIFLING HEFFA. I enjoyed EVERY moment of her family dragging her for the disrespect she was giving for not having them at the wedding. And then after all those smoke and mirrors...they DID get married. And NO per-nup? Smelling mighty fishy over here. I mean what does she have when everything we used to know about Robyn has been exposed as a lie? Truly a dizty version of Teddi Terri Demarco.


ASHLEY. Speaking of family dragging, she deserved hers as well. I cannot believe how the mighty have fallen. I came into this season hoping she was going to be a smart golddigger. I'm soooooo disappointed in her. All that craftiness only to only have a storyline of throwing Candiace and her man under the bus. Smh. 


CANDIACE. WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud she made it through a season sticking the landing and looking forward to her at the reunion...which from early tweets...sounds like she got Ashley good. What a redemptive season she had. Who would have thought? And 'SESAME STREET' and 'WHERE'S ERIC?' will ALWAYS take me out.


WENDY. I love, love, LOVED how she handled the rumors of her and Messy Mia. She confronted it head on and with a tongue-in-cheek way, too. More housewives could do the same. While I liked Too Much Wendy last season, it was nice to see her find a nice balance between the two personas she has had so far on this show.


MIA. SMH. Still entertaining, but at what price? She lost her friendship to La Dame I am afraid. And for what? The GEB and Cha Cha? All of whom are going to shade her at the reunion for being broke. Le sigh. And I hollered at Production shading her in the coda. 


Bring on the reunion!!!

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Adriana is hard to like sometimes because she's not engaged in a popularity contest to be the most adored by the audience. I like her a lot and always have, but I know she's messy, can be mean, and isn't universally beloved. Alexia may even have a point about her always being miserable and playing victim. Adriana was totally playing up the "disability" and having to be carried around by the boat crew. LOL 

That being said, Alexia and Marysol are not good friends to Adriana. They were around when she was dominating OG RHOM and when she was married to Frederic, but when her life began to unravel and she got divorced, they were ghosts. Adriana's unhappiness stems from being friend-dumped, and for that I feel empathy. She is still clearly wounded from her divorce and this. Sometimes friends are there for a reason or a season, and Las Cubanas are in the latter camp. The impression I've gotten this year is how superficial and arrogant these two actually are. They've been Larsafied. And the rest of the group is like 

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wut? You think you're better than us? How? 

Adriana is better off forging friendships with the newbies -- Julia, Nicole, Guerdy, Kiki.

The Frankie comparison wasn't great, but I also don't think it was as bad as some pearl-clutchers out there think it is. Alexia reacted because she somehow blames herself about Frankie's accident deep-down. Adriana knew Frankie would be Alexia's pressure-point, and she went for the jugular.



I haven't watched the (had to be re-edited) reunion yet but.... this fool.

Monique? Wow. That would be a blast from the past. I assumed it was Bravo trying to manage perceptions (as you point out) and maybe have more people tuning in to boost the overnight ratings. Maybe the network is nervous because Robyn inadvertently made everyone question the authenticity of this entire season + reunion with her podcast/Patreon push.

Not a bad premise at all for giving scammers a work mandate in prison to go towards paying those they scammed. Not that Jen Shah will be able to work off the $$$$ owed and any lawsuits, I don't think. But it's a start.

She clearly thinks she'll be spa-ing it at 'camp' like Teresa Giudice did, 'writing' a book, etc. 

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LOL...Mia took me out to this. Ashley has got to be the dumbest golddigger in the history of the RH franchise. How you stay married to that ugly man and let him have sex with you only to have NOTHING to show for it but child support? You didnt need to get married for that. I know some people didnt like it but I was thoroughly entertained by this first part

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LOL. People were so enamored with Ashley, acting like she had some long game/3D chess going on to stay with that predatory gremlin. 

I enjoyed the first part too. Loved the little under-the-breath digs between Robyn and Karen, who were otherwise pretty silent for the most part.

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