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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Your post came at just the right time -- because I was struggling through episodes 3 and 4 and seriously considering whether to drop this franchise completely. Lisa's lingerie party WAS insane, though I am still utterly confused as to what exactly transpired and why things got out of hand. Was Joanna mad because Joe Francis may have been telling the truth? Was she mad because Marta slept with Joe while he was with her? Why did she stick her nose into a private conversation between Karent and Adriana? It was a hot-ass mess and, for once, I don't believe it was a scripted catfight at all.

There have been some unexpected moments, namely the Romain-Joanna dinner after she found those texts/e-mails. I was ready for her to kick his ass out but he was clear and forthcoming in his defense of himself and I was almost relieved they didn't break-up -- very unusual for me as cheating is a deal-breaker for me! That entire relationship is imploding before our very eyes, though.

IA that the rolling cast of supporting players give this show an added extra that the other franchises do not have. But Mama Elsa and Daisy the housekeeper apart, sometimes the amount of "extra" characters makes the show lack focus at times. Despite all the fights and yapping, nothing ever really progresses. Perhaps that comes later. I do think it is cool the way the have kept Alexa back in the thick of things even though she is not a regular HW this season.

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Did you catch last season's Reunion episodes? Adrienne, Kyle and Taylor threw Lisa under the bus and attempted to smear her reputation on TV (they failed though). The look of hurt in her eyes when she confronted Kyle about what they did, the look of hurt she had throughout all three Reunion episodes was enough for me (if I wasn't before) to be Team Lisa. When Brandi came into Reunion, she was the only one to support Lisa after all her supposed BFFs had knifed her in the back. That, and the Hawaii trip, solidified the Brandi-Lisa friendship, I think. You could tell in Hawaii that they both "got" each other and have a similar sense of humor. I like their friendship!

1000% AGREE about Camille. She made Season 1, and I loved her last season as well, whether a PR firm is involved in her redemption or not. Camille is awesome and I wish she was still a regular. When she called out TayShanna about Russell, it was a true thing of beauty -- exposing Taylor's hypocrisy and Russell's abuse in one fell swoop. This around the time when Taylor's "best friend" Kyle was still doing VTs saying she didn't know if Russell actually beat up his wife.

I haven't seen RHoBH yet. I am dying to, though.

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I *loved* Beverly Hills last night! I had a smile on my face the whole night because I just love seeing almost all these ladies! Lisa is queen and the first episode of the new season certainly solidified her position. I loved how so much of the focus was on her, and hot messes like Taylor and Adrienne were merely supporting players.

I think Lisa has stayed true to herself and hasn't changed or let fame go to her head, from what I can see. I love her friendship with Brandi. Yes, Brandi is crass, but she's brutally honest and real and I love that. Lisa was visibly hurt by Adrienne's false accusations at last year's reunion; why should she put on a happy face and invite the biyotch to her party?

Boy, that was a calculating move by Adrienne by sending that Japanese dragon pinata flower arrangement to Lisa's party. No nice intentions whatsoever. I can't wait to see her downfall. Looks like she's picking fights with alotta ladies this year.

Kim is still a mess (at least she attended a party). Taylor is still a wannabe mess. Kyle is still a sh!t starter but I like her regardless.

Definitely missed Camille but was SO glad to see a lot of her in the season preview! Looks like she and Lisa have a falling out? And she goes off on Yolanda?

I think Yolanda has potential. She's not bursting through the scene like ATL's Kenya, instead she's biding her time, feeling everybody out.

Yay! The 'morally corrupt' Faye Resnick returns down the line! I like her.

I loved it overall. I actually got way more excited watching it than Atlanta, and Atlanta's my overall favorite. I think Beverly Hills is about to take that title over :)

Edited by Gray Bunny
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LOOOOVE Lisa and Brandi. Camille's presence is greatly missed. :(

Yolanda is ok too... the rest were kinda irrelevant.

RHOM is airing after RHOA on Sunday. How many episodes do they have left? They might as well just air the rest of it there to justify renewal. Hopefully enough people watch that they can launch a 3rd season on their own.

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