Members Taoboi Posted March 11 Members Share Posted March 11 RHOA I'm sorry, you all. But I felt it was an uneven episode. But again, the potential for buzz and promotion was right there for a good season. They could have had their version of BH S9 with LVP's exit. They filmed enough to build up to it, to show both sides, and then Kenya's final (?) exit. And then getting to the incoming Drew/Porsha drama and the return of Shady Phae Phae...just like Camille's return that season, too. All I got from this episode is that it will be slanted with no Kenya Confessionals, barely any scenes (with that brief Brit v Kenya drama happening in the background), and basically being a FOH without being one barely. It seems to me that Bravo's cutting their nose to spite their face. And that will color everything they did because this is screaming overproduced. That said...there were things that I liked. Since we are being spiteful, at least Production focused on someone who the audience knew...Shamea. I liked her in Season 9 going up against Shady Phae Phae and their drama (fighting over their friendships with Porsha) always rang true and was organic. But since then, she's been there except for being Porsha's lapdog and a good twerk. I didn't hate her though. And I liked the fact that she knew everyone. And the fact she STILL knows everyone makes her a good anchor for the show. As for the newbies...I was already ready to dislike Brit so this episode did not help that. I feel Angela is going to be the dark horse which I loved pre-season because there was so little out there. But now? She is giving S1 RHOA Housewife. And then a LOT, but I like her. And I looooove her backstory. And since it happens later, I did like Production already setting up the potential rivalry between Drew and Porsha with the Dennis stuff and the light tension between Porsha and Shamea. Until then, seeing the newbies be in some mess with OGs (Brit with Kenya, Kelli with Porsha) did keep things moving. PORSHA. I fell out with liking Porsha when it became clear how overproduced she was. And we know it took her being pregnant and the highlight of Season 11 for me to even like her. So you can guess how I feel about her right now. She was always Production's favorite, and it was more of the same for me. Just putting on a show. That said...not boring me and I like someone is speaking for the audience in the form of Kelli. And I thought it was interesting that 1) she came to her BFF's birthday late and 2) pulled BFF aside quickly (and off camera) to apologize. So they have the Eileen Davidson/Ex Soap Opera Star BH Friend Pact? Hmmm. SHAMEA. It's been said online...but it was a whole other thing to see how wealthy Shamea truly is. YASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! And it explains how she and Kandi know each other because wealthy people move together. And I did think she was talking too much in her intro, but the end of that monologue...well-played, Shamea. You got me as a fan again. The only time I did not like her was she was still being that lapdog for Porsha while also stirring the pot a little bit. Please register in order to view this content I need her to keep standing on her own two feet...while still being Porsha's BFF of course. DREW. I did finish out last season (finally) so it was so funny to see so little of her in the premiere. For all that mess at the reunion, she resonated even though she was far from a saint in the break-up of her marriage. And at least Kenya is in her corner for now, which was good to see given how much Kenya was there for her at the reunion. And LOL at Tampa Ralph being banished to the basement. KELLI. My favorite of the newbies so far. At first, I was like...she resembles Messy Mia in the face. And her personality (just not lying) felt like a mix of Mia and Latoya from Season 13, too. But once she talked about her backstory...I liked her and mad respect for her. And going ahead and coming for Porsha. So far, so good. She was giving interesting backstory and a feud. A start. ANGELA. Her vibe is giving 'wealth whispers.' And I love it. I just sense that she might be good. But her pedigree so far is superb. I look forward to more. BRIT. Anyway... KENYA. Given she's been radio silence (and for the most part reminds so though she has already started to poke at what has been shown), I was hoping that she would at least get some Confessionals or something. I can understand the edit down, but that's just slanted 'writing.' And we are already coming off HW seasons where people want to manipulate the narrative. Just show it all. There were too many moments where it felt like something was going on, for it to be cut off by Production and it looks weird or abrupt. But with what was given, I was happy to see her with Drew. And then she did make it to Shamea's birthday event. And of course...there's the feud with Brit. And she outmaneuvered her in Round 1 by her move to make it sound like they were about to talk...only for her to ignore her and focus on Kelli. How Kenya. Feels more like a hard reboot vs a soft reboot. Cautiously optimistic for now. THIS. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Wednesday at 07:30 PM Members Share Posted Wednesday at 07:30 PM RHOA And this are IN!!! I think that's very cool in spite of my opinion since at the moment...I believe BH has been the highest of all current HW shows. Then POTOMAC or OC? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted Thursday at 12:00 AM Author Members Share Posted Thursday at 12:00 AM False Alarm! Tamra is back 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted Thursday at 12:42 AM Members Share Posted Thursday at 12:42 AM Not bad numbers at all given todays rating climate for Bravo. Who didn’t see this coming Please register in order to view this content 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Thursday at 03:50 AM Members Share Posted Thursday at 03:50 AM I figured as much. But still...I guess we will be getting some drama. Please register in order to view this content Not at all. Haters to the left. I was not real timing OC but it's doing close to BH's numbers out of the gate. So I expect that to grow. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DaytimeFan Posted Thursday at 06:09 PM Members Share Posted Thursday at 06:09 PM Tamra doesn't have the guts to quit. Pretty decent numbers and I expect as the season goes on that they will grow. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Thursday at 09:43 PM Members Share Posted Thursday at 09:43 PM I totally agree. Haters want to say 'oooo people are doing next day/DVR/what-have-you' about it, but that means nothing except their streaming numbers are going to be crazy. In reality, regardless of Production's fumbling, everyone still love the show and want to see what's going on and prefer the mess LIVE. Also too much of the audience is used to and love the RHOA/Married2Medicine combo even more than the POTOMAC/Married2Medicine combo. So I'm not surprised. I fully expect it to go higher leading up to Kenya's exit. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Thursday at 10:09 PM Members Share Posted Thursday at 10:09 PM Awwww. It crossed my mind... 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Friday at 09:46 PM Members Share Posted Friday at 09:46 PM 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted Friday at 10:11 PM Members Share Posted Friday at 10:11 PM Shamari was a great addition that should still be on the show. I’m trying to find where Toya is lying. The new girls on Atlanta clearly look overworked. And everyone on M2M still has their natural face. Sit down Porsha. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Friday at 10:12 PM Members Share Posted Friday at 10:12 PM I agree. Good to see she still can pop up though. Porsha just trying to find some drama. Cuz...well... 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted Friday at 11:20 PM Author Members Share Posted Friday at 11:20 PM Its giving publicity stunt as every week its a new feud popping up o the M2M women vs Real Housewives. We've had Heavenly, Simone and Toya vs Phaedra, Porsha, Gizelle and Ayan. It feels like Peacock is gearing up for another UGT and telling the girls to start planting those seeds 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted Saturday at 07:37 PM Members Share Posted Saturday at 07:37 PM I believe it. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted yesterday at 06:51 AM Members Share Posted yesterday at 06:51 AM RHOP Now that I finally got some time...that reunion child... I know I said Part 1 was solid, but I was hoping that the girls would gang-up on Messy Mia like what happened to Brynn at the NY reunion or Wig at the RHOA s10 reunion. Well...Part 2 definitely did that for me. Gizelle and Mia may both be Production's favorites, but if Production has to choose it was going to be Gizelle. The proof was in that lovely unseen footage of Mia getting aggressive at Ashley's Drag King event. But the slow but steady gang up on Mia from Gizelle to Wendy to Stacey was superb. And then Part was STACEY'S turn!! Not that Keiarna was not already on her case during Part 2, but Wendy getting the tea from Happy Eddie who got it from TJ was crazy!!! Stacey done came up onto this show and pulled the Kenya/Walter Special on the audience??? Not that TJ can be counted as completely reliable, but it does not help that over the last few episodes of the season, Stacey's mask slipped. And I see her tell is getting bass in her voice when confronted by something that is probably true vs when she knows it's not and tries to 'bimbo' her way out of it. What followed was a comedy of errors that had me tickled. It gave me RHOM reunions with the chaos and also had me thinking that I would love to see all the ladies (Gizelle, Wendy, Ashley, Keiarna, Stacey Jacqueline) back next season cuz they were a whole ki-ki in the last part of the reunion and showed...sad as it is for me to say...that La Dame Karen and Mia aren't needed. Speaking of La Dame Karen...that unseen footage...smh. Hades continues to still be in a snowstorm because I am still agreeing with Gizelle. That was messy of Production to show. Almost like they want to bury her...which is ironic now that we know that RHOP is going on PAUSE rather than starting to shoot the next season at the end of the month with Karen in prison. Not that Karen helped herself because that was bad acting on display and doing a false narrative. I was disgusted she would even try. I am glad life has been so crazy that I have had time to sit on this. Because after watching it, I was not sure how I felt about the reunion. Or honestly if I liked the crazy energy of it. With some weeks gone by now...I actually liked it. With that said... LA DAME KAREN. GIRL, NO. While I liked how the ladies kept her presence alive with fun shade, that last bit of unseen footage was such a bad look for her. And the ladies snowballed on it from there. The tea of Wendy knowing who was in the car with Karen...not that Karen did not mention she was not alone in the car. All of the past conversations from Cha Cha to even Mia to Ashley call everything about Karen into suspect. So it will be interesting to see where she goes from here after prison. MIA. GIRL, BYE. So let me get this straight? Mia worked so hard to get from side character to sidekick to main character...and then...she ran??? I cannot believe how weaksauce Mia has gotten. She fought all season for that throne that Karen is no longer on...only to be bested by the tag-team duo of Gizelle and Wendy. Gizelle with her well-played game of chess to Wendy being over everyone around her lying to her and taking no prisoners. You know she's getting torn up when Jacqueline her representative sat there quick as a mouse. Even now...with the recent reveal that she's back with Inc again...Wendy and Gizelle had her pecked...her life is all a storyline, and it was disgusting that she would use her kids for a storyline in the first place. And she don't even like in Potomac anymore?...bye, bye trick. GIZELLE. Her best reunion. I loved her taking potshots at Mia in Part 1. But Part 2 she was turning on the screws and I loved it. And then she was dropping bombs. Mia no longer lives in Potomac aka why is she on the show. Talking about the unseen footage (which Production was kind enough to show), adding to the appearance of a violent Mia. And co-signing with Wendy how she is clearly doing a storyline with her and her men. Not to mention the paternity storyline that she poked holes in by timeline. Meanwhile, Gizelle's rivalry with Stacey took on levels in Part 3. She kept telling her to handle the TJ situation with a phone call before Production got ahold of that tape. And Stacey stood her ground. So that rivalry will be fun to see next season. Oh, and very happy that she is still with Dark Chocolate. I really enjoyed their date this season. WENDY. Darn she bitter. But I didn't mind it. Because Wendy was on fire. Being hurt by Karen had Wendy not taking anyone's lies. Part 2 with Mia and tag-teaming her with Gizelle. And then Part 3 with Stacey. I doubt her and Gizelle will stay on the same side, but...we will see. ASHLEY. Of course, she would get her licks in on Karen. And her vs Wendy...who won...was just her looking for an issue to keep her relevant. KEIARNA. She said she felt like Stacey had been lying in Part 1 about TJ. And Part 2 she kept saying it. So you know she felt vindicated. Meanwhile, why is she still with that man? STACEY. Stacey, Stacey, Stacey...not the Walter??? lol smh. But the fact she stood ten toes deep in that mess was something else. It was only a matter of time before Production got that footage off Mia. She should have just told on herself. Still, it was a mess. Wendy and Gizelle said it best. Given how much the fans loved Stacey, it would be an uphill battle to get back into their good graces if she got caught in a lie so might as well resolve it quickly before Production resolve it FOR YOU. And she knew she was in the wrong cuz like I said earlier...her tell is that she gets bass in her voice. And that monologue? Ms Quad she ain't!! Still overall a great reunion. And I can't wait for them to return. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DemetriKane Posted 17 hours ago Members Share Posted 17 hours ago RHOA Episode 2 was just okay. Not liking the full-body confessionals. Not liking girls fashions either. I liked Shamea's tangerine dress though. I enjoyed Kenya and Porsha's sit-down but I hated Porsha's outfit. Very city girl! I love Charles Oakley. He seems very comfortable in front of the cameras and very opinionated. I didn't care about anything Angela was talking about, he stole the scene. Very charismatic and very sexy. Porsha/Dennis/Drew fake storyline. Please register in order to view this content I guess we have a wedding to look forward to with Brit and Mike. Shamea and Kelli have the most interesting storylines to me. Simone and Toya hopefully. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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