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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Melissa needed to call him right then and there so he could proceed to arrive at the fashion show and get the drama escalated? And I'm sure he wasn't even home probably at a bar down the street on Bravo's dime. laugh.png

And on Bravo's website they have a clip of Teresa and Jacq arguing and Jacq said a friend texted her the whole convo at the salon and the bald guy told Teresa he was going to embarass Melissa. Please let me know when that happened. Teresa is being set up and Jacq is playing along with it. SMH.

Here is the clip


LOL if this article is true nobody wants to film with Teresa but Bravo is determined to bring the star back :wub:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/17/real-housewives-of-new-jersey-reunion_n_1891122.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular

Edited by Eric83
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Melissa has protected and defended Teresa more than she ever should have these past two seasons. Caroline, while hating her, was spot on when she said that Teresa never has anything nice to say about Melissa. Say what you will about the way Melissa got on the show, since shes been on she really has done little to nothing wrong. She forgives Teresa for every nasty thing she says and does and trys to move on and let it all go, but Teresa will never change because Teresa will forever be jealous of Melissa and that she has Joe's heart. Thats really all that is between them, him. And he picks his wife (as he should) and Teresa cant stand it and fulkes her hatred and jealousy more and more. Teresa was fine having nothing to do with Joe along as Melissa was his wife when she had friends, but once they wised up to her ways and pulled away or full on stopped taking to her she suddenly wanted Kathy & Melissa to be her friends. SHe is beyond fake and transparent. What really makes me hate her the most tho is watching her encourage and reward her husband for demeaning, disrespecting, and abusing her. I hope her daughters do not grow up to think this is ok and do not allow the same thing to happen to them. It is really very, very sad.

Given all that Teresa has said and done to Melissa over the recent years I just can not believe that Saint Tre had absolutely nothing to do with setting Melissa up like this. I also really want to know what the deal is with the mic in the next epsiode, it sounds like Teresa forgets its on and they get her on some lies. I hope so.

What Bravo needs to do with RHoNJ is really keep Mel & Tre and bring in all new women. None of their family or friends or any alliances bullshit. But all new people and see what happens. I say this as someone who really only has kept checking in with the series for the amazing Manzo family. But this group of women can not work together anymore. Clearly tho they are just going to cast teresa some friends (how sad & pathetic) and it will be great to see them turn on her after she screws them over too, because she will.

Edited by JackPeyton
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well whatever went down, Teresa wasnt an active participant in it. For what its worth, she tried to stay out of it and not gleefully take pleasure in Melissa's downfall. She could have called her out at the table in front of everyone, but she chose not to. Looks like she takes her aside privately and explains what the guy was alluding to. It should be interesting to see how things go down next week but based on the previews, it looks like Melissa will use it as an excuse to attack Teresa and "end their truce" with the other harpies ganging up on her.

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What's she going to do now that her career as the next Gretchen Carlson has not taken off? Man that trampoline park?

I wouldn't have minded if she had stayed one more season on RHoOC because I wanted to see her and Jim get humiliated some more.

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Oh sh-t, I had no clue Kim was leaving BH. For the first time, this will be the first all black cast on a housewives series.

Is that an old promo pic of Phaedra? It looks like her season 3 shot

Who is the new chick next to Nene


Love seeing Brandi there :D

Who is the new chick? Im not a fan of these 7 women casts

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