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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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How convenient that Rinna now "remembers" what she said. I guess at least she is now owning it but I still think she lied.


LOL at Eileen's face when Rinna was confessing. She was like damn, I can smell the upcoming bullsh-t


Vanderpump is a BITCH! Her commentary was unnecesary. She was throwing fuel on the fire and did not want Rinna and Kim to heal. she wanted to make Rinna look as ugly as possibl to escalate things. She was so obvious

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Kim & Rinna are never gonna heal regardless if LVP played a role in it. Kim utterly loathes Rinna. I don't think LVP has to manipulate anything concerning those 2. I didn't mind LVP basking in the downfall of Rinna, as Rinna was proven to be a liar once again. She may've 'owned it,' but it is once again she is using someone's ailment as her story and it is sickening. 


I took Eileen's facial expression as her knowing she's f-cked. She's been adamantly defending Rinna and now she can't. Eileen better just back away and allow Rinna to be eaten by the wolves come reunion time b/c Kyle, LVP, Eden, and even Dorit are gonna eat her alive. 



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LVP was being extra and super messy. She wouldnt let up and kept going in on that ass. She was practically salivating in helping Rinna dig that hole. I like LVP but she's really been showing a petty side to her this season thats not all that attractive


IA on Eileen. I laughed when she got up and left when Kyle and Lisa were talking. She does not want any parts of this mess

Edited by Cheap21
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LVP is relishing Rinna being caught in a lie, and I don't think it makes her look exceptionally mean. Last year Rinna and Eileen painted themselves as the paragons of truth and virtue. EVERYBODY was gossiping about Yolanda's 'journey', and Rinna got caught saying the Munchausen word on camera and thought the audience would turn on her (mistakenly as it turned out). So she and Eileen came up with how LVP (aka that evil, dog-stroking Bond villain with mind-control powers) pressured her into saying the M word on camera. It was a [!@#$%^&*] mess and ruined everybody's standing on the show. Seeing Eileen and Rinna hoot "OWN IT! Tell the truuuuuuth!" has meant that LVP and some audience members like me have been waiting for the two self-righteous ones to fall from their 'truth' pedestal. Rinna is just upset because she has been exposed as an idiot who is as manipulative as everybody else on the show. 


I notice that Rinna has stopped bleating about "the truth" and started calling it "my truth." Interesting distinction.


Carnie Wilson is awesome and I would love her on the show more regularly as a FOH. She saw both sides and paved the way for peace. Now I hope we can put this issue to bed once and for all and Kim never has to come back to talk about her 'sobriety' like she says she doesn't want to do (but goes on other shows to talk about anyway).

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Now that I've seen the first episode of Real Housewives of Sydney my first impressions have changed, somewhat:


Matty: I was right about the lips. But I like her more than I expected. 


Nicole: Spoiled princess. Doesn't seem that bright. 


Victoria: Nastier than expected and NOT a Boss. What a shame. Throwing that cape in the harbour was ugly. 


Lisa: She seems complicated. 


Melissa: A mix of OC's Gretchen and BH's Erika. Harmless and forgettable. 


Athena X: She isn't crazy. She is an artist and was way nicer and more grounded than expected.


Krissy: I called this one right. Mean bitch.


+1 and so true about "the truth" vs "my truth"...there's a big difference. 


You cannot blame LVP for relishing Rinna being caught in her lies. I'd do the same. 

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LVP should take the high road...but at the same time, Rinna did do a number on her last season...so I cant blame her for feeling a little vindicated that Rinna is looking like a liar.


Can rinna vs Kim be put to bed already? 


Eileen's expressions were a high light..and you could tell even in her talking heads that she was struggling to put a positive spin to Rinna lol


Some people on Twitter are saying this season of BH is boring...but I disagree.  Its finally gotten the balance between the old and current version down at least in the 1st part of the season...then thr second half of the season becomes too much about feuds/storylines with little focus on their indivisual day to day activities.


Im hoping when season 8 films..that it falls during Erika's Dancing with the star stint...especially with LVP being on there before..could be fun to see how Erika does....and flashbacks to when LVP did it before...with some British shade from LVP especially of Erika does better then her lol

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The chances of Erika doing better than LVP are high, considering LVP was the second to leave when she was on DWTS.


Interestingly, Erika's partner will be Gleb Savchenko, the same dancing hottie that was LVP's partner! Bravo couldn't have scripted it better themselves. You better believe LVP vs. Erika is ON. I think LVP views Erika as her biggest rival on the show. 


As for BH this season, I don't know about boring but... BH lost some of its lustre last season. Rinna and Eileen really went scorched earth with LVP; LVP's denials, plus Yolanda's 'miraculous recovery' made things worse. I didn't like anybody. This season's theme of lingering payback of seasons past is not helping matters. Erika seems one of the least tarnished, but she also feels calculated and ruthless. LVP has aged in the space of a year and is going through the motions doing the same old charity work/back-biting combo. Rinna bulldozes people for a story. Eileen is... Iceleen. And Kyle is... Kyle. I don't feel there's a core of niceness left with anyone. Just a lot of meanness and resentment. And that dulls some of the sparkle. JMO.


Sorry I seem like such a downer on BH this year. I hope I don't spoil the enjoyment of those who love it. I still watch it because it's always been one of my fave franchises.

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In a lot of ways it seems like BH has been lucky to last this long. Almost every season since the third or so seems to be tainted by all kinds of unspoken and yet overly exposed and covered drama with someone who always ends up feeling like a burden or some sort of headache that just doesn't go away (Brandi, Kim, Yolanda, Rinna).

Edited by DRW50
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Production needs to stop scripting....this LVP and Erika both being on dancing with the stars could be a fun back and forth.  Erika is snarky and season 6 proved that they were able to banter.


Erika seems like someone that doesnt care about petty stuff...or as much as anyone else.  You could see how much she didnt care about Dorit and pantygate.  


Eileen...im cutting some slack to because of being in grief.  I think cause ive been in grief for about a yeae...sometimes you shut down, come across as cold...but some people dont like expressing grief with tears.  I do think her beef with lVP was due to grief..imho.




BH knows when to cut loose those toxic people eventually...unlike OC and NJ

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