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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHOM: I think that they are retooling the show like they did RHONY. Plus, some of the ladies have said that they are filming. IMO, I think the show is still in limbo at this point.

RHOA: Nene is once again dominating the convo and trying to place blame on Kenya slyly. :rolleyes: Nene needs to accept that she's a crappy friend. Her record shows it. And just because Cynthia didn't bring it to her attention immediately does not mean that they have not had issues. If Nene had apologized and acknowledged her wrongdoings, she'd probably still have Cynthia as a friend. But Nene never cared for Cynthia. Cynthia was temporary till she reunited with Wigzilla. Now that it's about to happen on their upcoming gushfest on Sunday, Cynthia will be an afterthought to Nene.

See.... this is why I could never rock with her. She's too stupid for her own good. How is this man the cause of you going to prison? B*tch, you caused that by not reading before signing your "John Hancock" to sh*t.

Yaass! That's my show! Still upset that Mariah lost her twin embryos and won't probably be on the show next season in full capacity.

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But that's not true. Nene DID apologize and after the "bitch" incident, Cynthia and Peter both forgave Nene, even went on vacation with them! Cynthia decided to be mad later when Twitter told her to be. Also, Nene didn't say anything about Kenya? She was referencing the reunion, where Cynthia was all the sudden mad.

Cheap - I've only seen one episode of Married to Medicine. I did like it. Should I check it out? You made it sound good lol

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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She apologized about the "bitch" incident but I'm sure she didn't apologize about her talking heads where she tossed more shade on Peter and Cynthia. Talking heads are filmed all throughout and after the season is over. Nene's opinion hardly strayed from what she said in real time. So I am not surprised that Peter and Cynthia are pressed over her comments.

And I feel like Nene in that clip was putting part of the blame on Kenya too. Just do. She always does.

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Vanderfabulous interviews Andy! How obnoxious that he keeps talking about how Joyce was annoying Yolanda so much at the reunion when in reality Yolanda was way more annoying and dismissive of Joyce. I like that Lisa told Andy to shove some lemons up his ass in order to give a proper imitation of Yolander.

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I don't think theres ever been a housewife Ive been more enamored by than Lisa V. She is just FABULOUS. I am in awe of her and would love to bask in her presence. She's like royalty to me and if I had to pick one housewife to spend an afternoon with, it would be her

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Oh yes, Lisa is definitely Queen! I don't stan for many people, but Lisa's my only ride or die from any of these franchises. If only she would adopt me. sad.png

Mama Joyce won't be attending Sharon's funeral. Good riddance! That old cow better keep to the shadows anytime she's in the presence of Todd from now on.


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Lisa Vander-fabulous-pump took that fool Brandi and wiped the floor with her--and she didn't even have to lose any class, be nasty or even derogatory at all. Yes, boo, that's how you do it. I knew it was the right decision to watch because of her (and LisaLips and Eileen). I agree that Kyle was an idiot to get involved. If I were Lisa, I would have reacted the same way to hearing Kyle was there, privy to this conversation. Kyle better work to make this right.

Way too little of Eileen but the show is not The Eileen Davidson Show, so that's fine. I can't wait for them to reveal more. It doesn't sound like she and her husband necessarily have problems, though. Bickering does not equal disaster in a marriage. It's more of a dynamic, which some people have and some people don't. All I'm hoping is that Eileen the HousewivesPerson doesn't end up coming off negatively and affecting Eileen the Actress in my eyes.

LisaLips is greatgreatgreat. Wonderful to watch. Comes off real, nice, funny (in that LisaRinna sort of way) and a joy to observe. And how funny was the call from her mother: It seems the two of them are exactly the same person, at least where their humor is concerned :lol:

Yolanda is another highlight: I have been enjoying this light material with her trying to be positive, her daughters and then this stuff about her mom (which may or may not turn for the worse in the next episode).

Um, Kim: Whatever. I did really like Kathy.

I thought Mauricio was hot the past couple of episodes but I saw his teeth in this one and I'll pass (for now. I reserve the right to become thirsty for him again at some later point).

Moving Forward Count of the Week: 2

Edited by YRBB
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