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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I really enjoyed the first episode. The overall chemistry felt good and the new girls having connections to each other, and then connections to the existing cast, felt organic. 

I have always enjoyed Shamea and it turns out she's fabulously rich! And from good 'ol HVAC!

Having never, ever, liked Kenya, I don't mind her being edited out at all. 

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I like it! 

Shamea was the clear standout. I find her very relatable, talented, funny, supportive, level-headed, and humble. She is the heart and soul of the show for me right now. Great decision to make her the center.

Kelli came in hot 

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 But she is the voice of the fans. I enjoyed her. Interested to learn more about her.

Brit seems sweet actually. I was expecting something completely different. At the moment, she feels cool to me, very demure and soft with a colorful past I suppose.

Angela also felt chill to me. She is a callback to the original days of housewives being married to wealthy, and so far, I like her. And, she doesn't cook either. 


Edited by DemetriKane
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Breaking news! Gretchen allegedly dragged the F out of Tamra with assists from Shannon which forced Tamra to QUIT the show mid cast trip! Andy talked about it. My guess is that she is in her feelings but producers will try to convince her to finding the season out. I can’t imagine her leaving after all she did to get back

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Tamra's comeuppance is overdue and if Tamra was savvy, she'd eat it like she did back in S9 when she went toe-to-toe with the entire cast at reunion and fought back. Tamra's meant to be the toughest of the OGs. Isn't she? She can handle Shannon and Gretchen, surely.


ATL was refreshing to watch, and that was thanks to Shamea who I've always liked. Interestingly, when she was talking about her close friendships with the past cast, she left out one of the most significant: Kandi.

I enjoyed Angela but jury's still out on Britt and Kelli. With Kenya being phased out, this soft reboot is turning into an almost complete reboot, and I'm not sure these two have what it takes to be RHOA HWs for the ages. It's still early days, though, but that's my first impression. 

Not a fan of Kenya, but her reaction to Drew talking about Porsha's Dennis as she attempted to nod along were pretty funny. The Drew-Dennis relationship does feel put together for a SL.



I've struggled to find something to post about with the show, even though I've been enjoying it. The episodes are a sort of soothing retread of the previous episode, just in a slightly different setting. LA or Augusta. Sutton vs Dorit. Kyle is struggling to come to terms with the end of her marriage. So far, I'm OK with that. Rinna has been promoting her new podcast and bragging about how boring the show is and Bravo is begging her, 'the GOAT,' to return, but honestly I'd rather have the show as is than have her come back. The cast currently has chemistry with each other. Jennifer Tilly is a very fun FOH. We even got to see Faye Resnick at Caviar Kaspia, who felt comfortable enough to be especially elegantly catty when it came to Sutton. Did Sutton miss Faye's reference to her day-dtinking?? LOL. How i wish Faye was also a regular FOH. And interestingly, she came as Kathy's friend -- i guess in the last Kathy-Kyle bust-up, Kathy got to keep Faye in the divorce.

I'm also wondering if Kyle will stay on after this season. There's something very full circle about her SL, and she won't discuss what's the deal with Morgan.

I love what Martyn Lawrence Bullard did with Erika's bungalow. He upped the sophistication factor. Without Rinna, Erika is infinitely more grounded and likeable a cast member.

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So, I got this weird flashback when I watched the scene on RHOA when "friend of" Cynthia and about-to-be-booted Kenya were talking on a bench in a lil corner. [Side note: Ooh, Cynthia, that dress was the wrong choice]

Remember when The CW did the 90210 reboot and you had all the young newbies as the new heart of the show while the OG's from the original (Brenda, Kelly etc.) were there for the first season and then completely phased out? That's the vibe I got. This is basically a reboot with the familiar face of Porsha as the last sole survivor. Yeah, Drew is there, but she's not from the golden era of RHOA. 

That said, Shamea (and her WEALTH!) did surprise me and so I'll eat my own words on my earlier comments about her. She definitely felt like the anchor of this new era of the ATL, with Porsha coming back as the resident pot-stirrer (a friendly version of OC's Tamra). 

I have not dove into the mess that is whatever's going on with Tamra quitting, but I did see a pic of her, Gretchen, and Shannon crossing the street and holy moly it was not a good angle... 


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Yeah, we have finally hit the boring spot in the season. Looking forward to a soft reboot hopefully, cause Kathy and Jennifer Tilly kooky personalities are not adding enough value to the show. This season is exactly why I do not like when they drag out storylines for the entire season. 

Dorit vs. Kyle and Sutton was refreshing for the first few episodes, but I wish we had another juicy story to take center stage right now. And no, not Kyle and Moe.


I personally enjoy Tamra on the show. At the moment, I am watching Gretchen's seasons and I applaud her. Vicki and Tamra were very mean toward her so this news is exciting.


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I won't be mad about Tamra finally getting her comeuppance from Gretchen.  Talk about full circle.  Bitd, it was easy to let Tamra get away with it because Gretchen (and Slade) was(/were) trash, too.  (Except "Naked Wasted"--that should have been objectively horrifying to everyone.)  But Gretchen does not get the credit she deserves--her & Tamra's feud literally made HWs what it would become and Tamra takes all the credit.  Gretchen had to go to Bass Lake for Tamra to start it all.

However, if Shannon is involved it'll take away some of the justice for me.  I think the Tres Amigas: Vicki, Tamra and Shannon are all equally vile and evil people . . . Shannon has somehow gotten away with murder for these last few years while Vicki and Tamra have (deservedly) been going through it.

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... And in all honesty, I was only interested in seeing the OG's. Much like that awful, disrespectful Melrose Place reboot of 2009; I only cared about the original cast, not the next generation. 

Hopefully this next generation of RHOA will keep me interested. Kelli is already doing too much. I am reminded of my first impression of Brynn on the first eppy of NuRHONY. 

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I came around to the newbies (though the completist in me wants to finish both reboots), but I agree. ESPECIALLY with 90210.


Commenting on them as I type.

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 But Kelli is my early fave. Too much, but a relateable backstory upfront. 

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The RHOA premiere wasn’t bad. But the editing reminded me of Love and Hip Hop when I used to watch that. They’re trying to give the rich feel of Dubai but they’re missing the mark.

I honestly don’t think I like any of the newbies. It’s clear they’re all trying really hard and it doesn’t come across as natural. I was much more interested in the scenes when Porsha, Cynthia, and even Kenya were anchoring them. 

Britt came on the show wanting an issue with Kenya, that was extremely clear. Normally I would love that but I don’t like the newbies.

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